Mr Speaker, I beg to move, clause 2, insert a new subclause (2), as follows:
“General Information shall be collected, processed and managed in accordance with the Public Records and Archives Adminis- tration Act, 1997, (Act 535).”
Indeed, what my senior Colleague, the Hon Member for Suhum proposed to do is what this proposed amendment would do much more efficiently. Mr Speaker, I call this the warehouse provision because before we could access information, it must be available in consumable forms.
Like I said before, this law is a search engine. It enables us access to the information but the information must be there. Now, the State has the Public Records and Archives Administration Act 1997, Act 535 which prescribes how public information, general information, and
public records are supposed to be collected, processed and stored so that one could access that information as a constitutional right.
So Mr Speaker, to strengthen the current clause 2, which states that one could access the general information without application, we need to point to the warehouse. We need to stabilise the source and make sure that the information is there to be accessed.
Therefore, we are reinforcing the responsibility of Government to ensure that the information is mobilised, collected, processed and stored according to law as it exists under Public Records and Archives Administration Act 1997, (Act 535).
Mr Speaker, this is to add to and reinforce clause 2, as proposed in order to ensure that the information we seek to access is available to us by way of expression in a warehouse, which is the Government's repository.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.