Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the hon. Member for even supporting what I am saying by elaborating on it.
Mr. Speaker, in most of our so-called poor communities, especially in the Akan areas, almost every weekend when there is any funeral, people would go for new funeral cloth. For every specific funeral, they may even have two, one for Saturday and a special one also for the thanksgiving service on Sunday. They would buy them on credit so when they are even working, that petty trading and the small item that the person is selling, they would now use the capital to pay for them; yet at the same time their children cannot have access to a supplementary reader, a school uniform or an exercise book.
I consider all these things as indiscipline. If you are not able to discipline your finances and then you have your children just roaming about under the guise of poverty, what are you building? You are building a family tree where there is poverty, and poverty and once you are poor, sometimes when you have to go round begging even for little things, you do not feel shy, and that is what the Bible is saying.
Mr. Speaker, again still on financing, there are a lot of people in our communities who have had access to small-scale loans starting from the 1990s when we started with poverty reduction monies from the District Assemblies. Some get these monies, start the petty trading and before they even start selling one item, they have already credited cloth and other things, waiting or banking on the profit they would make to go and pay for them, and before they are aware the capital is also gone. All these can be classified as indiscipline.
When you come to environment, the way we dispose of our refuse, we forget that they tell us that malaria is number one or one of the top killers in this nation. And if you also take the statistics, you would find that the so-called “poor communities” are the areas where you would have the prevalence of malaria very much on the ascendancy.
Look at the way we dispose of our refuse. It rains, and instead of water flowing, we provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes, and when you as a farmer are down with malaria, during the planting season and so you do not plant, what are you going to harvest during the harvest? Either you go to beg or you go to steal from other people's farms and that is confirming what the Bible says. So if we are talking about indiscipline, I will want us to look at it in a much wider perspective.