Mr Speaker, I raised the issue relative to the Fourth Schedule and I am guided by your advice to the Hon Chairman.
Mr Speaker, particularly so, as you have demonstrated interest in getting a good law passed to serve the people of Ghana.
Even sitting at this hour, you deserve a mention. The Hon Chairman deserves a mention. Those who have so religiously participated in these processes -- so it is the principle.
I think what we should have done was that during the Second Reading, the Hon Chairman, in leading the debate, should have recognised the tremendous contribution of these individuals for the record; but to make it part of a legislation, we must be careful.
We are not setting precedent that, tomorrow, if a Vigilantism Bill passes, anybody who participated or played a role would say we should put in his or her name, and if tomorrow there is another legislation, perhaps, on banking crises, someone would say we should put in his or her name.
Mr Speaker, I would not depart from recognising the role that the learned Professor Justice S.K. Date- Bah and others, particularly Mr Felix Addo and others -- we appreciate their role. Mrs Mavis Amoah -- any person who has done professional drafting would give her a thumbs up for her professionalism and appreciation of the issues.
Mr Speaker, I am sure when it comes to the feminine world, beyond your good friend of blessed memory, Justice V.C.R.A.C. Crabbe, she would represent them.
So we raised it because when the Hon Chairman was moving through the Schedules, we allowed him with
ease, but we are following, and in the Fourth Schedule, clause 3, he is contradicting himself. Even in his own amendment, he said it was for some other purpose, not what he was articulating on the Floor. He said it was for illustration purposes.
Mr Speaker, I cannot agree more with you that this House should shy away from personalising legislation and recognising individuals. What we can do is that, maybe, tomorrow we would seek Mr Speaker's leave during the Third Reading for the Hon Minister to pay tribute to these individual contributions.
Mr Speaker, I boarded a flight with Justice Date-Bah, and I appreciated the fact that he had to travel to Koforidua to take part in the Winnowing before even accepting to go on the foreign trip. That sacrifice is well recognised.
Mr Speaker, we know that even beyond the passage of this Bill, you are already engaged with Mr Felix Addo and others about an ancillary legislation to strengthen this legislation. Must you be mentioned in it?
So the Hon Chairman should not let us personalise as Mr Speaker has guided. Mine was just that we should clean it up, because I saw names in it like honorary membership and others. He can deal with it; but it is not neater to have it done, and it does not serve our purposes into the future.
Thank you, Mr Speaker.