Thank you Mr Speaker, for the opportunity to comment on the Statement made by the Hon Minister for Health, presented by the Hon Deputy Minister for Health, Hon Dr Bernard Okoe Boye, on the current situation on CSM and COVID-19 in the Upper West Region.
Mr Speaker, I thank the Hon Minister for the Statement and I would like to commend all health workers in the Upper West Region for the hard work in battling these two epidemic conditions.
Mr Speaker, before I go on, permit me to use this opportunity to educate the House and by that, the entire public including my own Hon Colleague Doctor, the Deputy Minister for Health on CSM.
Mr Speaker, I have carefully looked at the title and the definition of CSM coming from the Ministry of Health, read by my Hon Colleague Doctor, and it says: “CSM is an infection of the meninges covering of the brain and the spinal cord. The infection can be caused by a virus, fungus or bacteria.”
Mr Speaker, let it be known from today onwards that CSM is a subset of a meningitis. A meningitis is the inflammation of the lining of the spinal cord; the meninges of the spinal cord and the brain. Mr Speaker, when we say CSM, we are talking about the type of meningitis that is caused by meningococcal or Neisseria Meningitides. This is because since the outbreak of meningitis, it has been reported as CSM and even today in the House, an Hon Colleague Doctor is also calling the meningitis CSM, and I would just like to put it on record that these two should be clearly distinguished for the media and for the Ministry and for my own colleague doctors so that they would no more refer to CSM when they mean meningitis.
Mr Speaker, proceeding, we have an outbreak of meningitis in the Upper West of which CSM was a subset. If we look at the analysis the Minister has presented, it says: “Mr Speaker, we have 273 cases of CSM”. And
that buttresses my point. The Upper West Region has had 273 cases of meningitis, not CSM. He goes on to give the breakdown using 63 -- Mr Speaker, I know you, and before coming to Parliament, I respect you a lot when it comes to analysis, 273 cases of meningitis, and they said they have sampled 63; meaning about 210 of meningitis cases in the Upper West Region, we do not know what cases they are.
And my Hon Colleague Doctor who travelled to the Upper West Region and had a better understanding of the situation, decided to give analysis for only 63 cases. Mr Speaker, this cannot be, and this Ministry cannot distort the analysis of the epidemiological data.
Mr Speaker, if we use 63 cases, what conclusion would we make that would bring meaningful interventions to help the people of the Upper West Region? So the people of Upper West Region are not surprised because even the Ministry of Health does not understand the burden of meningitis in the Upper West Region.
How could we use 63 cases to make a conclusion when we have 273 cases out of which about 43 died? Mr Speaker, I do not want to say that this Statement is misleading, but it needs further and better particulars for
us to really understand the situation in the Upper West Region.
Mr Speaker, the Hon Minister also calls one of the sub-types of the Neisseria Meningitides a novel bacterium. Mr Speaker, the fact that we have COVID-19 which is referred to as novel, does not mean that anything that we do not understand, is novel.
Mr Speaker, when it comes to sub- types of Neisseria Meningitides, we have from a, b, c, up to s. And let us take any medical textbooks, we would find type ‘s' there. So, since when has type ‘s' become novel?
Mr Speaker, to conclude, to say that the meningitis in the Upper West Region started in December, 2019 - Mr Speaker, naturally, in the meningitis belt, the meningitis starts around December and goes on to the following year, and by April or May with the raining seasons, then, it starts going down. So if the Hon Deputy Minister for Health has visited the Upper West Region at almost the end of April and gathered data and came here to say that the situation, as he is talking, there are only four cases, it is because we are in April, and by May, those who would have died, the system would have killed them anyway. So naturally, he visited there