Bills during the period. A total of nineteen(19) Bills were passed during the Meeting.Some of the significant ones include thefollowing:
i. Maritime Pollution Bill, 2015 ii. Chartered Institution of TaxationBill, 2014 iii. Revenue Administration Bill,2016 iv. National Disaster ManagementOrganisation Bill, 2015 v. Supplementary AppropriationBill, 2015 vi. Technical Universities Bill, 2016 vii.Bank of Ghana (Amendment) Bill,2016 viii. Securities Industry Bill, 2015 ix. Public Financial ManagementBill, 2016 x. Petroleum (Exploration andProduction) Bill, 2016 xi. Ghana Deposit Protection Bill,2015 xii. Banks and Specialised Deposit-taking Institutions Bill, 2015.
Mr Speaker, the last two Bills listedabove are particularly instructive as theyrepresent a timely response to the call bythis House for the Bank of Ghana to takeurgent measures to protect the interest ofdepositors, particularly funds of innocentinvestors with microfinance companies. Iwish to urge the Bank to implement to theletter, the provisions of the Bills when theycome into force.
Mr Speaker, the Hon Minister forFinance was also in the House to presentthe mid-year review and supplementaryestimates for the year 2016. Even thoughthe period was too short for Hon Membersand this House to thoroughly scrutinisethe report of the Minister and theestimates, I have no doubt and I alsobelieve that Ghanaians did appreciate thatwe discharged our mandate creditablyunder the circumstances.
Mr Speaker, the House also consideredthree (3) nominations by the President forappointment as Deputy Ministers of Sate.The nominees were:
i. Mr Emmanuel BombandeDeputy Minister-Designate,Foreign Affairs and RegionalIntegration. ii. Mr Joseph Agmor Tetteh -Deputy Minister-Designate forEastern Region. iii. Hon John Oti Bless - DeputyMinister-Designate, Local Govern-ment and Rural Development.
Two (2) of the nominees, Mr Bombandeand Mr Tetteh, were approved by the House. We thank the Appointments Committeefor an excellent job done during thevetting. I also wish to take thisopportunity to wish the approvednominees well in their new posts. Mr Speaker, for the second consecutiveMeeting, this House sadly lost one of itsMembers. The Hon Member for Abetifi,Mr Peter Wiafe Pepera passed on to gloryon 21st May 2016. He was laid to rest onSaturday, 23rd July, 2016. I commend HonMembers for attending the funeral to bidour departed Colleague a befittingfarewell.
Mr Speaker, in accordance with article112 of the Constitution, a by-election washeld for the Abetifi Constituency and MrBryan Acheampong was duly elected asthe Member of Parliament for the saidconstituency. Mr Bryan Acheampong wassworn in as Member of Parliament onWednesday, 20th July, 2016. Mr Speaker, Mrs Gifty Twum-Ampofowas also sworn in as the Member ofParliament for the Abuakwa NorthConstituency, after the seat was declaredvacant upon the death of Hon J. B.Danquah Adu, the then Member ofParliament for the said constituency. It is rather unfortunate, Mr Speaker,that the good people of the EasternRegion had to lose two of their Members-- within this Session. We continue tomourn with them and also hope that thenewly-elected Members are worthyreplacements to continue with the goodworks started by their predecessors. Iurge Hon Members to continue to supportthe new Members through to the end ofthe life of this Parliament and hopefully,God willing, we will be with them again inJanuary, 2017.
Mr Speaker, time is already far spentso, I would wish to thank you for the ablemanner in which you steered the affairsof the House during the Meeting to asuccessful end; you were balanced, fairand firm. I pray that the Good Lord willcontinue to grant you good health andstrength in the coming days and monthsto guide the life of this Parliament tosuccessful end. I also thank your deputies for takingthe Chair any time you were unavoidablyout of the Chair. They have on those
occasions, risen above their respectiveParty positions in the discharge of theonerous duty of presiding over the affairsof the House. I pray for long life and hopethey will find time and space from theirconstituency responsibilities to rest untilwe meet again for the commencement ofthe Third Meeting. To my Hon Colleagues in Leadership, Icommend them for the team spiritexhibited during the period. Through ourcollective effort, the Meeting was asuccess and we were able to clearperceived hurdles that sought to divideus. I am grateful and I pray that, thatcollective spirit will continue to be withus and remain with us until the end of thelife of this Parliament. Mr Speaker, to all my Hon Colleagues,I thank them for their support andcooperation during the Meeting. As wedepart to our various constituencies, Ipray for travelling mercies, and that Godwill be with us during our constituencyinteractions until we meet again for theThird Meeting. To the Clerk and his Staff, we commendthem for the support service during theperiod. It is our hope that you will continueto provide Hon Members and the Housewith quality and unbiased pieces ofadvice to enable us discharge ourresponsibilities. To our Friends from the Media, wethank you for your reportage of theBusiness of the House. There has nodoubt been an increase in the airtime andinch space dedicated to Parliament in thevarious Media Houses but we believethere is still room for improvement. I,therefore, urge you to continue toencourage your respective Editors to findmore space for Parliament. I further wish to encourage you tocrosscheck your stories pertaining to thebusiness of the House, which border onits integrity with the Leadership beforegoing to press in order to minimise thedisagreements between the House and the