Mr Speaker, I said that we would establish the district police station. However, the number of police personnel we can deploy depends on the accommodation that can be provided. Having said so, we also know that we need to also involve ourselves.
For instance, Adaklu asked for six officers; we hope that with the plea I have made to the Hon Member, he would involve the District Assembly in enhancing that. Beyond that, we would also do what we can. But I do not want a commitment to a specific number. It depends on what the situation is in every case. But we would do our best to provide what we can provide.
Mr Speaker, one of the challenges is that we do not have sufficient police officers and we are working towards getting the ratio of one police officer to 500 citizens. I have already indicated at another forum that we probably need about 8,000 police officers to be recruited this year. If we can achieve that, I am sure we would be able to do a lot more, including Adaklu.