Mr Speaker, with thegreatest respect to my Hon Colleague, ifhe takes the Business Statement for theweek, he would see that we have itemiseda number of Bills. It is true that it is anindication, but when we are on the floor,because we have advertised that thisnumber of Bills could be considered forthe week, I believe that it is the nature ofthe business that helps us to movearound. Other than that, we would haveclosed in the morning. In the morning when we werestruggling to get the Committee onFinance to come from the Committee todo the Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Institutions Bill, 2015, if we hadinsisted that because today we haddecided to prioritise that and they werenot in, we would have long closed. Thatwas why we indicated a number ofbusinesses.
I know the difficulties and inconveniencesthat it creates when your anticipation isthat some particular ones would beemphasised and then at the end of theday, you come and then a good number ofthem is done. This is because today alone,we have done the Right to InformationBill, Banks and Specialised Deposit-takingInstitutions Bill and now we are doing this. We are anticipating in about 20 minutestime to go back to the RevenueAdministration Bill. There are too manybusinesses that are to be run and we aretrying to maximise the time. So, I hope HonColleagues would bear with us. Mr Speaker, like he said, if he takestoday's Order Paper, he would see thatwhat we are doing is in it. If he looks atyesterday's Order Paper, it was there. Ifhe takes the Business Statement of lastweek he would realise that what we wouldbe doing this week is indicated there. Andwhen we are communicating, it is true thatwe communicate which are the prioritiesthat we laid emphasis on. So, he shouldbear with us. Mr Speaker, if you would permit me, Iwould come back to the substantive issue.