Restructure IAA to function as a de- partment of the MoF and the Internal Au- dit Department will then be the Internal Auditor of Government, with all Internal Audit Units in MDAs and MMDAs directly under its control and management. This will help to align the activities of Internal Auditing to national financial priorities and strategies set by the Ministry of Finance.
Medium Term Revenue Policy
Mr Speaker, the Ministry is putting to- gether a medium-term revenue policy that would outline revenue reforms targeted at ensuring that there is adequate revenue to fund Government programmes. The policy is expected to inform revenue measures for the 2019 Budget Statement and beyond.
Subsequent to the policy will be the development of a medium-term revenue strategy to act as a vehicle for the implementation of the policy. The proposed measures would feed seamlessly into the policy and strategy.
Section Five: Update on Key Policy Initiative
Mr Speaker, having gone through the macroeconomic performance for the first half-year, please, permit me to also provide you with the update on the flagship projects and programmes in the 2018 Budget Statement.
Status of implementation of Flagship Programmes
Mr Speaker, we crafted our policies and strategies to ensure that we accelerate growth and development and at the same time “leave no one behind”. Thus, we are implementing a myriad of growth- enhancing, job-creating, and social intervention programmes to better the lives
of the people of Ghana as well as achieve relevant SDGs.
Planting for food and jobs programme
In the 2018 Budget Statement, a total sum of GH¢700 million was allocated for the implementation of the Programme, out of which GH¢ 365,609,010.50 has been released to fund various components of the programme. Thirty (30) new warehouses to be equipped with seed cleaners, dryers and weighing scales are being constructed in strategic Districts in Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Volta, Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions. Evaluation of bids is completed for the construction of the warehouses.
Additionally, the programme received a boost from 216 pickups and 3,000 motor- cycles and protective clothing, including uniforms and Wellington boots which were distributed to the District Agricultural Departments and Agricultural Extension Agents across the country.
Infrastructure for Poverty Eradication Programme (IPEP)
Mr Speaker, the main vehicle for delivering the IPEP -- the three (3) Development Authorities-- have been established and their governing boards inaugurated. This is great news for the programme as the IPEP project would then become more decentralised.
For the implementation of the programme, commencement certificates amounting to GH¢548,104,163.81 have so far been issued out of the approved budget of GH¢1,237,500,000.00. This has paved way for the following projects to be implemented:
Construction of 1,000 Community Based Limited Mechanised Solar Powered Water Systems;
Construction of 50 No. 1,000 metric tons prefabricated warehouses;
Construction of 570 small dams and dugouts in the three Northern Re- gions under the One Village, One Dam initiative; and
Construction of 1,000 No. 10-seater water closet institutional/commu- nity toilets with mechanised boreholes and solar panels.
One District, One Factory (IDIF) Initiative
Mr Speaker, to date, the Ministry of Trade and Industry has received 781 expressions of interest, out of which 632 have been reviewed and 332 identified for financial support for factories in the districts. In order to attract more private sector investments in support of the 1D1F programme, Cabinet has approved incentive packages, including tax waivers, which will be presented to this august House for approval.
Mr Speaker, we have also negotiated with a number of banks who have agreed to match funds for these programmes. Government would subsidise these loans to 1D1F beneficiaries of about 10 per cent interest rate.
Stimulus Package
In the 2018 Budget Statment, the Ghana EXIM Bank was expected to provide an amount of GH¢236 million to revamp distressed but commercially-viable industries. The bank has disbursed US$5.1 million to the pharmaceutical and textile industries. The Universal Merchant Bank
has also disbursed GH¢2 million to the alu- minium industry.
Free SHS Programme
Mr Speaker, Government continued with the implementation of the Free SHS Programme after take-off in September
The implementation of the programme created opportunity for the enrolment of an additional 90,000, students who would have otherwise dropped out of school. Currently, a total of 362,118 first year students from all public senior high schools are benefiting from the Free SHS Programme. This is made up of 117,692 day students and 244,426 boarding students.
Mr Speaker, to date, GH¢899,524,466.30 has been released for the 2017/18 academic year. In addition, sufficient allocation has been made in the 2018 Budget Statement to cover the first term of the 2018/19 academic year.
Mr Speaker, in order to address the challenges identified with the implementa- tion of the programme, 96,413 mono desks, 32,171 dining hall furniture, 3,033 tables and chairs for teachers, 12,953 bunk beds, 4,335 student mattresses, and 5,135 computer laboratory chairs have been supplied to various senior high schools.
Nation Builders' Corps
The 2018 Budget Statement provided GH¢600 million for the implementation of the programme, out of which GH¢300 million has been released to take care of the initial cost of the programme.
Nursing Trainee Allowance
Mr Speaker, in consonance with the policy to reinstate the nursing trainee allowances, an amount of GH¢311,988,400.00 was allocated in the 2018 Budget State- ment to pay the allowances of 68,000 trainee