Debates of 24 Oct 2008

PRAYERS 10 a.m.


Mr. Speaker 10 a.m.
Order! Order! Correction of Votes and Proceedings, for Thursday, 23rd October, 2008. Pages 1, 2….26. [No corrections were made.]
Hon. Members, we do not have Official Report for today.
Item 3 - Business Statement for the

Majority Leader (Mr. A. O. Aidooh) 10:10 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the Committee met on Thursday, 23rd October 2008 and determined Business of the House for the fourth week ending Friday, 31st October 2008.
Mr. Speaker, the Committee accor-
dingly submits its report as follows:
Arrangement of Business
Mr. Speaker, the Committee has programmed forty-one (41) Questions to be answered by the various Ministers during the week.
The details are as follows:
No. of Question(s)
wishes to remind hon. Members that the House would continue to Sit on Mondays and also have extended Sittings.
Mr. Speaker, in accordance with
Standing Order 160 (2) and subject to Standing Order 53, your Committee submits to this honourable House the order in w hich the Business of the House shall be taken during the week.

Questions --

Minister for Education, Science and Sports - 1064, 1294, 1414, 1415, 1432 and 1434

Presentation and First Reading of Bills --

Parliamentary Service (Amendment) Bill

Laying of Papers --

(a) Report of the Finance Committee on the Credit Facility Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and Messrs Euroget de-Invest S.A. of giza, Egypt for an amount of US$180,000,000.00 for the construction of 500-bed Military Hospital in Kumasi.

(b) Report of the Finance Committee on the Loan Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and the African

Development Fund for an amount of ninety million Units of Account (UA90,000,000), [equivalent to US$141,000,000] for the Third Poverty Reduction Support Loan (Multi Donor Budgetary Support).

(c) Report of the Finance Committee on the Credit Facility Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and Agence Francaise de Developpment for an amount of €5,000,000 to support the Natural Resources and Environment governance Programme (NREg).

(d) Report of the Finance Committee on the Request for waiver of tax liability on equipment/materials to be imported or purchased locally, corporate tax and other taxes totalling gH¢5,149,208.48 in respect of the implementation of the first phase of the National Communication Backbone Network project.

(e) Report of the Finance Committee on the Northern Development Fund Bill.

Consideration Stage of Bills --

Lands Commission Bill --

Committee Sittings. Tuesday, 28th October, 2008

Questions --

Minister for Water Resources, Works and Housing - 1576 and

i. Minister for Education, Science and Sports 6

ii. Minister for Water Resources, Works and Housing 2

iii. Minister for Food and Agriculture 1

iv. Minister for Health 6

v. Minister for Energy 10

vi. Minister for Transportation 16 Total Number of Questions 41

Mr. Speaker, in all, forty-one (41) Questions are expected to be answered during the

week. Papers and Reports

Mr. Speaker, Papers and Reports may

be laid and presented respectively for consideration by the House. Bills

Mr. Speaker, Bills may be presented to the House and those which have already been presented would be taken through

the various stages of passage.

Statements and Motions Mr. Speaker may allow Statements and

motions may also be debated.

Sittings of the House on Mondays/ Extended Sittings

Mr. Speaker, the Business Committee


Minister for Transportation - 1319, 1353, 1364, 1365 and 1368

Laying of Papers --

(a) Report of the Finance Committee on the Loan Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and the Institute for Export Credit (gIEK) of Norway (€54,328,287) and the Fortis Bank of The Netherlands (€10,851,668) for an amount totalling €65,179,954.00 for the rehabilitation and upgrading of the Electricity Company Limited Distribution System in Accra, Tema and Kumasi.

(b ) Repor t o f the F inance Committee on the Mixed Credit Facilty between the government of the Republic of ghana, Societé generale, New York Branch and World for World Organisation for an amount of US$47,719,072.00 for the Design, Supply and Installation of Permanent Steel Modular Bridges in the country.

(c) Report of the Finance Committee on the Suppliers Credit Facility between the government of the Republic of ghana and gK Airport Company Limited of ghana for an amount of one hundred and twenty-two million United States dollars (US$122.0 million) for the Rehabilitation of three (3) Regional Airports in Kumasi, Sunyani and Takoradi.

(d) Report of the Committee

on Mines and Energy on the Petroleum Agreement amongst the government of the Republic of ghana, ghana National Petroleum Corporation (gNPC), Aker ASA and Chemu Power Company Limited for the conduct of exploration and production operations in the Offshore Deepwater Tano Basin.

Motions --

(a) Adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the Request for waiver of tax liability on equipment/materials to be imported or purchased locally, corporate tax and other taxes totalling gH¢5,149,208.48 in respect of the implementation of the first phase of the National Communication Backbone Network project.

(b) Adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the Mixed Credit Facility between the government of the Republic of ghana, the guandong Development Bank of China and the BHP PARIBAS for an amount of ninety-two million, four hundred and thirty- six thousand United States dollars (US$92,436,000.00) (consisting of a grant element of US$30 million from the guandong Development Bank of China, and a loan facility of US$62,436,000.00 from the BHP PARIBAS) for the implementation of the Sunyani Water Supply Rehabilitation and Expansion Project on Turnkey


(c) Adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the Loan Facility Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and KfW of germany for an amount of nineteen million euros (€19,000,000.00) for the Multi Donor Budget Support Programme.

Committee Sittings

3. Wednesday, 29th October 2008

Questions --

Minister for Health - 1423, 1462, 1484, 1485, 1486 and 1581

Motions --

Second Reading of Bills

(a) Northern Development Fund Bill.

(b) Third Reading of Bills --

Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill.

Value Added Tax (Amend- ment) (No. 2) Bill.

Lands Commission Bill. National Pension Reform Bill.

(c) Adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the Credit Facility Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and Messrs Euroget de-Invest S.A. of giza, Egypt for an amount

of US$180,000,000.00 for the construction of 500-bed Military Hospital in Kumasi.

Conseq[Consequential Resolution]ntial Resolution

(d) Adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the Loan Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and the African Development Fund for an amount of ninety million Units of Account (UA90,000,000) [equivalent to US$141,000,000] for the Third Poverty Reduction Support Loan (Multi Donor Budgetary Support).

(e) Adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the Credit Facility Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and Agence Francaise de Developpment for an amount of €5,000,000 to support the Natural Resources and Environment governance Programme (NREg).

Consideration Stage of Bills --

(a) Internal Revenue (Registration of Business) (Amendment) Bill.

(b) Internal Revenue (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill.

Committee Sittings Thursday, 30th October 2008

Questions --

Minister for Energy 1046, 1052 and 1057, 1060, 1090, 1094, 1107, 1108, 1132 and 1162.

Motions --
Majority Leader (Mr. A. O. Aidooh) 10:10 a.m.
(a) Adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the Loan Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and the Institute for Export Credit (gIEK) of Norway (€54,328,287) and the Fortis Bank of The Netherlands (€10,851,668) for an amount totalling €65,179,954.00 for the rehabilitation and upgrading of the Electricity Company Limited Distribution System in Accra, Tema and Kumasi.
(b) Adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the Mixed Credit Facilty between the government of the Republic of ghana, Societé generale, New York Branch and World for World Organisation for an amount of US$47,719,072.00 for the Design, Supply and Installation of Permanent Steel Modular Bridges in the country.

(c) Adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the Suppliers Credit Facility between the government of the Republic of ghana and gK Airport Company Limited of ghana for an amount of one hundred and twenty-two million United States dollars (US$122.0million) for the Rehabilitation of three (3) Regional Airports in Kumasi, Sunyani and Takoradi.

Committee Sittings.

Questions --

Minister for Transportation -

1371, 1383, 1385, 1319, 1353,

1364, 1365 and 1368.

Motion --

Adoption of the Report of the Committee on Mines and Energy on the Petroleum Agreement amongst the government of the Republic of ghana, ghana National Petroleum Corporation (gNPC), Aker ASA and Chemu Power Company Limited for the conduct of exploration and production operations in the Offshore Deepwater Tano Basin.

Consideration Stage of Bills --

Northern Development Fund Bill.

Committee Sittings.
Mr. Haruna Iddrisu 10:10 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, thank you for the opportunity. The House will soon be rising and the Majority Leader and Chairman of the Business Committee has ably presented our programme for the coming week. I want to make a request of him, if it is possible to get the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning acting through the Minister of State, to brief this House on the state of the ghanaian economy, the level of our nation's indebtedness with particular reference to the Tema Oil Refinery and the Volta River Authority so as to enable us -
Mr. Speaker, as you are aware, we are going through a major political transition. It is important that we have an official record of the state of our economy, the level of our indebtedness, domestic and international obligations so that whoever may be inheriting the reigns of government, whether from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) or from the New Patriotic Party (NPP), as the wish of the ghanaian public may be will have a better appreciation of what economy he is
Mr. Speaker 10:10 a.m.
Hon. Member for
Tamale South, why is it that these matters are not raised at the Business Committee level?
Mr. Aidooh 10:10 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the Business
Committee has no mandate to his request. If the hon. Member intends to have answers to his concerns, he knows what to do under our rules and I will advise him to go by our rules. The Committee which I chair has no mandate to do this.
Mr. Felix Twumasi-Appiah 10:10 a.m.
Speaker, we have just heard the Business of the House being read in the House and I also want to add my voice by saying that like hon. Iddrisu said, the House will be rising very soon and if it was feasible for the House to have a Committee of the Whole for hon. Members to be briefed on some of the issues we are raising here and also to discuss certain pertinent matters regarding the welfare of hon. Members, it would be appreciated. Thank you very much Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker 10:20 a.m.
Item 4 -- Questions -- Minister for Transportation. Question No. 1304 - Hon. Joseph Tsatsu Agbenu, Member of Parliament for Afram Plains North.
Mr. Charles S. Hodogbey 10:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, hon. Joseph Tsatsu Agbenu has asked me to ask the Question on his behalf.
Mr. Speaker 10:20 a.m.
go ahead.


Minister for Transportation (Dr. Richard Anane) 10:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the Mem- Chemfre-Kamalo-Anidzi road is about 16.7 kilometres long. The road is located in the Kwahu North District of the Eastern Region.
The section from Mem-Chemfre- Kamalo which is 10.2 kilometres long, forms part of the Department of Feeder Roads (DFR) classified network while the section from Kamalo-Anidzi which is 6.5 kilometres does not form part of the DFR's classified network.
In September 2005, the phase one contract comprising the construction of fifteen (15) critical culverts and the filling of approaches was awarded on the Mem- Chemfre-Kamalo section. This contract was completed in February, 2007 at a cost of gH¢100,000. The project was executed by Messrs Biadino Company Limited.
Mr. Speaker, in April 2008, the contract for the second phase for the construction of ten (10) additional culverts, the filling of approaches and sectional gravelling of 3.5 kilometres was awarded to Messrs geray Limited at a contract sum of gH¢193,000. The project commenced in July, 2008 and is expected to be completed by July, 2009. The project is funded under a DANIDA programme.
The project is about 40 per cent complete and ten (10) culverts have since been executed.
Mr. Speaker, so far two certificates totalling gH¢98,307.30 has been paid on the project.
Since the section from Kamalo-Anidzi is currently not part of the DFR's classified network, the District Assembly may prioritize the road and seek the necessary technical assistance from the DFR for its future development.
Mr. Hodogbey 10:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I would like to know from the hon. Minister if any of these roads; forms part of the 15 km roads to be tarred in each district.
Dr. Anane 10:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, this is a one- stretch road; it is not a set of roads and the roads which were selected for the 15km programme does not include this.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Biakoye Constituency Feeder Roads (Construction)
Q. 1305. Mr. Emmanuel Kwasi
Bandua a sked the Minis te r fo r Transportation when the following feeder roads in the Biakoye Constituency would be constructed:
(i) Nkonya Wurupong to Nkonya Abloga
(ii) Nkonya Bumbula to Nkonya Odormitor
( i i i ) N k o n y a B u m b u l a t o Nkonya Ahombrase
(iv) Nkonya Tepo to Nkonya Toklosu
Dr. Anane 10:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the Nkonya Wurupong-Nkonya Abloga feeder road is 4.5 km long. The road is engineered and is
Mr. Bandua 10:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, in the case of the Nkonya Wurupong and Nkonya Abloga roads, the Minister said that engineering studies have been carried out on these roads and the designs are being reviewed. I want to find out from the Minister why the need to review the designs. Why is there a need to review the designs? Is that the normal procedure that once engineering studies have been carried out the design should be reviewed?
Dr. Anane 10:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, in our projects that we execute, we have to do studies. Some studies may have been done one or two years or even four years before the time of the execution. And therefore, before implementing the project, we have to review just in case there is the need for further intervention because if a project lapsed may be longer than what is expected, there may be more damages to the surface. Therefore, there is the need for the review to add what may not have been considered in the earlier design. So that is how come we have to review the design.
Mr. Bandua 10:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, in the case of Nkonya Bumbula to Nkonya Ahombrase road, the Minister said that the road was currently not part of the Department of Feeder Roads classified road network. I want to find out from him what steps can be taken to have the road classified as part of the Department of Feeder Roads network.
Dr. Anane 10:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, in my Answer, I appealed to the hon. Member through his District Assembly to get this corridor prioritized for implementation. Mr. Speaker, sitting in Accra we do not prioritize roads in districts; we rather
Mr. Speaker 10:20 a.m.
Question No. 1318 - Hon. Eric Opoku, Member of Parliament for Asunafo South?
Nakatey/Weijakrom Road (Tarring)
Q.1318. Mr. Eric Opoku asked the
Minister for Transportation whether the Ministry had plans to tar the Nakatey/ Weijakrom road.
Dr. Anane 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the Nakatey- Weijakrom Road is part of the Department of Feeder Roads's(DFRs') classified network as Alhaji Nkwanta-Weijakrom. The road is engineered and is 4.5 km long.
This road corridor has been packaged for further engineering studies to be upgraded to tarring level.
Mr. Opoku 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, in the
Answer of the hon. Minister, he indicated that further engineering studies would be carried out on the road. I would like to know from him when the studies would be done.
Dr. Anane 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, we have bundled up a set of road projects which need to be given some studies and this is one of them. I believe this should be advertised possibly in the first half of next year, according to the Department's programmes.
Atebubu/Kojokrom via Kwame Danso Road (Construction)
Q. 1337. Mr. Felix Twumasi-Appiah asked the Minister for Transportation why
the construction works on the Atebubu/ Kojokrom via Kwame Danso Road has come to a standstill.
Dr. Anane 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the Atebubu
to Kojokrom road via Kwame Danso is part of the Kojokrom to Nkoranza Regional Road (Route R47). The entire stretch from Atebubu to Kojokrom via Kwame Danso is about 100 km long. The rehabilitation of the road is being undertaken in phases.
The contract for the first phase of
the project from Atebubu-Kojokrom (km 1-11), was awarded to Messrs Kai Ventures for upgrading contract to tarring level. The works began in August 2006 and was expected to have been completed in December, 2007. Work done is about 53 per cent complete. The contractor vacated the site in April, 2008. However, all certified works have been honoured.
Mr. Speaker, several warning letters were issue to the contractor and the final warning letter was issued to the contractor in September, 2008. The contractor failed to resume site and therefore the contract would be recommended for termination and consequent re-award.
Since April, 2007, km 11 100 has been
maintained by Messrs Builders Brothers Limited, under a 2-year grading works contract. The road was graded twice last year. This year the second grading is on-going.
Mr. Speaker, for the future km 11 61
has been designed and programmed for upgrading to tarring level with effect from 2009.
Mr. Twumasi-Appiah 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, in the hon. Minister's Answer, he did indicate that the programme was expected to have been completed by December, 2007. I wish to ask him if he can tell this House why the contractor vacated the site and also why it took them so long a time to re-award the contract.
Dr. Anane 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, we are aware
that the contractor has gone through some difficulties but that is with respect to the

contractor's personal management issues which cannot be discussed here.

However, we are also aware that it is one of the terrains where you find it very difficult to get contractors to go to work because of the difficulty of getting inputs like chippings and others. This particular contractor has a quarry and that is why we had the confidence to still keep on waiting on him to complete but because he failed to heed to the warning letters we thought it fit to terminate the contract.
Mr. Twumasi-Appiah 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker,
this is the fourth time this Question is being asked of the hon. Minister, and the understanding he gave us the last time was to the extent that, they were going to award the contract in phases as he just rightly said in his Answer. It would be 10 km every year.
Mr. Speaker, would the hon. Minister tell us, since 2006, what has happened to the other trunk of the road.
Dr. Anane 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, in the last
paragraph of the Answer, I stated that kilometre 11-61 had been designed and programmed for upgrading to tarring level with effect from 2009.
This august House was apprised of a memorandum from government to help secure some loan facility and this was one of the corridors which is going to be developed under that credit facility and therefore, we are hopeful that when everything is completed this project can go on as scheduled.
Mr. Twumasi-Appiah 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, in the same vein, the last paragraph talks about the same kilometre 11, but this time it goes to kilometre 100 which is being maintained by M/S Builders Brothers Limited.
Is the hon. Minister aware, that as we speak now, this particular sector of the road is almost unmotorable?
Dr. Anane 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I would not
be very much aware that it is unmotorable but the reason why we ensure that we give a 2-year contract for maintaining routinely a corridor which is being prepared for eventual major intervention is to ensure that the corridor is motorable. I am sure the contractor is going through difficulties because of the rains and when it does rain, the normal routine maintenance works are difficult to execute. So we would have to get unto him to make sure that he does his work as required.
Mr. Twumasi-Appiah 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, would the hon. Minister assure this House, looking at his answers and the deadline he has given, that the contractor would be able to complete the work by his own set date and deadline that he has given on the floor of this House?
Dr. Anane 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I am not sure about what my hon. Colleague is asking. The contractor, M/S Builders Brothers Ltd. is only doing a routine maintenance, that is just to make sure the corridor is motorable. That is not a major work programme and he definitely would finish.
As I said, he is having difficulties because of the rains and as soon as the rains subside, the contractor would definitely make sure that he does the grading to the level that is going to make the corridor motorable. But what is most important to be mentioned is the upgrading to tarring level which is what we are looking forward to and I hope that it can be done from 2009.
Mr. Speaker 10:30 a.m.
Question No. 1350?
Maj. Derek Oduro (retd): Mr. Speaker, the hon. Member is in his constituency for an assignment and he has asked me to ask permission from you to ask the Question on his behalf.
Mr. Speaker 10:30 a.m.
Permission granted.
Seikwa Road (Tarring)

Maj. Derek Oduru (retd) (on behalf of Mr. Joe Danquah) asked the Minister for Transportation when Seikwa road would be tarred.
Dr. Anane 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the Berekum- Seikwa-Nsawkaw Road is the regional road R68. It links the two district capitals of Berekum and Tain in the Brong-Ahafo Region. The road is gravel surfaced and is 66 km long.
The road which is in fair to poor condition has since 24th April, 2007 been undergoing routine maintenance works by Messrs Obrefo Alawa Enterprise.
Mr. Speaker, studies have been completed for upgrading to tarring level. The first phase of this project from Berekum to Seikwa, thirty (30) km has been selected for upgrading to tarring level in 2009.
Tain District Roads (Reconstruction)
Q. 1353. Maj. Derek Oduro (retd) (on behalf of Mr. Joe Danquah) asked the Minister for Transportation when the following roads in the Tain District would be reconstructed or rehabilitated:
(1) Sabiye-Nyire
(2) Brodi-Kumor (3) Kanka-Makala
(4) Hani-Namasa Boahan
(5) Tain-Lipgia
Dr. Anane 10:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the Sabie- Nyire (9.2 km), Brodi-Kumor (12.6 km), Hani-Namasa-Boahan (11.7 km) and Tain-Lipgia (3.9 km) are all located in the Tain District of the Brong-Ahafo Region.
The Tain-Lipgia is part of the DFR's road network and referred to as Tainso- Kogua.
Mr. Speaker, Sabie-Nyire, Brodi- Kumor, Tainso-Kogua are all unengineered while Hani-Namasa-Boahan is partially engineered. These roads have been packaged for engineered studies.
Mr. Speaker, the Kanka-Makala feeder road is 4.5 km long. The road is engineered and is located in the Tain District of the Brong-Ahafo Region.
The road has been programmed for surfacing under the programme for the surfacing of 15km priority district roads.
Engineering studies have been carried out on the road and the designs are currently being reviewed. The roads will be advertised for tarring in November,
Mr. J. Y. Chireh 10:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I am seeking your permission to ask the Question on the hon. Member's behalf.
Mr. Speaker 10:40 a.m.
Permission granted.
Winkogo-Tongo-Zuarungu Road
(Status of Work)
Q. 1358. Mr. Chireh (on behalf of Mr. John Akologu Tia) asked the Minister for Transportation what the status of work on the Winkogo-Tongo-Zuarungu road which was awarded on contract for tarring was.
Dr. Anane 10:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the Winkogo- Tongo-Zuarungu feeder road is 16 km long. The road is engineered and is located in the Talensi Nabdam District and Bolgatanga Municipality in the Upper East Region.
The Winkogo-Tongo-Zuarungu feeder road has been programmed for surfacing in two phases.
Dr. Anane 10:40 a.m.

The first phase contract of 8 km from Winkogo to Tongo was awarded on contract for surfacing to Messrs Big Tanko Limited at a contract sum of gH¢997,000 in March 2007.

The project which commenced in May 2007 was expected to be completed in November, 2008.

Mr. Speaker, the project is about 40 per cent completed and works executed to date are: construction of twelve (12) culverts, 550 m of concrete U-drains, and 7 km of sub-base and base course layers.

The project is behind schedule and the contractor has therefore been warned to expedite progress of work to ensure the early completion of the project.

So far a total amount of gH¢226,000 has so far been paid to the contractor for work done.

The remaining section from Tongo- Zuarangu which is 8 km long will be awarded for surfacing after the completion of the phase one contract.
Mr. Chireh 10:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the hon. Minister admits that there is delay in completing the works. What is the cause of the delay?
Dr. Anane 10:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, we have not reached the end of the contract. We have only noticed that the execution is delayed and we have had to talk to the contractor to expedite action so that he completes the work within time. At the level that he has reached, I believe since he can easily get some chippings from the Upper East Region, it is possible that the contractor would be able to finish. We are of the view that he may still finish behind the scheduled time of November.
Mr. Chireh 10:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the hon.
Minister says the work is to be completed in November this year. How many weeks away is November? The work is 40 per cent done. Mr. Speaker, can he assure this House that the 60 per cent that is left can be completed and the handing over made by the end of November?
Dr. Anane 10:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the contractor has been able to do the concrete works. These are quite time consuming, he has also been able to work up to sub-base and base cost layers. Therefore what is left could easily be done if he has the inputs. That is why we are on him, but I would not want to give my exact word that he would be able to finish within the time. We will make sure he does it all the same.
Luhuese-Obane, Pute-Totope, etc. Roads
Q. 1363. Mr. Alex Narh Tettey-Enyo asked the Minister for Transportation when the following road rehabilitation works would be completed:
(i) Luhuese-Obane
(ii) Pute-Totope
(iii) Senakekope-Teikpitikope
(iv) Asigbekope-Kodokope (v)Luhour-Lusenya
(vi) Maccharthykope-Tekperkope.
Dr. Anane 10:50 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the Luhuese- Obane feeder road is 2.4km long. The road is engineered and is located in the Damgbe East District of greater-Accra Region.
Current Programme
The Luhuese-Obane, 2.4km feeder road together with Ayitepa-Luchubuer, which is 1.9km were awarded for spot improvement at a contract sum of

gH¢191,000 in September, 2005 to be completed in September, 2006.

Mr. Speaker, works done on the total package is about 37 per cent. The contractor on the project is Messrs Everyman Ventures.

Works on the Luhuese-Obane road have been completed. The 2.4km of the Luhuese-Obane road was raised and gravelled. Total amount paid on the project to date is gH¢81,000.

No works have been carried out on the Ayitepa-Luchubuer road.

On account of the poor performance of the contractor, the project was recommended for termination to the Regional Tender Review Board.

The outstanding works are being re- packaged for re-award.


Mr. Speaker, the Pute-Totope feeder road is 600 m long and is located in the Damgbe East District of the greater-Accra Region.

In 2006, a study carried out on the road indicated that the Pute-Totope road needed to be spot improved.

The Pute-Totope road was therefore, awarded for spot improvement in March, 2007 at a contract sum of gH¢117,000 for completion in October, 2007.

Works were awarded to Messrs FNB Hackman Limited. The works done so far on the project are 12 per cent.

The works executed to date are the construction of four (4) culverts. Payment made to date for works done amounts to gH¢19,500.

The works have been terminated and are being repackaged for reaward.


The Senekekorpe-Teikpitikorpe road is 4.3 km long and is located in the Dangme East District of the greater-Accra Region.

Current Programme

The Senekekorpe-Teikpitikorpe road was awarded on contract for rehabilitation in June 2006 at a contract sum of gH¢83,800. The project commenced in August 2006 and should have been completed in April, 2007.

The project which is being executed by Messrs Ingitrust Enterprise is currently about 51 per cent completed.

Works executed to date are: the construction of two (2) culverts and the raising of the 3.7 km section.

The contractor who had not put in any invoice since the inception of the project has been advised to do so in order to resolve his cash flow problems. It is expected that thereafter the project will see a marked improvement in execution. Asigbekope-Kpodokope Luhour-Lufenya

The Asigbekope-Kpodokope feeder road is 3.8 km long while the Luhour- Lufenya road is 1.6 km. Both roads are located in the Dangme East District of the greater Accra Region.

Current Programme

The contract for the rehabilitation of the Asigbekope-Kpodokope and Luhour- Lufenya feeder roads was awarded in January 2007 at a contract sum of gH¢181,900.
Mr. Tetteh-Enyo 10:50 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I would like to know from the hon. Minister
when the Luhuese-Obane road was completed and handed over.
Dr. Anane 10:50 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, in my
Answer, to the substantive Question, I said no works have been carried out on the Ayitepa-Luchubuer road which is part of the package of Luhuese-Obane feeder road. Mr. Speaker, because both of them have not been completed there could not be a handover to the Department, and that is why that part which has not been done is being re-packaged for re-award.
It is only when the entire package has been completed that is when we may have taken over. So yes, we have not taken over.
Mr. Tetteh-Enyo 10:50 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I
would like to know from the hon. Minister what would happen if by the time the Luhuese-Obane road is handed over we see that the road has deteriorated?
Dr. Anane 10:50 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the road
was certified before payments were made, and therefore at the end of completion, the nature of the road was known to the Department. It is a gravel-surfaced road; we expect that it may undergo some changes under the vagaries of the weather. Therefore, if there have been any changes at all, we would understand from where it started and where it has ended. So that should not be any major problem at all.
Mr. Tetteh-Enyo 10:50 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the
hon. Minister's response confirms my observation of lack of seriousness and avoidable delays in the execution of the works by the contractors in the area. Mr. Speaker, Messrs Ingitrust Enterprise did not put in any invoice until he was advised to do so. The contractor, Messrs Eugo Terrano Limited delayed in commencing the project. Messrs Sonny gabriel Limited delayed in commencing the project until
Dr. Anane 11 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I am
very happy about my hon. Colleague's observation in spite of the fact that the language is a bit too high. Mr. Speaker, this has been an area of major concern to us as a Ministry. We do appreciate our limitations, we work with several Ministries, Departments and Agencies. These projects are awarded sometimes at the district level by the District Coordinating Council and sometimes at the regional level by the Regional Coordinating Council and we are informed.
We have our Regional Directors, we have some District Directors but because of the shortage of staff, we have to zone the country for the Directors to cover the zones.
Mr. Speaker, we do appreciate that we need a lot more hands for supervision however, in spite of the few hands that we have, we try to do the best. Mr. Speaker, my hon. Colleague would have noticed that one, when the contractor was finally found not to have put in his invoice, we called him and advised him. This must be a relatively new contractor who does not appreciate the need to put in invoices as and when he executes part of the project, which is what we have always been explaining to them.
The contractor failed to put in an invoice and we noticed that his problem was a problem of cash flow and so we thought there was the need to facilitate his work by advising him to put in invoices to enable his cash flow to improve so that he could complete the job.
Mr. Speaker, our interest is about
completion and the implementation of projects but not so much about termination of projects awarded to contractors. So if there is any action that we can take that will facilitate the work of the contractor we do so.

Mr. Speaker, also, because of the few hands that we have, in their rounds it takes a little more time for them to identify some projects which are late and that is also how come out of the contractual arrangements warning letters ought to be given out. We do not just go out on first notice to terminate the contracts. We have to give warning letters so that based on the letters we can take the legal action expected of us. That is also how come we had to issue those letters.

But on the issuance of final letters and knowing also very well how difficult that terrain is -- Mr. Speaker, my hon. Colleague does know, around the lake it is difficult to work there. So knowing the difficulty, if a contractor shows the capacity to do the work, we prefer that he completes the work than for us to terminate, re-package and re-award, which would be lengthening of the period and therefore leading to more suffering for the people who are living in that corridor.

Therefore, Mr. Speaker, we take so many things into consideration before we take any action that we want to take.

Dromankuma-Kyenkyenkura Road (Completion)

Q. 1367. Dr. A. Y. Alhassan (on behalf of Alhaji Issifu Pangabu Mohammed) asked the Minister for Transportation when the Dromankuma-Kyenkyenkura road would be completed.
Dr. Anane 11 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the Dromankuma-Kyenkyenkura feeder
Dr. Alhassan 11 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, may I know from the hon. Minister if the sectional gravelling and re-shaping are different contracts or the same company would be doing it?
Dr. Anane 11 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, they are not the same contract. Mr. Speaker, in the earlier part of my Answer, I said that last year that same corridor with some roads were packaged for reshaping. This year, it is still being done just to keep it motorable.
Mr. Speaker, we cannot continue every year spending money on just one corridor or just a few corridors. We thought it fit to spot-improve the corridor so that it takes a little more time for it to deteriorate. That is why on noticing that this corridor needed this intervention, the Department has decided to do so.
Mr. Speaker 11 a.m.
Minister for Transpor- tation, thank you very much for appearing
to answer these Questions.
PAPERS 11 a.m.


Mr. Speaker 11:10 a.m.
Item 8 -- Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill at the Consideration Stage.
Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill
Clause 1 - Stamp Duty Act amended.
Chairman of the Committee (Nii Mante) 11:10 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 1, delete “Schedule”.

Mr. Speaker, the Schedule is found at the top of the box of the Bill.
Mr. Chireh 11:10 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I support
the amendment but I further suggest that instead of having these amendments in the box form, they should be separately done just as the one we just finished. So that we will always say section 10 of Act 689 amended, then the appropriate amendment is made on them. So that it will not confuse the existing Schedules. And that was the reason why the Schedule on top of the box was removed.
Question put and amendment agreed to.
Clause 1 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
Schedule -
Nii Mante: Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, Schedule, Section 10, delete “stamped” and insert “or stamped”.
So Mr. Speaker, the insertion will make it read:
“Section 10 (5) is amended by the deletion of “stamped” and the insertion of “or stamped”.
Question put and amendment agreed to.
Nii Mante: Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, Schedule, Section 20, insert a new paragraph (b) as follows:
“(b) In subsection 4 (d) by the deletion of “expressed” and the insertion of “express”.
Mr. Speaker, you will note that Section 20 as found here has two sub-paragraphs which have been numbered (a) and (b). We are seeking your indulgence to shift the (b) and re-number it as (c) and then introduce a new paragraph as (b) which will read:
“(b) In subsection 4 (d) by the deletion of “expressed” and the insertion of “express”.
Mr. Speaker, by so doing, we shall have three paragraphs; (a), (b) and (c).
Question put and amendment agreed
Mr. Speaker 11:10 a.m.
Hon. Chairman, item iv, a further amendment to the Schedule.
Nii Mante: Mr. Speaker, we are abandoning this amendment because of the explanation I gave earlier.
Mr. Speaker 11:10 a.m.
The amendment is abandoned.
Nii Mante: Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, Schedule, page 2, before “First Schedule” insert the following:
“2. The First Schedule is amended by the substitution of the following new schedule for that schedule.”
Question put and amendment agreed to.
Nii Mante: Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, Schedule, page 4, First Schedule, insert “Exemptions” as head note before “(1) Bond given by a public officer”.
So that before the words “Bond given
by a public officer for the due execution of his duty” you will find the word “Exemptions”.
This is what your Committee has suggested to make the reading very clear.
Question put and amendment agreed to.
Nii Mante: Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, Schedule, page 4, item “(1) Bond given by a public officer for the due execution of his duty” delete “executon” and insert “execution”.
On the same page 4 of the Bill, the word “execution” has been wrongly spelt, so we are seeking your indulgence to have it corrected. Instead of “execution” it is written as “executon”.
Question put and amendment agreed
The Schedule as amended ordered to
stand part of the Bill.
Long Title ordered to stand part of the Bill.
Mr. Speaker 11:20 a.m.
Hon. Members, we
have come to the end of the Consideration Stage. The next item, Majority Leader?
Mr. S. Sallas-Mensah 11:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I was going to object to the proposal by the Leader of the House in the sense that the amendments being proposed there are all notices to Members, not that we are going to take them today but that a lot of Members are not prepared to debate these amendments clause by clause. But I have been informed by one of my colleagues that they have agreed to take them. So we can go ahead.
Mr. Speaker 11:20 a.m.
It is not 12 noon yet, so
maybe we have time to take them.
Mr. Chireh 11:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I think that
this Lands Commission Bill is such an important Bill; it touches on and creates a lot of confusion. The hon. Minister, I cannot see, the hon. Deputy Minister is not here. How is it that when we raise issues bordering on policy they can be answered?
I have also seen that there are extensive amendments made. I suggest that there should be a winnowing session for the thing to be properly reconciled before we go on, otherwise, we will spend the whole day here doing nothing. I think that we should adjourn.
Mr. Speaker 11:20 a.m.
Majority Leader, what
do you say to that?
Mr. Aidooh 11:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, in this
matter I have decided against winnowing; I have taken the decision that we do not have to do any winnowing in this matter and I know that the - The Deputy Minister is here, so we can go ahead.
Mr. Speaker 11:20 a.m.
Hon. Members, I suggest we start with it; if we encounter problems we adjourn the matter then.
Mr. E. T. Mensah 11:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, our
problem is that this is a notice and not a business for the day. Hon. Members are not available to do justice to it. This is a very important subject matter; which needs thorough discussions. [Inter- ruptions.] You did not tell us about that arrangement. We still insist that it is a notice Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker 11:20 a.m.
Deputy Minority
Leader, all matters which come before this House are important in any case, and there appears to have been some consultation so let us go on with it. If we encounter any problem we would adjourn.
Mr. E. T. Mensah 11:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the
problem is that the consultation was not

conclusive because we were here and we are not aware and we have just been informed by the hon. Member for Tamale South, Mr. Haruna Iddrisu that he was spoken to. So my dear Leader knows that this is not a conclusive consultation and that is why we are objecting to it, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker 11:20 a.m.
Hon. Member for
Tamale South, were you consulted?
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I have
been consulted and indeed, as you notice in the advertisement, there are a number of amendments, standing in my name and we attempted reconciling with the Chairman and the Minister those that may be accepted and will allow for further debate. So to that extent, I was consulted.
Mr. Speaker 11:20 a.m.
Deputy Minority
Leader, how many times must I call you on this matter?
Mr. E. T. Mensah 11:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, we are talking about consultation; the normal consultation that we know where there is something which is going to be contentious. The Leadership as well is consulted as well as those people who have matters that would be discussed on the floor.
So yes, hon. Iddrisu was consulted on winnowing and we think that if we are going to take the whole thing then we should have been consulted. Whenever we are consulted we do inform our Members that we have been consulted, hence our objection.
Mr. Speaker 11:20 a.m.
Hon. Member, the point
is that we can go on; if we encounter any problems we would adjourn. So, please, let us start.
Lands Commission Bill

Clause 1 - Establishment of the Lands Commission.
Mr. Haruna Iddrisu 11:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I
beg to move, clause 1, delete and insert the following:
“There is established by this Act, a body to be known as the Lands Commission referred to in this Act as “the Commission”.
Mr. Speaker, if you look at the original clause clause 1, (i), it reads and with your permission, I quote:
“There is established by this Act a Lands Commission in accordance with article 258 of the Constitution.”
Mr. Speaker, I do not think that we need to make reference to article 258 for the purpose that we are coming to establish a Lands Commission. The Lands Commission I agree is mentioned in article 258 of the Constitution. Even the process we are undertaking now, Consideration Stage is pursuant to constitutional provision. Should we say that we are doing consideration pursuant to article 101 or 103 of the Constitution?
I think that we want to create a body and that body is called the Lands Commission; so let us just create it as a body and say that: “There is established by this Act a body to be known as the Lands Commission”. If you go through the other clauses, reference is made to “Commission” and I think that this is the import of the amendment and I urge hon. Members to vote for the deletion of the original clause 1 (i) and substitute it with the aforementioned amendment.
Chairman of the Committee (Mr. J.
B. Aidoo): Mr. Speaker, the article 256 (i) as the hon. Member has referred to says
that, “There shall be established a Lands Commission” and that is exactly what this Bill is seeking to do. So making reference to the Constitution, I think does not take anything from what has been indicated in the Bill.
Mr. Speaker, what the hon. Member is seeking to do is to lump clause 1, subclause (i) and then clause 1, sub-clause (ii) together. But as they are in the Bill, that the two having been separated look neater than what he is trying to do. So Mr. Speaker, from your Committee's point of view what we have in the Bill should be retained.
Mr. Speaker 11:20 a.m.
Hon. Member for
Tamale South, for purposes of clarification, what are you seeking to amend; is it clause 1 entirely?
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, clause 1 (1), the establishment of the Commission. Mr. Speaker, I have read article 258 “There shall be established a Lands Commission”. Pursuant to that we are establishing a Lands Commission. Should we neces- sarily be saying “in accordance with article 258 of the Constitution”? I have difficulty with that.
The process we are undertaking now, if we look at the provisions of articles 101 to 108 of the Constitution they define the tenure of a Bill. Should we say that in doing this we are doing it pursuant to article 101? I do not think that it is necessary. The reference to article 258 is superfluous and I think that we should just establish the Commission and not say “in accordance with article 258”.
Mr. Chireh 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I know that
when this Bill is passed we are going to repeal the Land Commission Act which is
Mr. Aidooh 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I honestly do
not see the substance in this amendment.
In the first place, the Constitution grants power to this House or government to establish a Lands Commission. That is why the wording is that “There is established by this Act the Lands Commission” but we continue using the words “a Lands Commission”. And so the law says, “I am establishing “the” or “that” Land Commission.” That is why the reference to a body to do that is most unnecessary and redundant. The attempt to say “We establish a body” is not necessary. The Constitution requires the setting up of “a Lands Commission” and so the law is referring to “that Lands Commission” and that is why the words “the Commission” are used.
And as regards the reference to the
Constitution, I think it is in order. If we had not done it before and we are doing it now there is nothing wrong. The demand to establish the Commission is under article 258 of the Constitution, so if the Bill or the clause refers to it, it is harmless. So I suggest that the amendment should be dropped and we take the one in the Bill.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, having
listened to the Majority Leader, it will not be abandoned except that I can only modify
it that read: “There is established this Act the Lands Commission.” Then the rest of the words be deleted; “in accordance with article 258 of the Constitution” is not necessary and I think that I can modify it.
We are e s t ab l i sh ing a Lands
Commission pursuant to the Constitution. Why do we necessarily want to refer to the article? So should we say that Parliament is undergoing consideration pursuant to article 101 of the Constitution? We can establish the Commission pursuant to article 258. Everybody knows that an Act of Parliament is acting pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of ghana. Therefore, I can modify it but it should just read “There is established by this Act the Lands Commission” and then we end it there. However, going further into the Bill we will see them making reference to Commission and we think that it is not necessary that we clarify that. That is what is referred to as a Commission.
Mr. Aidooh 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I know that
there can be only one Lands Commission. There cannot be another. But for the purposes of argument if we say “This Act establishes the Lands Commission”, the question that arises is which Lands Commission? That is why it is important to define it and we say that Lands Commission which is required to be established under article 258. That is why reference to article 258 is important. Which Lands Commission are we talking about? We are establishing the Lands Commission because article 258 asks us to do so.
And so we are obeying the Constitution. Let us be definite. That is why we must refer to the Constitution. If we say Lands Commission, which one are we referring to? If we are referring to the one under the
Mr. Speaker 11:30 a.m.
Hon. Member for
Tamale South, very soon you would want to abandon your amendment. Is it not?
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:30 a.m.
I am not yet convinced.
But Mr. Speaker, let me just give you an example. National Media Commission is mentioned in the Constitution. When we were establishing the National Media Commission in the Act, did we say that it was “in accordance with the Consti- tution? Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) is mentioned in the Constitution. When we passed an Act establishing CHRAJ, did we say it was in accordance with this article of the Constitution?
Mr. Speaker, for consistency, we are establishing a Commission. Everybody knows that the Lands Commission we are establishing is the one to which we have outlined the functions which are stated in the other provisions. I think that we do not need to add “add in accordance with the Constitution”. Otherwise, as we go ahead every other thing we would be doing in accordance with the Constitution we would make specific reference and quote it in the Bill.
Mr. Speaker, I do not think it would allow for the beauty of the Bill. I agree with you. “There is established by this Act a Lands Commission.” Let us end it there, delete the rest of the words after it and we make progress.
Mr. J.B. Aidoo 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, further
to what the Majority Leader has explained and then the concern that hon. Iddrisu has raised about “Commission” not having been defined, when we get to the Interpretation, the word “Commission” has been clearly defined. Mr. Speaker, with your permission, I read:
“Commission means the Lands
Commission established under section 1”.
So I do not see his worry.
Mr. Speaker 11:30 a.m.
Hon. Member for
Tamale South, maybe, you may wish to abandon your amendment so that we go through.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I would
rather would crave your indulgence to put the Question on this. I would like us to do so for the record's sake so that if I am defeated I know I was defeated.
Mr. Speaker 11:30 a.m.
I do not think there is
any point in putting this Question to a vote. Let us resolve it and then we go on.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker knows I have enormous respect for his presence. In that regard, I abandon the amendment.
Mr. Speaker 11:30 a.m.
Thank you very much
Clause 1 ordered to stand part of the Bill.
Clause 2 - Headquarters, Regional
and other branches or offices of the Commission.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to
move, clause 2, delete
Mr. Speaker, if we look at Bills that this House has passed and I still make reference to consistency, I would even further seek your leave -- This is not a question of deletion but probably one of re-arrangement.
Mr. Speaker, clause 2 is about headquarters, regional and other branches of the Commission. If we go to clauses 7 and 9 mention is made of the Commission.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I agree
with him. It is not a matter of deletion. It is a matter of rearrangement and I think we have to leave this in the hands of the draftspersons.
Mr. Speaker 11:30 a.m.
Hon. Member for
Tamale South, is it agreeable that we leave this to the draftspersons?
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker,
absolutely. But when we are getting the final Bill, the arrangement should reflect what this House has decided that we cannot after the creation of the body have reference to offices and ministerial responsibilities. It should be accompanied by the objectives of the Commission and then the functions.
Mr. Aidooh 11:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, we are not accepting that. We are not saying that we have taken that decision yet. I am opposed
to the amendment but we are saying that let us consult the draftsperson. Because in my view, after the Commission has been set up, its legal nature must follow immediately. That is why after it is established, we give it its identity in the same section. But we can consult the draftsperson.
Mr. Speaker 11:40 a.m.
Are you therefore, agreeable that we should defer clause 2?
Clause 3 - Ministerial responsibility.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg
to move, clause 3, line 1, after “Minister” insert “responsible”.
Mr. Speaker, this is to take cognizance of the fact that the designation “Minister for Lands” is not fixed. It may change in the future.
Mr. Speaker, sometime ago, we had the Minister for Lands; at another time, it was the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources. Then we have also had Minister for Lands, Forestry and Mines. At another point, it was Minister for Lands and Forestry and now it is Minister for Lands, Forestry and Mines. So the insertion of the word “responsible” would take care of any future changes in the designation of the Ministry.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg
to associate myself with the amendment except to seek your leave, line 2, to further seek an amendment to the word “may” and we delete it and insert “shall”. Mr. Speaker, the Minister for Lands and Forestry acts and on behalf of the President. Therefore, if you provide that “he may”, it is wrong; any directive by the President, the Minister is bound by it. So I think that it should read as he has said, as follows:
“The Minister responsible for Lands
Mr. Speaker 11:40 a.m.
Chairman of the Committee, “may” to “shall”, what do you think?
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, it is harmless.
Mr. Speaker 11:40 a.m.
It is acceptable?
Question put and amendment agreed to.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 3, delete “with the approval of the President”.
Mr. Speaker, we are doing so because the appointment by the President goes with the relevant ministerial responsibilities. And at Cabinet meetings, we know that it is the President who presides. Therefore, if you are the Minister, it means that all your ministerial responsibilities are guaranteed. There is therefore, no need for the Minister to go back to the President for approval of policy direction. It is in this vein that we are asking that those words ought to be deleted.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I ordinarily would have supported the amendment but that would render the initial “shall” which the House just approved redundant. And I would think that Mr. Speaker, let us maintain it.
Currently there is confusion over selling and not selling Achimota Lands, and there is confusion as to whether this is coming from the Office of the President or from there.
Mr. Speaker, I think that it does not cause any harm that the Minister, in
giving policy direction, should consult with the Office of the President on whose behalf he is acting. I do not see the harm in maintaining it. So we oppose the amendment, the original rendition should stay.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, as I have already explained, the Minister's designation goes with responsibilities, and some of these decisions he is talking about: the sale of private lands and other matters, certainly would appear at the Cabinet meeting. So we do not have to bring this in the provision that the Minister ought to go back to the President anytime the Ministry wants to take a policy decision for direction.
I do not think that is the proper way. Once you are a Minister, it means that all your ministerial responsibilities have been conferred on you by the President; you do not have to go back again. That back and forth exercise, I think would not augur well for any Ministry. Mr. Speaker, I will say that what we are doing is the right thing, and must stay.
Mr. Speaker 11:40 a.m.
Chairman of the
Committee, the problem is that you agreed that the word “may” should be changed to “shall”. This is where the problem is; you agree to that?
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, yes, I agree with that but that was in the previous amendment we had. But the amendment we are proposing now, is taking out the words “with the approval of the President”; that is what we are treating now. This one according to the Committee, must go.
Mr. Dan Abodakpi 11:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I think “with the approval of the President” should be retained because every policy

action of every Ministry is subject to Cabinet approval. And Cabinet advises the President, so to the extent that it would go to Cabinet for approval, it can be inferred that it is the President who gives the approval in that context.

The fact that every Minister's role is defined for him does not confer automatic cause of action on him or her irrespective of Cabinet's position. Every policy goes to Cabinet and Cabinet is chaired by the President. So I think it does not mean any harm to retain “with the approval of the President”.
Mr. Aidooh 11:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, we have made some mistake. I have just been shown something. Mr. Speaker, the words in the clause appear to have been lifted exactly from the Constitution, that is article 258 (2), and I was thinking of even why the word “may” was deleted and “shall” inserted.
The Minister does not have to do it, why are we compelling the Minister to do something that he may not want to do. We cannot bind him to give policy direction if he does not intend to do that. So I propose that we re-insert the word “may” for the “shall” and then maintain the clause 4 as it is.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I think the Majority Leader's submission is more acceptable because a little while ago, the Chairman argued strongly that the Commission was established in accordance with article 258. So why not bind yourself with the provisions of article 258 (2)? Therefore, I think I agree that we have to review the “shall” to reflect the “may”.
Mr. Speaker 11:40 a.m.
In other words, we should retain “may” with “the approval of the President”.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:50 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I agree.
Question put and amendment agreed
Clause 3 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clause 4 - Object ives of the Commission.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:50 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to
move, clause 4, paragraph (b), delete and insert the following words:
“ensure that the utilization of land conforms with the developmental laws of the country”.
But I think that the “laws” should be substituted for “goals”. It should be “development goals of the country”.
Mr. Speaker, the purpose of this amendment is this. When you say land development, it is just one aspect of land use. But we are talking about the general utilization of land for whatever purpose which must be in conformity with what our development aspirations should be. So this amendment is to allow that everything that has to do with the utilization of land is consistent with what our development goals as a country are.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:50 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I
oppose this amendment because what we have there - the (b) -- is actually a constitutional provision and therefore we cannot alter that.
Mr. Speaker 11:50 p.m.
Hon. Member, where is the Constitutional provision? [Pause.]
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:50 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, stand
that one down.
Mr. Speaker 11:50 p.m.
Which article are you
referring to?
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:50 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, 4 (b). I
will come back to it.
Mr. Speaker 11:50 p.m.
Hon. Member, you
referred to a constitutional provision.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:50 p.m.
Yes, Mr. Speaker, I
Mr. Speaker 11:50 p.m.
May we stand it down
and continue if you have a problem?
Clause 5 - Functions of the Commission.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:50 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg
to move, clause 5, paragraph (d), lines (2) and (3). After “land” delete “as well as registration of deeds and instruments affecting land”.
Mr. Speaker, this is to ensure that the paragraph is in consonance with article 258 (1) (d) of the Constitution. As a matter of fact, two separate paragraphs from the article were lumped together and the amendment being proposed seeks to restore their status quo and make the rendition also neater than before.
Question put and amendment agreed to
Mr. Speaker 11:50 p.m.
Item (vii) - Chairman
of the Committee?
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:50 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to
move, clause 5, paragraph (f), line 2, delete all the words after “country”. Mr. Speaker, it is for the same reason as indicated above.
Question put and amendment agreed to
Mr. Speaker 11:50 p.m.
Item (viii)?
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:50 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, that justifies why I voted no for this amendment. If you read clause 5, it flows from “or the purpose of achieving its objective, the Commission shall . . .” Mr. Speaker, I repeat it. “For the purpose of achieving its objectives, the Commission shall ensure that socio-economic activities…” Which Commission is going to be interested in monitoring socio-economic activities?
That is not the mandate of the Commission. Mr. Speaker, that is why I am proposing an amendment that clause 5, paragraph (f); we should delete and insert the following so that it will read:
“The Commission shall establish standards for the provision and regulation of survey and mapping services in the country”.
That is the intention when they say that they want the Commission to be able to regulate mapping and survey services. But when you say, “The Commission shall regulate socio-economic activities,” flowing from - [Interruption.] We are reading “Functions of the Commission.” And the functions of (f) - I am sorry Mr. Speaker, I am on (j).
Mr. Speaker 11:50 p.m.
But we are dealing with
amendment proposed, item (viii). Are you abandoning that?
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:50 p.m.
No, Mr. Speaker. We
are on (f) and I think I am right.
“…establish standards for and regulate survey and mapping of the country and provide survey and mapping services where necessary.”
I think that a better rendition will be:
“. . . Establish standards for the provision and regulation of survey and mapping services in the country”.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:50 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, that is the
very issue that I have already explained. Mr. Speaker, even with the numbering, from (f), the drafts office jumped to (h). It means that there was a subclause there missing and when you read (f) carefully, you will notice that two subclauses merged together and what our amendment has done is to separate the two.
That is why we said after “and” delete all the words so that what remains there will read:
“establish standards for and regulate survey and mapping of the country”.
Mr. Speaker, when you go further, we come to realize that we have made a provision for an additional clause to take care of a second part of that subclause, that is “provide survey and mapping
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:50 p.m.

services where necessary in the country.” We have not got to that stage yet. So our amendment actually makes the whole clause neater and I believe that hon. Iddrisu will now agree with us.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:50 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I think I am now agreeable but I still do not get the clarity in terms of the separation. You see “establish standards” must stand as its own function. Here, you are merging establishing standards and regulation into the same function.
That is the difficulty I have but I have no problem. I think we are in agreement.
Mr. Speaker 11:50 p.m.
It looks like you are abandoning that amendment. All right, abandon it then.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 11:50 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 5, paragraph (i) delete “undertake” and insert “provide”.
Mr. Speaker, “provide” is a better legal word.
Mr. Mahama Ayariga noon
Mr. Speaker, I was actually going to draw our attention to something that he mentioned, which is the absence of clause 5 (g). Mr. Speaker, there is no (g) and I was thinking that if you wanted to separate “standards” and “regulation” from “the provision of survey and mapping services...” - [Inter-ruption.]
Mr. Speaker noon
Which one are you dealing with?
Mr. Ayariga noon
The same clause 5 (f).
Mr. Speaker noon
No, no, we are dealing with (ix).
Mr. Ayariga noon
Yes, I was going to draw your attention to what I perceive to be an omission. The intention is to account for a clause 5 (g), there is no (g). From (f), it
Mr. Speaker noon
Chairman, where is (g)?
Mr. J. B. Aidoo noon
Mr. Speaker, the (g) as it is, is not there but the moment you introduce (g) there it is going to change the whole arrangement. That is why we are leaving that aspect in the hands of the draftsperson's office. The second part of the clause is going to come as an additional amendment of a new subclause. And certainly that will be handled by the draftsperson's office. I do not think it would be appropriate for us to -- Once you introduce a (g), it is going to disorganize the whole numbering of clause 5 and its subclauses.
Mr. Speaker noon
We are now dealing with item (xi). Paragraph (i), delete “undertake” and insert “provide”.
Question put and amendment agreed
Mr. H. Iddrisu noon
Mr. Speaker I beg to move, clause 5, paragraph (j), delete and insert the following:
“ensure that through sound, sustainable land use, planning, socio-economic activities are consistent with long-term national development goals.”
Mr. Speaker, if you read (j), the Lands Commission is being asked to ensure that socio-economic activities are consistent. What the Lands Commission does is specifically related to land use and its
administration and it is in doing that that it wants other activities to conform with it. So I think that a better rendition will be:
“For the purpose of achieving the objective, the Commission shall ensure that through sound and sustainable land use planning, economic activities are consistent with long-term national develop- ment goals”.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo noon
Mr. Speaker, what the hon. Member has actually done is just to re-arrange the words there. And what he is doing would not take anything away or add anything. So Mr. Speaker, I would want your Committee's position to stay; I oppose to his amendment.
Mr. Speaker noon
You are opposing it?
Mr. Ayariga noon
Mr. Speaker, honestly speaking, the rendition in (j) is very problematic in terms of trying to understand it.
“To ensure that socio- economic activities are consistent with sound land use through sustainable land use planning in the long-term national interest.”
Mr. Speaker, I do not understand what that means. It is very confusing and I think that the attempt by the hon. Member to simplify it and make it more understandable is commendable except that we could just re-arrange it to read:
“to ensure that through sound and sustainable land use, socio- economic activities are consistent with long-term national develop- ment goals.”
I would find that easier to appreciate than the rendition in the original (j). Mr. Speaker, I really have a problem understanding that. If the Chairman can
explain what that means -- I do not know but I think that hon. Haruna Iddrisu's rendition captures the essence of what they are trying to convey in that particular clause.
Mr. Speaker noon
Chairman, let us stand this down, please.
Mr. H. Iddrisu noon
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 5, paragraph (l), line 1, before “instil” insert “in collaboration with other bodies”.
Mr. Speaker, these are the functions of the Commission and we are saying that they should instil order and discipline into the land market. In undertaking this function, they may need the support of the police and that is collaborative. They may need other institutions which will support them to instil order and discipline. And we think that they must do so in collaboration with other relevant bodies that will ensure that they are able to achieve those objectives.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo noon
Mr. Speaker, it is very harmless, so we agree with him.
Question put and amendment agreed to.
Mr. H. Iddrisu noon
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 5, paragraph (o), line 1, before “minimize” insert “in collaboration with other bodies”.
The intention is to minimize or eliminate where possible, the sources of protracted land boundary disputes. The Commission cannot do it sitting alone, they would need to do it in relation to other relevant bodies.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo noon
Mr. Speaker, it is consequential, so we agree.
Mr. H. Iddrisu noon
Mr. Speaker, I beg
to move, clause 5, delete and insert “undertake any other function incidental to the objective of the Commission”.
Mr. Speaker, if you just take a close look at clause 6 which is accompanying the (t), there is independence of the Commission and they are saying if we come to agree with it --
“Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution or in any other law which is not inconsistent with the Constitution, the Commission shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority.
. .”
Mr. Speaker, we want the Lands Commission to be independent and have autonomy. We have somewhere created Ministerial responsibility for the Commission. I think that we in making this provision, want them to be able to perform other functions incidental to the objects of the Commission. The objects of the Commission to promote judicious land use, ensure land development, anything incidental to which there are no specific legal regimes governing it, the Commission may be able to go ahead with it.
So I do not think that we should say “perform the functions the Minister may assign to it”. After all, we have already said that the Minister is supposed to give direction on matters of policy, if we accept clause 3 as it was then proposed. So one would wish that supported by our own attempt to make the Commission independent, why do we want the Commission be subject to functions that the Minister may determine for it?
Mr. Speaker 12:10 p.m.
Hon. Member, let him finish. Are you concluding?
Mr. Aidooh 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I just want
to refer my hon. Colleague to article 258 (1) (e). This power is there; so he should save us some time and abandon his argument.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, yes, it
is constitutional, agreed.
Mr. Speaker 12:10 p.m.
You are therefore
abandoning it?
Mr. H. Iddrisu 12:10 p.m.
Yes, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker 12:10 p.m.
Amendment withdrawn by leave of the House.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg
to move, clause 5, add a new paragraph as follows:
“to register deeds and instruments affecting land throughout the country.”
This will take care of the earlier amendment that we made in clause 5 (f) where we said that the functions which were lumped together were to be separated. So we are now taking care of that situation.
Question put and amendment agreed to.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg
to move, clause 5, add a new paragraph as follows:

“provide mapping and surveying services where necessary.”

Again, it is in line with the earlier decision that we took.

Question put and amendment agreed to.

Clause 5 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clause 6 -- Independence of the Commission.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg
to move, clause 6, line 2, delete “which is not inconsistent with the Constitution”.
This is because any law which is not consistent with the Constitution is void and I think that we do not need to make reference to that.
Mr. Speaker 12:10 p.m.
Chairman of the
Committee, you do not have any objection?
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I have
no objection.
Question put and amendment agreed to.
Clause 6 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
Clause 7 -- Collaboration and co- ordination with other public bodies.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I
beg to move, clause 7, subclause (1), paragraph (b), delete “agency” and insert “department”.
Mr. Speaker, the present designation
of Town and Country Planning is “Department” and not “Agency”.
Question put and amendment agreed
Mr. Speaker 12:10 p.m.
Item (xix.)
Mr. H. Iddrisu 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I met
with the leadership of the Committee and all my amendments in respect of clause 7 are abandoned.
Mr. Speaker 12:10 p.m.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to
move, clause 7, subclause (2), paragraph (a), line 2, at end, insert “and other lands”.
Question put and amendment agreed to.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to
move, clause 7, subclause (2), paragraph (b), line 2, at end, insert “other lands”.
Question put and amendment agreed to.
Clause 7 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
Clause 8 -- Composition of the Commission.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to
move, clause 8, subclause (3), delete and insert the following:
“The allowance payable and the facilities and privileges available to the chairman and other members of the Commission shall be determined by the President in accordance with article 71 of the Constitution.”
Mr. Speaker, if you look at the original
rendition, just compare subclause (3) to (2), and Mr. Speaker, with your permission, I beg to quote:
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, my
hon. Friend referred to article 71 (1) of the Constitution. Unfortunately, he did not read everything. Article 71 (1) of the Constitution says, and Mr. Speaker, with your permission, I beg to quote:
“The salaries and allowances payable, and the facilities and privileges available . . .”
So Mr. Speaker, what we have in the Bill is just a constitutional provision and I do not think there is anything wrong indicating that the President in consultation with the relevant body or authority would determine the salaries and allowances payable to the Commission members. So, Mr. Speaker, I rise to oppose his amendment.
Mr. Speaker 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Chairman, what
do you say to article 71 (1) (d) (iv) of the Constitution?
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, he is referring to article 71 (1) (d) (iv) of the Constitution - and the salaries and allowances payable and the facilities and privileges available to the Lands Commission. Those are the words that
are lifted and so he cannot say that they do not earn salaries.
Mr. Speaker 12:10 p.m.
Hon. Member, what
is it? You may want to withdraw or abandon it?
Mr. H. Iddrisu 12:20 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, it is just
lifting of the constitutional provision of 71(1) (d), so I think that I will abandon my amendment except to say that they were looking at (2), “the President in appointing membership of the Commission”, they did not specifically say in accordance with (g) or 70. Why did they not say so, if they want to be consistent?
Mr. Aidooh 12:20 p.m.
A broad reference to an article is all right for me.
Clause 8 ordered to stand part of the Bill.
Clause 9 - Membership of the Regional Lands Commission.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:20 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 9, paragraph (e), line 2, after “Fishermen” insert “in the Region”.
Mr. Speaker, this appears to be an
omission as all the representatives of the various bodies are coming from the regions concerned.
Question put and amendment agreed to.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 12:20 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 9, delete and insert the following:
“Regional Lands Commission
(1) There shall be established in each region of ghana a branch of the Commission to be known as a Regional Lands Commission and shall consist of:
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:20 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I do not have any problem with this amendment because it is in line with article 260 (1) of the Constitution. It reads:
“The Lands Commission shall have
a branch in each region to be known as a Regional Lands Commission.”
Mr. Speaker, now, we are establishing a new Lands Commission which is different from the previous Lands Commission as we knew. The previous Lands Commission was a one institution and now, we are bringing under this new Lands Commission different agencies and certainly, the activities and functions would differ.
Therefore, we did not agree wholly on this matter at the winnowing session and I would crave your indulgence that we stand down this amendment.
Mr. Aidooh 12:20 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I think that my hon. Colleague is getting the whole thing wrong. There is only one Lands Commission which is established by the Constitution through this Act. That Commission will have branches, but you cannot establish Regional Lands Commissions; that would be a parallel institution. You would then be establishing separate bodies which are not branches of this Lands Commission.
The Constitution requires that we have regional branches. The proposed amendment that he is bringing is to establish different bodies and they could be parallel to the Lands Commission in Accra.
The Constitution requires branches of the same body which would be inferior to the Accra Lands Commission; they are only branches; but by this amendment, we are establishing by law separate bodies in the regions which would be unconstitutional.
Mr. Ayariga 12:20 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I appreciate
the import of the arguments of the hon. Majority Leader, but if you read clause 9, that is not the message it conveys. It reads: “A Regional Lands Commission. . . .” I
Mr. Speaker 12:20 p.m.
Majority Leader, yes, of course, you have reference to article 260 (1) of the Constitution, which talks about branches. Is not it? It reads:
“The Lands Commission shall have a branch in each region. . .”
Mr. Aidooh 12:20 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, we have to lift 260 (1) of the Constitution as a prelude to clause 9.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 12:20 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I think I
am in agreement with the suggestion of the Majority Leader and particularly so guided by article 260 (2) which strengthens his argument that
“the activities of the Regional Lands Commission shall be coordinated by the Lands Commission,”
but I think I agree with him. I would abandon my amendment but with the assurance that we would insert an opener to clause 9 for purposes of the functioning of the Regional Lands Commission which would be subject to the Lands Com- mission.
Mr. Speaker 12:20 p.m.
Majority Leader, let us have formulation - [Interruption.]
Mr. Aidooh 12:20 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 9, insert clause 260 (1)
before the clause and leave the other work to the draftsperson.
Question put and amendment agreed to.
Clause 9 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
Clause 10 - Functions of the Regional Lands Commission.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:20 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 10, subclause (1), line 2, delete all the words after “Region”.
Mr. Speaker, the issue has been flagged, the subclause should be specific on those functions reserved for only the Regional Lands Commission.
Question put and amendment agreed to.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:20 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 10, add a new subclause as follows:
“There shall be no disposition or development of any stool land unless the Regional Lands Commission of the region in which the land is situated has certified that the disposition or development is consistent with the development plan drawn up or approved by the planning authority for the area concerned”.
Mr. Speaker, this is a constitutional provision; it is coming from article 263.
Question put and amendment agree to.
Mr. Speaker 12:20 p.m.
There is a further amendment to clause 10.
Mr. Speaker 12:30 p.m.
Leadership, when
should we stop? Should we stop at 12.30 p.m. or 1 o'clock?
Mr. Aidooh 12:30 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, what is
your pleasure?
Mr. Speaker 12:30 p.m.
Then let us take one
more clause.
Mr. Aidooh 12:30 p.m.
Very well, Sir.
Clause 11 - Qual i f icat ion for membership
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:30 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg
to move, clause 11, subclauses (1) and (2), delete and insert.
“A person shall not be qualified for appointment as a member of the Lands Commission other than the Executive Secretary and the Regional Lands Officer unless he is qualified to be a member of Parliament, except that for the avoidance of doubt, a person shall
not be disqualified to be a member under this article by reason only of his being a public officer”.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 12:30 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, this is
just for your indulgence.
Mr. Speaker, sometimes the Chairman
would be easy convincing us if he proceeds to make specific reference to the constitutional provisions he is talking about. Other than that when he just leaves it and makes it weightier -- “…you must be qualified as a member of Parliament” and does not make a specific reference, we get worried.
This i s because we would be appointing many Executive Secretaries under different Bills. Do we say that their qualification is that they should be Members of Parliament? I understand that on this specific matter, the Constitution makes reference to it. But the Chairman should help us when he is moving the amendment to indicate why and quote the specific provision to strengthen his argument.
Mr. Speaker 12:30 p.m.
Chairman of the Committee, I think it is advisable to do so. Please, refer us to the constitutional provision.
Mr. J. B. Aidoo 12:30 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, article
263 of the Constitution reads, and with your permission I beg to quote:
“A person shall not be qualified for appointment as a member of the Lands Commission or of a Regional Lands Commission other than the Executive Secretary and the Regional Lands Officer unless he is qualified to be a Member of Parliament, except that for the avoidance of doubts, a person shall not be disqualified to be a member under this article by reason only of

his being a public officer.”

Question put and amendment agreed to.

Clause 11 as amended ordered to stand

part of the Bill.
Mr. Aidooh 12:30 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, that we adjourn proceedings at this stage and re-assemble on Monday at ten o'clock in the morning.
Mr. H. Iddrisu 12:30 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to
second the motion.
Question put and motion agreed to.
ADJOURNMENT 12:30 p.m.