Mr Speaker, the Hon Member who first intervened raised issues about an Urgent Question that he has asked of the Minister for the Interior. He says to us that it is outstanding.
Mr Speaker, unfortunately, last week I was not here, so I am unable to have a full grasp of the question but I would follow up with the Minister for the Interior to see if it is possible to have space for him next week? The Minister for the Interior is programmed to be with us next week, so I would follow up but I am not privy to that Urgent Question.
Mr Speaker, Hon Ayariga is also giving an indication that he also filed a Question for the Minister for Agriculture in respect of prices of fertilisers. He is saying that the Question is not programmed for next week. Again, the Hon Minister is programmed to be with us next week, so I would have a discussion with him to see the status of that Question. So, on his arrival, it could be part of the questions to be responded to.
Then, the other relates to a Motion on security matters and I said that we were having some discussions on it. The statement was to the effect that the Hon Member responsible for the
Motion had not been contacted. As the Speaker referred the matter to us, that is the level of leadership to have that discussion, I thought that maybe, you had been contacted. I have however had some preliminary discussions with the Hon Minority Leader. I must admit that we have not concluded, but I think that it is important that we carry it on board.
Also, those others who filed the other Motions, it is about the same effect. It just relates to when to begin the investigation and I think that if Parliament has to do it, it should be all embracing. We would however deal with it. We all appreciate the principle, so I would continue the discussion with the Hon Minority Leader and latest by Tuesday, we should conclude this and see how to go along with it.
Mr Speaker, if I heard her right, Hon Zanetor Agyeman-Rawlings said that some Questions that she asked have not been responded to but have disappeared from the Order Paper. I am not too sure of the nature of those Questions but I would have a discussion with her to see how to bring them back to the front burner.
Hon Ablakwa raised some issues, one is to do with two Motions, with the first one in respect of the Frontier
Health Service. I think that it is still outstanding. I thought that the issues that he related to when the man appeared before the Committee came up in my view, were adequately and sufficiently responded to. If he however thinks that we should still investigate, so be it. We would continue the discussion with him, Rt Hon Speaker and the Hon Minority Leader, and then accordingly if it is worthy to be brought back, it would certainly be brought back.
Mr Speaker, then we have recruitment into the security services. Again, I guess it is of the same order that Hon Ayariga raised. I think that it is about the same thing and the response would be about the same. It just relates to when to begin. The common strands affect the two Motions, so we would deal with it and then see how best to capture it and move on with it as a House.
Mr Speaker, the other one has to do with the time of Sitting -- either 10 a. m. or 2 p. m. I think that we exempted Fridays to have Sittings begin at 10 a. m., just to accommodate our Muslim brothers and sisters. The other three days, that is Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, we generally agreed to commence business at 2 p. m., except as I said, beginning next week, we would not commence business at 10 a. m., but
rather 11 a. m. This is because there is a tall order of agenda, especially with respect to Questions.
The House would soon adjourn sine die and Hon Members who have filed Questions would want to have those Questions responded to, so that at least, going back home, they would have something in hand to tell their constituents. So, it is for that reason primarily that we have decided to begin Sittings at 11 a. m. beginning next week. So, for the next two ensuing weeks, Sittings would begin at 11 a. m. and not 10 a. m. I explained that at the very outset.
Mr Speaker, on Thursday, again, we would begin at 11 a. m. for the Mid-Year Review and the Questions that have been slated. Question time lasts for one hour, so if we keep to time, we could deal with it in one hour before the commencement of the presentation of the Mid-Year Review and Supplementary Estimates by the Minister for Finance. It is our own time consciousness, so if we indicate to ourselves that we would meet at 11 a. m. and on that particular day, if you have filed a Question and you are not present, the Question would be skipped, so that at exactly 12 p. m. the Minister for Finance would come and do the presentation.
Mr Speaker, the Hon Member for Krowor said that she filed an Urgent Question and is pleading with the House to admit same. I have heard but it does not lie with the House to admit the Question but it lies with Mr Speaker. So, maybe, I would have to touch base with Mr Speaker to see the status of the Question.
I think that we have been reminded that Question 143 is slated to be responded to today. It has been captured in the Order Paper again. I want to believe that it was an oversight and I am thankful to the Hon Member for bringing this to our attention. We would effect the necessary amendments.
Thank you, Mr Speaker.