Mr Speaker, I do notwant to say that I oppose this amendment,but just to draw the Committee'sattention. If you put the actual figures likeGH¢1,250, in five years, what does thatbecome?Are you now going to be runningevery now and then back to this Housewith this Law, just to be able to changethe figure? Mr Speaker, I am suggesting that inplace of these actual figures, we rathergive Bank of Ghana the mandate to be ableto charge the necessary fees. When youdo that, they can, on daily basis, decideto change it depending on circumstances.But when you now fix it, GH¢1,250, GH¢5,000 or GH¢6,250, in five years, what dothose figures become? [Interruptions.] No! But that is not proper. You do notdo that. Unless otherwise, if you want to,you can look at the equivalent of penaltyunits. This is because the penalty unitsare revised --[Interruption]-- No, I amsaying that, when you do that-- This is because you are tagging it tosomething, that is revised, but if you putit as a fixed thing in the Law, Mr Speaker,we all know how difficult it is to re-introduce a law apart from the HonMinister for Finance, who can easily bringTax Bills, it is not easy for laws to be re-introduced.
So, to put figures there, I think it is notappropriate. This is because in five years,it becomes irrelevant, then you arestruggling and when people arecomplaining that this is too small, thenthey would say that, that is what is in thelaw, until we amend it, that is what wouldbe going on. I do not think that is proper.