Mr Speaker, I beg to move,clause 134, subclause (1), delete and insertthe following: “(1) Where a person who is
(a) a broker-dealer, fund manager,investment adviser; or (b) a representative of a broker-dealer, fund manager or aninvestment adviser, sendcirculars or other similarwritten communications inwhich that person makes a
recommendation, whetherexpressly or by implication,with respect to securities or aclass of securities, thatperson shall ensure that, thereis included in each circular orcommunication, in type, notless legible than that used inthe remainder of the circularor communication, a concisestatement of the nature of; (c) any interest in the securitiesor class of securities; or (d) any interest in the acquisitionor disposal of those securitiesor those securities included inthat class, that broker-dealer,fund manager, investmentadviser or their representativesor a person associated with thatbroker dealer, fund manager,investment adviser or theirrepresentatives has, at the dateon which the circular orcommunication is sent”.
Mr Speaker, this is to break down therendition, to make it more reader friendly.The way it is couched is too clumsy, so,we are breaking it down into paragraphs(a), (b) and (c) for our readers to follow. Question put and amendment agreedto.