Mr Speaker, I will like to state that the strategic policy priorities of government in relation to the Ministry of Inner-City and Zongo Development (MICZD) are guided by the Coordinated Programme of Economic and Social Development Policies (2017-2024). These are:
i. Upgrading inner-cities, Zongos and slums (CPESDP, pp 93).
ii. Establishment of the Zongo Development Fund (ZoDF) to support the provision of critical infrastructure in education and training, health and sanitation, local businesses and centres of culture, as well as improve security (CPESDP, pp116).
Mr Speaker, with your permission, I beg to add some information to the Answer.
Mr Speaker, we have also taken into consideration the African Union Agenda
of 2063; a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development.
We also took into consideration the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11; making cities and human settlements safe, resilient and sustainable, and of course, the 40-year National Long-term Development Plan Goal 3; build safe, well planned and sustainable communities.
In line with these priorities, the mandate of the Ministry is to formulate and oversee implementation of policies, programmes and projects to alleviate poverty and ensure that inner-cities and zongo communities do not become areas of despair, difficulty and social conflict, but should rather be safe, resilient sustainably and inclusively developed and prosperous.
Mr Speaker, the state of inner city and zongo communities reflect a major developmental challenge related to poor housing, weak local economic development, limited prosperity and high levels of social and economic vulnerability.
Under the 2018 Action Plan and Budget of the Ministry, about 11 programmes and projects have been outlined under the Inner City and Zongo Infrastructure Programme and 23 under the Inner City and Zongo Economic and Social Development Programme.
These programmes are expected to deliver a range of interventions related to community drains and access roads, bailey bridges, street lights, recreational parks, household and public toilets, institutional toilets, refuse management, water facilities, basic school rehabilitation, libraries and primary health infrastructure.
Others include vocational skills training, business development training, culture and tourism promotion and ethno- religious dialogue interventions.
These interventions are expected to improve basic community infrastructure, provide incentives for residents to undertake housing improvements and enhance the local economic development situation of the targeted areas.
Mr Speaker, in line with governments bottom up approach to development, the MICZD is undertaking a nation-wide baseline and needs assessment in the various Zongo communities to determine their priority development needs and target its interventions appropriately.
So far, 479 Zongos in five (5) regions have been visited, namely Brong Ahafo, Eastern, Central, Upper West and Upper East Regions, including the Nangodi Zongo Community for that matter.
In focus group discussions held with opinion leaders in the Upper East Region, it emerged that the three priority development needs of people in Nangodi Zongo are: boreholes, neem oil extraction factory and English and Arabic Basic School.
Mr Speaker, the Ministry is currently assessing these needs and will determine with the involvement of the Nangodi Zongo Community, which of these projects will have the highest impact and therefore a priority for implementation in the 2018 and 2019 fiscal year.
In the second stage of this exercise, the Ministry will continue with the Zongo community needs assessment in the remaining five regions, namely Greater Accra, Ashanti, Western, Volta and Northern Region.
Mr Speaker, I wish to inform you that H.E. the President, in May 2018, appointed the Chief Executive of the Zongo Development Fund and his two deputies, Baba Alhassan, Baba Saddique and Aisha Salifu Dagaati.
Last week, specifically on the 11th June, 2018, H.E the President inaugurated an 11- member governing Board of the Zongo Development Fund. With this, work is expected to proceed in earnest to providing solutions to the myriad challenges facing the Zongo communities.