Debates of 31 Oct 2008

PRAYERS 10:20 a.m.


Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:20 a.m.
Correction of Votes and Proceedings of yesterday, Thursday, 30th October, 2008. Any corrections? Pages 1, 2 . . . 24. [No correction was made.]
Hon. Members, without any correction,
we will assume that what you have in hand is a true reflection of what took place yesterday, Thursday, 30th October, 2008.
We also have in hand the Official
Report of Wednesday, 29th October, 2008. If Hon. Members have their copies which I believe they do, we could as well make any

Hon. Majority Leader, Business State- ment for the week?

Majority Leader/Minister for Parlia- mentary Affairs (Mr. A. O. Aidooh) 10:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the Committee met on Thursday, 30th October 2008 and determined Business of the House for the Fifth Week ending Friday, 7th November 2008.
Mr. Speaker, the Committee according- ly submits its report as follows 10:20 a.m.
Arrangement of Business
Mr. Speaker, the Committee has scheduled twenty-five (25) Questions to be answered by various Ministers during the week.
The details are as follows:
No. of Question(s)
i. Minister for Transportation 7 ii. Minister for the greater-Accra Region 1 iii. Minister for Fisheries 2 iv. Minister for Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration & NEPAD 1 v. Minister for Presidential Affairs 2 vi. Minister for Defence 2 vii. Minister for Manpower, Youth and Employment 1 viii. Minister for Energy 9
Total Number of Questions 25
Mr. Speaker, in all, twenty-five (25) Questions are expected to be answered during the week by eight (8) Ministers.
Papers and Reports
Mr. Speaker, Papers and Reports may be laid and presented respectively for consideration by the House.
Mr. Speaker, Bills may be presented to
the House and those which have already been presented would be taken through the various stages of passage.
Statements and Motions
Mr. Speaker may allow Statements and motions may also be debated.
Business Committee Meeting
Mr. Speaker, the Business Committee
is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, 5th November 2008 at 10.00 a.m. instead of Thursday, 6th November 2008 to consider Business of the House for the Sixth Week.
Mr. Speaker, hon. Members would observe that Business of the House for Thursday, 6th November 2008, had been made light due to the fact that a State funeral will be held on that day for our late colleague, hon. Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu at the forecourt of the State House.
Mr. Speaker, hon. Members are also to
take note that on Thursday, 6th November 2008, the House will begin its Sitting for the day at 8.00 a.m. in the forenoon instead of the usual time of 10.00 a.m. This change of time is to enable hon. Members pay their last respect to our departed colleague Hon. Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu.
Meeting of the Committee of the Whole
Mr. Speaker, hon. Members are to take
note that a meeting of the Committee of the Whole has been scheduled for Wednesday, 5th November 2008, after adjournment of the House.
Mr. Speaker, in accordance with Standing Order 160 (2) and subject to Standing Order 53, your Committee submits to this honourable House the order in which the Business of the House shall be taken during the week.

Questions --

Minister for Transportation -- 1396, 1418, 1436, 1439, 1452, 1456, and


Laying of Papers --

(a) Report of the Committee on Mines and Energy on the Petroleum Agreement amongst the government of the Republic of ghana, ghana National P e t r o l e u m C o r p o r t a t i o n (gNPC), Aker ASA and Chemu Power Company Limited for the conduct of exploration and production operations in the Offshore Deepwater Tano Basin.

(b) Report of the Committee on Constitutional, Legal and Parlia-mentary Affairs on the Parliamentary Service (Amend- ment) Bill.

(c) Report of the Committee on Works and Housing on the Statutes and Conventions on the Establishment of the Volta Basin Authority (VBA).

(d) Report of the Joint Committee on Finance and Trade, Industry and Tourism on the Sale and Purchase Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and the International Aluminium Partners for the sale and purchase of 70 per cent issue
Mr. Speaker, the Committee according- ly submits its report as follows 10:30 a.m.
and fully paid shares of Volta Alumunium Company Limited (VALCO) held by government of ghana.
Consideration Stage of Bills --
(a) Electronic Transaction Bill.
(b) National Information Techno- logy Agency Bill.
Committee Sittings.

Tribute to the late Finance Minister (Hon. Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu)

Questions --

Minister for greater-Accra Region

-- 1397.

Minister for Fisheries -- 1408 and


Minister for Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and NEPAD

-- 1446

Laying of Papers --

Report of the Committee on Roads and Transport and Environment, Science and Technology on the following:

The 1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Waste and Other Matter (London Convention


MARPOL 1973/78 Annex III -- Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried at Sea in Package Form.

MARPOL 1973/78 Annex IV -

Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships.

MARPOL 1973/78 Annex V - Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by garbage from Ships

MARPOL 1973/78 Annex VI - Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution Air from Ships.

Motions --

(a) Second Reading of Bills --

Parliamentary Service (Amend- ment) Bill.

(b) Adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the Loan Agreement between the govern- ment of the Republic of ghana and Export-Import Bank of China for an amount of RMB 58,000,000.00 (fifty-eight million Renminbi) (Equivalent to US$8,195,000.00) for the establishment of ICT- Enabled Distance Education Project.

(c) Adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the Supple- mental Financing Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and the Hospital Engineering gmbH of the Federal Republic of germany for an amount of €38,316,360.01 for the supply and installation of medical and technical equipment at the 37 Military Hospital, Accra.

[Consequential Resolution.] (d) Adoption of the Report of the

Finance Committee on the Credit Facility Agreement between the government of the Republic of

ghana and the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) for an amount of US$30 million for the Self-Help Electri- fication Programme (SHEP 4) in the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo Regions.

(e) Adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the Finan- cing Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and the Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) for an amount of US$500 million to finance the development and construction of the Juale and Pwalugu Hydro-electric Power Projects.

Consideration Stage of Bills --

(a) Borrowers and Lenders Bill.

(b) Non-Bank Financial Institution Bill.

(c) Northern Development Fund Bill

Committee Sittings.

Questions --

Minister for Presidential Affairs -- 1498 and 1535

Minister for Defence -- 1506 and


Minister for Manpower, Youth and

Employment -- 1568.

Motions --

(a) Third Reading of Bills --

Electronic Transactions Bill.

National Information Tech- nology Agency Bill.

(b) Adoption of the Report of the Committee on Mines and Energy on the Petroleum Agreement amongst the government of the Republic of ghana, ghana National Petroleum Corporation (gNPC), Aker ASA and Chemu Power Company Limited for the conduct of exploration and production operations in the Offshore Deepwater Tano Basin.

(c) Adoption of the Report of the Committee on Works and Housing on the Statutes and Conventions on the Establishment of the Volta Basin Authority (VBA).

(d) Adoption of the Report of the Joint Committee on Finance and Trade, Industry and Tourism on the Sale and Purchase Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and the International Aluminium Partners for the sale and purchase of 70 per cent issued and fully paid shares of Volta Aluminium Company Limited (VALCO) held by government of ghana.

[Consequential Resolution.] Consideration Stage of Bills --
Mr. Speaker, the Committee according- ly submits its report as follows 10:30 a.m.
Parliamentary Service (Amendment) Bill.
Committee Sittings --
Meeting of the Committee of the Whole.

Motions --

Third Reading of Bills --

Borrowers and Lenders Bill.

Non-Bank Financial Institu-tion Bill.

Northern Development Fund Bill.

P a r l i a m e n t a r y S e r v i c e (Amendment) Bill

Committee Sittings.

Questions --

Minister for Energy -- 1232, 1253,

1271, 1275, 1290, 1292, 1295, 1297,

and 1356

Motions --

(a) Adoption of the Report of the Committee on Roads and Transport on the 1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Waste and Other Matter (London Conven- tion 1972)

[Consequential Resolution.] (b) Adoption of the Report of

the Committee on Roads and

Transport on the MARPOL 1 9 7 3 / 7 8 A n n e x I I I - - Regulations for the Prevention of Pol lut ion by Harmful Substances Carried at Sea in Packaged Form.

(c) Adoption of the Report of the Committee on Roads and Transport on the MARPOL 1 9 7 3 / 7 8 A n n e x I V - - Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships.

(d) Adoption of the Report of

the Committee on Roads and Transport on the MARPOL 1973/78 Annex V -- Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by garbage from Ships.

(e) Adoption of the Report of the Committee on Roads and Transport on the MARPOL 1973/78 Annex VI -- Regu- lations for the Prevention of Pollution of Air from Ships.

Committee Sittings.
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:30 a.m.
Hon. Members, that is for your consideration.
Mr. A. B. Inusah Fuseini 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, your joint Committees met yesterday in respect of item (1) iii (d) -- that is Monday, 3rd November -
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:30 a.m.
Which document are you referring to?
Mr. Fuseini 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I am referring to the Business Statement for the 5th Week ending Friday, 7th November,
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:30 a.m.
And then it?
Mr. Fuseini 10:30 a.m.
Item (1) (iii) (d) -- Report of the joint Committee on Finance and Trade.
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:30 a.m.
Are you talking about item (2) or item (1)?
Mr. Fuseini 10:30 a.m.
Item (1), Monday, 3rd November, 2008 (1)
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:30 a.m.
Monday, 3rd November, 2008 item (iii) (d)?
Mr. Fuseini 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, your joint Committees met yesterday and it was agreed between hon. Members that the Committees reconvene on Tuesday to consider the Sale and Purchase Agreement. So it is highly improbable that the report of the Joint Committees will be ready to be laid on Monday and for the adoption on Wednesday. Most probably if the Joint Committee meet on Tuesday, the report must be ready on Wednesday.
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:30 a.m.
This is the
proposed Statement. If there is any need to change it, we will consider that.
Mr. Alfred Agbesi 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker,
earlier notices to the House indicated that this House will be rising on the 7th of November 2008 but the Business Statement has not advertised that one. I want to know from the hon. Chairman whether that position has been changed and whether it has been communicated to hon. Members.
Mr. Speaker, my understanding is that the House will be rising next week. Mr. Speaker, if that is so, there are a lot of activities in the country which are creating a lot of tension.
Mr. Speaker, churches, traditional
authorities are all praying for peaceful elections. Mr. Speaker, I am of the view that the Ministry of the Interior should come and tell the country what plans it has towards peaceful elections in this country.
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:30 a.m.
Hon. Member, do the right thing in accordance with our rules.
Mr. Charles Hodogbey 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker,
more than six months ago, I put in a Question regarding the measures that have been taken to protect ghanaian consumers in the face of emerging foreign banks and financial institutions. What measures have been put in place to protect the consumers. We have 24 banks now just mushrooming and we do not know the measures that have been put in place and that Question has never been advertised or been brought to this House.
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:30 a.m.
So you filed the Question and you have not had any response?
Mr. Hodogbey 10:30 a.m.
Exactly so, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:30 a.m.
Majority Leader, do you want to answer the question? You want to react to it?
Mr. Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 10:30 a.m.
Speaker, I want to say something in relation to the Business Statement that we have-- [Interruption.] I have an observation.
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:30 a.m.
Please, let
us deal with one thing before the other. Hon. Agbesi has raised an issue that he filed a Question and he has not had any answer to that. He wants the Chairman of the Business Committee to explain.
Mr. Aidooh 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I do not
know whether the Question has been validly admitted. We will check and if there is time we will programme it. But I am not sure whether it has been validly admitted.
Now, to the questions asked by my hon.
Friend from Ashaiman. As I said in the Business Statement, the Committee will meet on Wednesday, 4th November, 2008 at 9.00 a.m. to consider business for the following week.
Hon. Members, let me announce that the time for rising has been tentatively shifted to Tuesday the 11th of November 2008 to make extra time for the time we are losing during this Meeting. So tentatively, we may be rising on the 11th of November and not the 7th November 2008 as previously announced.
Now, as regards his issue about the Interior Minister coming here to brief us, if he can file a Question today he will come to answer it immediately - I promise him. If he can file a Question or invoke any other processes under our rules, it will be expeditiously attended to. I give that assurance to him.
Mr. Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 10:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, earlier on in the presentation, the Chairman of the Business Committee had indicated to us that Business for Thursday, 6th November 2008 had been made light to make time for the State burial of our departed Colleague, hon. Kwadwo Baah- Wiredu. But we have four items to be considered on Thursday, that is motions, the Third Reading of Bills. They are four items. Well, subject to there being no Second Consideration in respect of these Bills, perhaps, we could make it but if it turns out that any of these may have to
go through a second consideration, I am afraid we may not be able to adjourn as advertised.

Mr. Speaker, the other one relates to Monday, 3rd November 2008 -- Statements, Tributes in memory of the late hon. Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu, which the Chairman has signalled and appropriately so, that it is slated for Tuesday, 4th November, 2008 and not Monday, 3rd November, 2008.

My worry though, is where we locate tributes. Our Standing Orders are very clear on this but I have been in this House for twelve years now and there has not been an occasion where we have respected what our Standing Orders say about this.

Mr. Speaker, Order 53 which talks about the order of Business in the House -- I want to quote Order 53 (1):

“The business for each Sitting day, as decided by the Business Committee shall be set out in the Order Paper, and shall whenever possible be transacted in the following order:

a. Prayers;

b. Oaths;

c. Address by the President;

d. Messages from the President;

e. Formal communications by the Speaker;

f. Election of a Deputy Speaker;

g. Ceremonial Speeches.” And Mr. Speaker, it comes before Correction of Votes and Proceedings and Official Reports.

That is the proper position of it, but never in this House have we respected this.
Mr. Speaker, if you go to Order 71, it says and with your permission I quote 10:40 a.m.
“Ceremonial speeches may be allowed. Such speeches may be confined to commemorating special events or occasions of death of distinguished persons.”
So it means that when we come to ceremonial speeches which include making tributes, it should precede the Correction of Votes and Proceedings.
I am aware that Order 53 (2) allows
for varying the Order. That is by leave of Mr. Speaker, the order of business set out on the Order Paper may be altered on any particular day. But that is when the proper thing has been done; that is when the proper arrangement has been set out on the Order Paper and that is what I seek that we from now on do.
Mr. Kenneth Dzirasah 10:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, in times like this, when we are getting to the end of the term, Public Business normally takes precedence over non- public business. But I have noticed that we continue to entertain Questions when we should give a lot more time to Public Business and as a result, we are running short of time and it is creating a lot of problems. My prediction is that even as we get closer to the elections, the House will be more empty. So why would not the Business Committee take advantage of this practice and make sure that we rather concentrate on Public Business and then leave or defer Questions to another time?
Even though Questions are equally important, the practice is that precedence or premium is placed on Public Business so that we can pass the Bills and the Acts as fast as possible. If the hon. Chairman of
the Committee could make the appropriate time and adjustments.
Mr. Aidooh 10:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I have been
advised that because my hon. Friend is not contesting the election, he does not see the importance of Questions of Members who are contesting the elections. But more seriously, his comment is right but we are trying to strike a fair balance between public interest and Members' interest.
In spite of the fact that we keep asking Questions here, we are on time. In fact, we are on schedule. We have not been bogged down in terms of time. All our programmes are on schedule. At anytime that we find it necessary to suspend Questions, we shall do so, but for now the Committee prefers to give hon. Members who have Questions to ask, the chance to do so. Where the balance should be tilted, it will be done. And I knew that our hon. Colleagues who are contesting the elections would prefer to have their Questions answered before the elections. We will try to grant them that facility except when it becomes impossible to do that. For now we intend to go ahead with this programme.
Mr. Dzirasah 10:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I do not
know whether the Leader is in a position to assure us that next week, we will not be saddled with a number of Agreements to consider, that will throw the entire programme out of order. These are the problems. As we get to the end of the term, there is a rush and pressure on us.
Mr. Aidooh 10:40 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I think in
all fairness this Meeting has been quite busy and we have decided to have both extended and/or double Sitting. We shall do so for as far as possible and we shall also have time to handle all business. But let me assure you that we will rise on the 11th of November, 2008 at 10.00 a.m. or 12.00 mid-night; it will be on the 11th, I
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:40 a.m.
Members, with that we will adopt just as has been presented the Business Statement for the week and work with it, subject to changes as and when necessary.
At the Commencement of Public
Business, hon. Members - Presentation and First Reading of Bills.

PAPERS 10:50 a.m.


Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:50 a.m.
Item 9, Minister for Communications?
Mr. Kojo Armah 10:50 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, the Bill is due to go through a Second Con- sideration Stage but the Minister is still sorting out some policy issues, so we should stand it down.
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:50 a.m.
In the cir-cumstances, we will stand it down or it is deferred.
Item 10 -- Chairman?
Nii Mante: Mr. Speaker, if we can suspend this for a few minutes.
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:50 a.m.
Fair enough. Leader of the House, item 11?
Mr. Aidooh 10:50 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, it is deferred, please.
Mr. First Deputy Speaker 10:50 a.m.
Item 12?
Mr. Aidooh 10:50 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, it is also deferred.
MOTIONS 10:50 a.m.

Chairman of the Finance Committee (Nii Adu Daku Mante) 10:50 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, that notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order 80 (1) which require that no motion shall be debated until at least forty-eight hours have elapsed between the date on which notice of the motion is given and the date on which the motion is moved, the motion for the adoption of the Report of the Joint Committee on Finance and Trade, Indus- try and Tourism on the Support Agree- ment between the government of the Republic of ghana, Cascade Development Company Limited and the gold Coast Resorts International Limited to redevelop the Accra Racecourse to include a five-star hotel, shopping mall, office and residential buildings may be moved today.
Mr. Kwadwo Agyei-Addo 10:50 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to second the motion.
Question put and motion agreed to.
Resolved accordingly.
GOG/Cascade Development Company Ltd./ Gold Coast Resorts
Mr. Kwadwo Agyei-Addo 10:50 a.m.

International Ltd. Support Agreement

Nii Adu Daku Mante: Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, that this honourable House adopts the Report of the Joint Committee on Finance and Trade, Industry and Tourism on the Support Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana, Cascade Development Company Limited and the gold Coast Resorts International Limited to redevelop the Accra Racecourse to include a five-star hotel, shopping mall, office and residential buildings.

Mr. Speaker, in so doing, may I present to you, your Committee's Report.

1.0 Introduction

The Support Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana, Cascade Development Company Limited and gold Coast Resorts International Limited to redevelop the Accra Racecourse to include a five-star hotel, shopping mall, office and residential buildings was laid in the House on Monday, 27th October, 2008 and referred to a Joint Committee on Finance and Trade, Industry and Tourism for consideration and report.

The Joint Committee met and discussed the Agreement with the Minister of State at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, hon. Dr. Anthony Akoto Osei, Deputy Minister for Tourism and Diasporan Relations, hon. Kofi Osei Ameyaw and officials from the Ministries of Finance and Economic Planning and Tourism and Diasporan Relations and report as follows:

2.0 Background

The government of ghana (gog), on 15th February 2006, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

with Cascade Development Company Limited (CDC) to redevelop the 14.16 hectare site in Accra which is owned by the government of ghana and had been used as the Accra Racecourse. The final agreement was signed on 11th January


The government of ghana (gog) wants the site to be developed into a multi-purpose complex to include a five- star hotel, office buildings, apartment suites and a shopping mall. The CDC's preliminary outline plan for these purposes has been accepted. gog has therefore agreed to sublease the site to CDC.

CDC has agreed to develop the site itself or through its affiliates and to raise or procure all requisite funding thereof and also to manage the complex itself or through its affiliates. Furthermore, the agreement requires CDC to manage the International Conference Centre which is adjacent to the site as a complete centre.

3.0 Purpose of the Agreement

The Purpose of the Agreement is to develop the old Accra Racecourse site adjacent to the Accra International Conference Centre into a mixed user complex to include a five-star hotel, office buildings, apartment suites and a shopping mall with an estimated built up area of approximately 300,000 square metres, and to manage the International Conference Centre as part of the project. 4.0 Observations

The Committee observed that Cascade Development Company Limited has obtained a sublease covering the Accra Racecourse from the ghana Tourist Board to redevelop hotel complex, office buildings, apartment suites and a shopping mall on the 14.16 acre land.

The Committee noted that Cascade

Development Company has relocated the Accra Racecourse to Ashaley Botwe, off the motorway at its own expense and taken possession of the vacant site. The Company has undertaken demolition and has prepared the site for the commencement of the construction of the complex.

The Deputy Minister for Tourism and Diasporan Relations informed the Committee that the development of the five-star hotel complex, shopping mall and apartment suites will augment the present stock of hotel accommodation in the country and help to attract more tourists into the country.

The Committee also observed that, the construction of the hotel, office buildings and shopping mall complex is designed to turn the Accra International Conference Centre area into a complete convention centre of international standard.

It was explained to the Committee that this was part of the original plan of the Accra International Conference Centre but due to government's inability to find a partner who would be willing to bear the cost of relocating the racecourse, the project could not be fulfilled until now.

The Committee noted that the govern- ment of ghana has agreed that the Inter- national Conference Centre, which is adjacent to the site, will either be leased to CDC or one of its affiliates on terms to be agreed between the parties or gog will appoint CDC or one of its affiliates as the manager of the Centre under a long- term management contract on terms to be agreed between the parties.

On Duties and Obligations of gog, article 6.1.1 of the Agreement (pages 15 of 119 -- 16 of 119) requires gog to ensure that

“CDC and its affiliates are granted all of the exemptions, incentives and tax concessions as provided for in the g.I.P.C.I. in relation to each sub-phase of CDC's development of the complex by CDC and its affiliates, and in particular, but without limitation, gog will ensure that CDC and its affiliates are granted:

exemption from any liability to pay any taxation on the income, profits or gains, whether actual or accrued, earned or made by CDC and/or its affiliates in respect of each sub-phase for a period of five years from the completion of such relevant sub-phase

during the period up to full completion of each sub-phase, exemption from liability to pay any duties, charges, levies, or any other form of tax imposed under the law of ghana on the import of necessary materials, furnishings, fixtures and equipment to be used and/or incorporated into the construction and furnishing of each sub-phase

exemption from withholding tax on dividends, royalties, licence fees, interest, rental payments and management fees paid by CDC and/or its affiliates with effect from the opening of each sub-phase and continuing for a period of five years from the date of completion of each relevant sub-phase.”

In connect ion wi th the above exemptions, article 6.1.2 of the Agreement warrants the government of ghana to obtain all necessary governmental approvals and other requisite consents including all requisite Parliamentary approvals.

5.0 Conclusion

The Committee has critically examined the Agreement and found that the

construction of the complex is in line with the government's vision of making ghana a preferred tourist destination of West Africa.

In the light of this, the Committee recommends to the House to adopt this report and approve by Resolution, the Support Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana, Cascade Development Company Limited and gold Coast Resorts International Limited to redevelop the Accra racecourse to include a five-star hotel, shopping mall, office and apartment suites in accordance with article 181 (5) of the Constitution and the Standing Orders of the House.

Respectfully submitted.
Mr. J. B. D. Adu (NPP -- Akim Abuakwa North) 11 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to second the motion and in doing so I would like to make a few comments on the Report.
Mr. Speaker, this development is long overdue as has been rightly put in the Report. The International Conference Centre forms part of the whole complex that needed to be developed with regard to where the racecourse land was. However, throughout the whole years this could not have taken place because they could not find the right investor and the right developer. Luckily, we have managed to, by the Report. A company by the name of Cascade Development and gold Coast Resorts International has earmarked the place as a convention centre to develop it to a mix use development and I think it is worth supporting and worth approving this support agreement.
Mr. Speaker, ghana has been pursuing
the strategy of what we call the Meetings, Incentives, Conference and Events (MICE), which in short, is to make Accra a conference destination centre. You cannot achieve this strategy if you do not have the requisite international five-star property and an international conference to go with it. I believe that this develop- ment will go a long way to support this strategy of MICE that the government is pursuing to make Accra a truly preferred tourist destination centre in West Africa.
This development and the movement of the racecourse into a new location, affords the opportunity for such an international convention centre to be developed.
Mr. Speaker, I would take a little paragraph in the conclusion of the Report which simply says that “It is in line with the government's vision of making ghana a preferred tourist destination of West Africa”. In so doing, I support the Agree- ment that is laid before us.
Question proposed.
Mr. A. B. Inusah Fuseini (NDC -- Tamale Central) 11 a.m.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for the opportunity to contribute to the motion on the floor of the House.
Mr. Speaker, indeed as rightly said, the area known as the racecourse has been an area that has a huge potential to be developed into a commercial centre. Indeed, I am aware that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) government was exploring the possibility of developing the area into a hotel attraction. It is in the light of this that I rise to support the decision of the government to actualize what was initially intended of the area.
Mr. Speaker, in reading the Agreement, paragraph 8, it seems to talk about the equity contribution of government in the whole venture. But the Report appears to be silent on it and I would want this
House or the Report to take cognizance of the fact that when the venture or project is completed, the agreement contemplates that government of ghana would have 10 per cent equity shares in Cascade and this would be our interest in that venture.
With these contributions, I support the motion.
Mr. E. T. Mensah (NDC -- Ningo/ Prampram) 11 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I also rise to support the motion. On page 3, paragraph 5, we have:
“It was explained to the Committee that this was part of the original plan of the Accra International Conference Centre but due to government's inability to find a partner who would be willing to bear the cost of relocating the race- course, the project could not be fulfilled . . .”
As a matter of fact, by 2000, it was not a partner per se. Initially the International Conference Centre was to be built and the hotel was to be built at the place where the old racecourse was and it was to service the International Conference Centre. It was to be built by anybody who wanted to do it. I was in the centre of that and by 2000 somebody was found and they had almost completed everything before the 2000 Elections, and something happened and the person withdrew. So it is not entirely correct that nobody could be found.
Mr. Speaker, my other concern is with the last paragraph 11 a.m.
“The Committee noted that the government of ghana has agreed that the International Conference Centre which is adjacent to the site will either be leased to CDC or one
of its affiliates on terms to be agreed between the parties or gOg will appoint CDC or one of its affiliates as the manager of the Centre.”
It is a bit confusing. We have the International Conference Centre; we can maintain and control the Centre. We were looking for somebody to build the five-star hotel, which will service both the International Conference Centre and other purpose. Because in the hotel that they are going to build, there will be huge conference rooms built in.
I think that we should look at that again. The way it has been captured makes it look like it is a done deal. I was at the committee meeting, nothing of the sort was discussed. So Mr. Speaker, I would wish that it is expunged -- If government has in mind to give this thing out, then some information should have come to us to have it discussed.
These are the only concerns that I have; otherwise, the project is good, it is long overdue; we insisted that before we clear the racecourse out of the place, we should relocate them, we had a location at Lapaz and it was encroached upon. Thank god we have got a new place which is now housing the new Racecourse.
With these few words, I support the motion.
Mr. Alfred Kwame Agbesi (NDC -- Ashaiman) 11:10 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I rise to associate myself with this motion but to make some few observations.
Mr. Speaker, though it is a laudable idea to have five-star hotels in ghana, I am of the view that the mood of the country today is not to talk about hotels; the mood of the country today is to talk about the number of workers in this country who
RESOLUTIONS 11:10 a.m.


H E R E B Y R E S O LV E A S 11:10 a.m.

Chairman of the Committee (Nii Mante) 11:10 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, that notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order 80 (1) which require that no motion shall be debated until at least forty-eight hours have elapsed between the date on which notice of the motion is
given and the date on which the motion is moved, the motion for the adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the Loan Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and the Saudi Fund for Development for an amount of forty-five million Saudi Riyals (equivalent to US$12.0 million) for the Phase II of the rehabilitation and expansion of the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital may be moved today.
Prof. G. Y. Gyan-Baffour 11:10 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to second the motion.
Question put and motion agreed to.
Resolved accordingly.
GOG/Saudi Fund Loan Agreement
Chairman of the Committee (Nii Mante) 11:10 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, that this honourable House adopts the Report of the Finance Committee on the Loan Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and the Saudi Fund for Development for an amount of forty-five million Saudi Riyals (equivalent to US$12.0 million) for the phase II of the rehabilitation and expansion of the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital.
Mr. Speaker, in so doing, may I present to you, your Committee's Report.
1.0 Introduction
The Loan Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and the Saudi Fund for Development for an amount of forty-five million Saudi Riyals (equivalent to US$12.0 million) for the Phase II of the rehabilitation and expansion of the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital was laid in the House on Monday, 27th October 2008 and referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and report in accordance with article 103 of the
Constitution and Order No. 171(1) of the Standing Orders of the House.
The Committee met and considered the Agreement with the Minister of State at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, hon. Dr. Anthony Akoto Osei and technical teams from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning and the Ministry of Health and presents this report.
2.0 Background
The government of ghana in 1999, secured a loan facility of four million, one hundred thousand dollars (US$4,100,000.00) from the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) for the first phase of the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital project.
In 2003, an additional loan of one million two hundred thousand dollars (US$1,200,000.00) was extended by BADEA to ghana to address a funding shortfall on the project.
The first phase which commenced in 2004 included the following scope of works:
Construction of a new Out-Patient Department;
Two blocks of senior staff quarters;
Security fencing; and
Rehabilitation of electric and water supply and sewerage networks.
The BADEA loan is supporting the construction of civil works, supply of medical and hospital equipment for buildings in the first phase, consultancy services and training. Currently, 92 per cent of the construction work is near completion. The remaining 8 per cent involves putting some finishing touches to the Administration and OPD blocks to complete them. The project is expected to end by 31st December, 2008.
Chairman of the Committee (Nii Mante) 11:10 a.m.

The forty-five million Saudi Riyals (US$12 million) being considered now would be used to finance the second phase of the project.

3.0 Purpose of the Loan

The purpose of the loan is to finance the second phase of the rehabilitation and expansion of the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital.

4.0 Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions of the Saudi Fund loan are as follows:

Loan Amount -- 45 million Saudi Riyals (Equivalent



grace Period -- 10 years

Loan Maturity Period -- 30 years

Interest Rate -- 1 per cent

Service Charge -- 0.5 per cent

5.0 Observations

The Committee observed that the second phase of the project would entail the following works:

i. Construction of public health and dental services block;

ii. Construction of a blood bank unit;

iii. Construction of accident and emergency centre;

iv. Construction of mortuary building;

v. Construction of wards for obstetrics and gynaecology, surgical, medical, pediatric, chest and orthopedics;

vi. Kitchen, laundry and workshop;

v i i . S u p p l y o f m e d i c a l a n d hospital equipment;

viii. Supply of medicine vehicles;

ix. Architectural and project implemen- tation cost..

The Committee was informed that the project is aimed at supporting govern- ment's policy of rehabilitating and expanding health facilities in deprived regions of the country to facilitate the effective implementation of the National Health Insurance Scheme.

The Committee further observed that the Agreement requires the project to be carried out with due diligence and efficiency, and in conformity with appropriate engineering, financial and administrative practices.

6.0 Conclusion

In view of the importance of the project to healthcare delivery system for the people of the Upper East Region, the Committee respectfully recommends to the House to adopt this report and approve by Resolution, the Loan Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and the Saudi Fund for Development for an amount of forty-five million Saudi Riyals (equivalent to US$12.0 million) for phase II of the rehabilitation and expansion of the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital in accordance with article 181 of the Constitution, section 7 of the Loans Act, 1970 (Act 335) and the Standing Orders of the House.

Respectfully submitted.
Prof. G. Y. Gyan-Baffour 11:10 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to second the motion.
Question proposed.
Alhaji M. M. Mubarak (NDC -- Asawase) 11:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I rise to support the motion before the House, that we should adopt the loan agreement that would enable the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital to be expanded.
Mr. Speaker, before I make any other comment, I would want to indulge the House that I think when loans are coming and they have to do with other sectors, it is important that other relevant committees are involved. Because if we are talking about rehabilitation and expansion of the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital and it is only the Finance Committee that meets on it, they would only be looking at the financial aspect of it.
But I believe that even though it is a loan, it is meant for an infrastructure and it is important that the Committee on Health is involved so that at least, we would be carried along, knowing exactly what is going to happen and why we are taking the money. I think this is a very relevant thing that we need to be involved as a House rather than restricting it to only the Finance Committee.
Mr. Speaker, this loan is a very impor- tant one, knowing the disparity that exists between the rural and urban, North and South with regard to health facility. I believe the expansion of this facility would go a long way to help not only Bolgatanga that only serves the Upper East Region but also the northern parts of the Northern Region and Upper West Region.
I would also urge that we do not only provide the infrastructure but we should also try as much as possible to work on the distribution of health personnel so that they would equally be spread across the country. Even though the facility may be there, without the professionals to man
it, the facility would be, with respect, as useless as the word itself. This is because if you provide beds, consulting rooms, mortuaries and what have you and you do not have personnel to man them, it becomes very difficult for the loan to be relevant to the people of the country.
So I would want to support the Report
for the loan with the comment that we need to look at the distribution of health personnel in this country, to ensure that better use would be put to this facility.
Mr. Mahama Ayariga (NDC - Bawku
Central): Thank you very much Mr. Speaker, for reluctantly allowing me to catch your eye.
Mr. Speaker, I rise to support the motion for the adoption of the Report of the Committee. Mr. Speaker, US$12 million or its equivalent would go a long way to improve upon the infrastructure of the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital.
Mr. Speaker, the Upper East Region in particular has a peculiar situation where most of the medical facilities there are not really government-owned. If you take Navrongo and Bawku for instance, you would find out that the major health facilities there are usually church-based in terms of ownership and management.
Mr. Speaker, it is in that light that further investments in the health sector and especially in the construction of hospitals in the Upper East Region by government is, in my opinion, commendable.
Nevertheless Mr. Speaker, let me indicate that what we need is also to look at the quality and the substance, what we are investing in terms of the expansion of these facilities.
Mr. Speaker, the first phase of the project, if you look at the Report, includes the construction of one new

out-patient department, two blocks for senior staff quarters, security fencing and rehabilitation of electric, water supply and sewage networks.

Mr. Speaker, whi ls t these are

commendable, my opinion is that many of these do not really go to the issues, so far as I am concerned, affecting the real demands in terms of the more complex diseases. For example, we do not have things like scanning facilities and sometimes if you look at the distance from the Upper East Region to Accra just for scanning, et cetera, the cost is often too much for most of the patients.

Mr. Speaker, and so whilst we commend the project, let us not go in for such huge sums of money and invest them in things like fencing of hospitals, et cetera. Let us look at equipment that would go a long way to improve upon the health delivery system in the Upper East Region.

Mr. Speaker, most cases have to be referred to either Kumasi or Accra and given the current transportation cost, it becomes an issue. The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) does not cover transportation from your district, say in the Upper East Region to another region such as Ashanti, or greater Accra to Korle Bu.

Therefore, there is the need for us to begin to focus on extending some of the major health infrastructural facilities that we find in Kumasi and Accra to places like Upper East Region so that our people would be saved the challenges of having to come down all the time for such treatment; and also to ease the pressure in places like Korle-Bu and Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospitals.

Mr. Speaker, I definitely support the motion, I commend the efforts; our people say ketewa bia nsua. It is all right, but let us focus on other infrastructure in terms of health delivery in the Upper East Region.

Also let me add to what my Colleague has said, that let us not just focus on constructing the fence walls, et cetera but look at the distribution of health personnel.

Mr. Speaker, if you take the Upper East Region, take the ratio of doctors to patients and the ratio of nurses to patients, the ratio is so high that even with these facilities, you would find that doctors would be stretched to their limit in terms of capacity to deliver on our promise on healthcare for the people of the region. So let us look beyond the infrastructure to also address the issue of distribution of health or medical personnel to the region.

On that note, Mr. Speaker, I definitely support the motion.

Question put and motion agreed to.
RESOLUTIONS 11:20 a.m.

Prof. G. Y. Gyan-Baffour (on behalf of Minister for Finance and Economic Planning) 11:20 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, that
WHEREAS by the provisions of article 181 of the Constitution and section 7 of the Loans Act, 1970 (Act 335), the terms and conditions of any loan raised by the government of ghana on behalf of itself or any public institution or authority shall not come into operation unless the said terms and conditions have been laid before Parliament and approved by Parliament by a Resolution suppor-ted by the votes of a majority of all Members of Parliament;
PURSUANT to the provisions of the said article 181 of the Constitu- tion and section 7 of the Loans Act, 1970 (Act 335) and at the request of the government of ghana acting through the Minister responsible for Finance, there has been laid before Parliament the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement between the government of the Republic of ghana and Saudi Fund for Development for an amount of forty-five million Saudi Riyals (equivalent to US$12.0 million) for the phase II of the rehabilitation and expansion of the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital.

H E R E B Y R E S O LV E A S 11:20 a.m.


STAGE 11:20 a.m.

  • [Resumption of Consideration from 30/10/08]
  • Chairman of the Committee (Mr. Kojo Armah) 11:20 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 14, subclause (1), paragraph (d), item (ii), line 2, delete “or”.
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Mr. Armah 11:20 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 14, subclause (1), paragraph (e), after “security” insert “or”.
    Mr. Aidooh 11:20 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I am sorry, but on clause 14, the way the Chairman has toiled with the word “or”, if he can read the whole thing to us with the amendment.
    Mr. Armah 11:20 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, there is a further amendment to clause 14, which necessitates the removal of the first “or” and brings it down. So the new amendment to clause 14, we are adding a new paragraph as follows:
    “imposition of a fine under the Act would be sufficient under the circumstances.”
    So it becomes “or the imposition of the Act” --
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 11:20 a.m.
    Hon. Chairman of the Committee, I am still at sea. I do not know exactly what you are trying to do.
    Mr. Armah 11:20 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, the earlier amendment of clause 14, that is subclause (1), paragraph (e), after “security” there was the word “or” there to terminate at “use a frequency”. But now there is a new paragraph as follows: “imposition of a fine under the Act would be sufficient under the circumstances.” So the new paragraph will terminate as follows:
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 11:20 a.m.
    Very well, that is the proposed amendment, it makes eminent sense.
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Clause 14 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clause 15 -- Amendment of licences and frequency authorizations.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 11:20 a.m.
    Hon. Chairman?
    Mr. Armah 11:20 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, there is a matter that the Member wants -- [Inter- ruption.]
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 11:20 a.m.
    A matter for what, for clause 14?
    Mr. Armah 11:20 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, on clause
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 11:20 a.m.
    Why do you not wait, we have already dealt with it? Why do you not wait for the Second Consideration Stage? Hon. Haruna Iddrisu, you are late, unless you consider it too serious. I think I will give you the opportunity; what is it?
    Mr. H. Iddrisu 11:30 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, it is not with the merits of the amendment. If you looked at clause 14, as we have considered and approved, and then advert your mind back to clause 5, we are being repetitive. And it will mean that one of them will have
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 11:30 a.m.
    To make it a little neater, let us wait till the Second Consideration Stage, then you will propose that one should give way to the other.
    Mr. Armah 11:30 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 15, subclause (6), delete.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 11:30 a.m.
    What do you want to do with page 12?
    Mr. Armah 11:30 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, there is a new clause - “Emergency licences” - which will replace clause 6 when we come there. But for now, we are deleting the whole of clause 6.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 11:30 a.m.
    It is a bit clumsy. Therefore, let us save it and when we come to that we will consider that.
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Clause 15 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clause 16 - Duration and renewal of licences and frequency authorization.
    Mr. Armah 11:30 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 16, subclause (2), line 2, after “shall” insert “have the power to”.
    So the new rendition will be:
    “Subject to subsection (3), and an application by the licensee or
    authorisation holder, the Authority shall have the power to renew a licence . . .”
    instead of simply “shall renew”. So we are inserting the new words “have the power to” after the word “shall”.
    Mr. Aidooh 11:30 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, the words “shall have” means “may” because “shall have” means it is not mandatory; it is “may”. They have the power to either renew or not. Either “shall renew” or “may renew”.
    So, I propose “may” for him to accept.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 11:30 a.m.
    Hon. Chairman, are you with the hon. Majority Leader?
    Mr. Armah 11:30 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I agree with that.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 11:30 a.m.
    Hon. Chairman, could you put the proposed amendment properly.
    Mr. Armah 11:30 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, it reads:
    “Subject to subsection (3), and an application by the licensee or authorisation holder, the Authority may renew a licence . . .”
    So we delete the word “shall” and insert “may”.
    Mr. Aidooh 11:30 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, it depends upon what he wants. If he wants the Authority to be bound to renew it upon certain conditions being satisfied, then the word should be “shall”. But I propose the word “may” because he said “shall have” which in effect means “may” in the context. But if the policy to have the authority to be compelled to renew upon certain conditions being fulfilled by the licensee, it should be “shall”.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 11:30 a.m.
    Which way out? What the amendment seeks to do is that the Authority is already vested with the power and you want to give them the option to renew or otherwise. In this case, instead “shall have power” you should say “the Authority may renew” or may do this. It is simpler and neater. Unless you disagree, then continue to come out with the rendition and let us move forward.
    Mr. Armah 11:30 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, the Commit- tee's position is that the word “shall” appears to be rather mandatory and we thought that the Authority should be given that leeway to decide one way or the other, which is why we say “shall have the power to”.
    But if in the opinion of the House, we should maintain “shall” -- we do not have any problem with that one.
    Mr. Aidooh 11:30 a.m.
    If it is “shall have”, it means “may”, to read “it may renew”.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 11:30 a.m.
    In that case, the new rendition will be “. . . the Authority may renew . . .” and it saves everybody's time.
    Mr. Armah 11:30 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, we would take the rendition “may” because a further amendment is coming which will put a stop at that sentence. So I think, we will take the word “may”.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 11:30 a.m.
    If you say, we shall consider the word “may” then come out with the new rendition.
    Mr. Armah 11:30 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker,
    “Subject to subsection (3), and an application by the licensee or authorisation holder, the Authority may renew a licence.”
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Mr. Armah 11:30 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 16, subclause (2), line 3, delete all the words after “Act”.
    Mr. Speaker, so with the latest amendment, the sentence will now read 11:30 a.m.
    “Subject to subsection (3), and an application by the licensee or authorisation holder, the Authority may renew a licence or frequency authorisation granted under this Act.”
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Clause 16 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clauses 17 and 18 ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clause 19 - Directions for the reporting of information.
    Mr. Armah 11:40 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to
    move, clause 19, subclause (4), line 5, delete “one” and insert “two”.
    So the fine is now not “more than one thousand penalty units” but “two thousand penalty units”.
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Clause 19 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.

    Clause 2 -- Interconection.
    Mr. Armah 11:40 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 20, subclause (1), paragraph (b), line 1, delete “in addition” and insert “subject to”.
    Mr. Speaker, the subclause would
    therefore read:
    “ . . . subject to the obligations contained in its licence or under this Act provide . . .”
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Mr. Armah 11:40 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, that clause 20, subclause (3), line 1, after “interconnection” insert “and trans-mission and routing of service”. So we are just adding the words “and trans-mission and routing of service” after “interconnection”.
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Mr. Armah 11:40 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 20, subclause (7), paragraph (c), line 2, delete “telephone numbers” and “and directory listing”. Mr. Speaker, the subclause (c) reads:
    “permit other network operators and service providers to have equal access to telephone numbers, operator services , directory assistance and directory listing without unreasonable delay in accordance with requirements specified by the Authority.”
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Mr. Armah 11:40 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 20, subclause (8), lines 2 and 3, delete “under paragraph (d)”. So the new rendition would be:
    “Where a network operator or service provider who has significant market power fails to comply with its obligations, the Authority may notify the network operator of a deadline.”
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Clause 20 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clause 21 ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clause 22 -- Access to international transmission capacity.
    Mr. Armah 11:40 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 22, line 3, after “manner” insert “as determined”. So the new clause would read:
    “Access to international trans- mission capacity shall be made available to all service providers in a cross-based, transparent, and non-discriminatory manner as determined by the Authority.”
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Clause 22 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clauses 23 to 32 ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clause 33 -- Sources of money for the Fund.
    Mr. Armah 11:50 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 33, paragraph (a), line 2, after “operators” insert “and service providers”.
    So the new rendition would be:
    “The sources of money for the Fund are (a) contributions from operators and service providers as stipulated in their respective licences, or authorizations.”
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Clause 33 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clauses 34 and 35 ordered to stand part of the Bill.

    Clause 36, Tenure of office of Trus- tees.
    Mr. Armah 11:50 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to
    move, clause 36 -- subclause (1), lines 1 and 2, after “Trustee” insert “excluding the Administrator”.
    Mr. Speaker, the new rendition will
    therefore read as follows:
    “A Trustee shall hold office for a period not exceeding four years and is eligible for reappointment but a Trustee excluding the Administrator shall not be appointed for more than two terms.”
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Clause 36 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clauses 37 to 53 ordered to stand part
    of the Bill.
    Clause 54 -- Road works.
    Mr. Armah 11:50 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 54, subclause (2), paragraph (c), line 1, after “permission” insert “, which should not be unreasonably withheld”.
    Mr. Aidooh 11:50 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, the word
    “should” must be changed to “shall”.
    Question put and amendment agreed
    Mr. Armah 11:50 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 54, subclause (5), line 2, after “in” delete “at least one newspaper” and insert “both electronic and print media”.
    So the new rendition will be. “Before carrying out road works, a network operator shall publish a description of the works in both electronic and print media published in the region.” There will be an
    Mr. Armah 11:50 a.m.

    amendment there “in which the road works are to be carried out” instead of the works in “at least one newspaper”.

    Question put and amendment agreed

    Mr. Armah 11:50 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to
    move, clause 54, subclause (5), line 2, delete “published”.
    Question put and amendment agreed
    Mr. Armah 11:50 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 54, subclause (5), line 3, delete “region” and insert “locality”.
    Question put and amendment agreed
    Clause 54 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clauses 55 to 64 ordered to stand part
    of the Bill.
    Clause 65 -- Terminal equipment.
    Mr. Armah 11:50 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to
    move, clause 65, subclause (5), line 4, delete “telecommunications” and insert “Electronic Communication”.
    Question put and amendment agreed
    Clause 65 as amended ordered to stand
    part of the Bill.
    Clause 66 ordered to stand part of the
    Clause 67, Power to request infor-
    Mr. Armah 11:50 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to
    move, clause 67, paragraph (c), line 2, at end delete “or”
    Mr. Speaker, the reason is that we are adding two more subclauses.
    Question put and amendment agreed
    Mr. Armah noon
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 67, add new subclauses as follows:
    “ ( e ) “ o p e r a t i o n a l a n d
    financial information, or
    (f) other information the Autho- rity considers relevant.”
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Clause 67 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clauses 68 to 71 ordered to stand part
    of the Bill.
    Clause 72 -- Offences.
    Mr. Armah noon
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to
    move, clause 72, subclause (1), paragraph (j), item (ii), line 2, at end, insert “without licence”.
    Question put and amendment agreed
    Mr. Aidooh noon
    Mr. Speaker, I do not
    know whether one can do that without a licence. Can one do that without a licence?
    Mr. Armah noon
    Mr. Speaker, we are
    aware that people manufacture guns without licence, so the intention is that people ought to do these very lawfully. It is an offence to do it without licence.
    Clause 72 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clauses 73 to 79 ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clause 80 -- Possession or supply of
    anything for re-programming purposes.
    Mr. Armah noon
    Mr. Speaker, I beg
    to move, clause 80, Headnote, delete “anything” and insert “device”.
    Question put and amendment agreed
    Mr. Armah noon
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 80, subclause (1), paragraph (a), line 1, delete “an implement or” and insert “a”.
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Clause 80 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clause 81 ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clause 82 -- Fees payable to the Authority.
    Mr. Armah noon
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 82, line 1, after “Authority” insert “or Fund”
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Mr. Armah noon
    Mr. Speaker, with your indulgence, before we move on, I think the Headnote should also have the word “Fund”.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker noon
    The short note?
    Mr. Armah noon
    The Headnote? “Fees payable to the Authority or fund”. The Headnote.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker noon
    The proposed further amendment to clause 82 is that the Headnote should be amended by the addition of the two words: “and fund” to the extent that the rendition shall be: “Fees payable to the Authority and fund”.
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Mr. J. Y. Chireh noon
    Mr. Speaker, I do not understand the amendment. You have “Authority” or you say “Authority or Fund”. Then what is the amendment? Because you are saying line 1, after “Authority” insert “or Fund”.
    Mr. Armah noon
    Mr. Speaker, I believe my good Friend came in late and did not follow. A Fund had been created under the Act. If you go to clause 31 -- Establishment of the Fund.
    It reads:
    “There is established a Fund to be known as the ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communica- tions.”
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker noon
    Hon. Member, I think it is self-explanatory, like you said, he has been late in coming. Normally, he is here but for some strange reasons, he is just coming. So take time a little and relax, you will therefore be in tune and follow what is happening.
    Mr. Chireh 12:10 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I have been
    following the debate. What I am saying

    is that you want to recover money. Is it the Authority or the Fund that you have established? If you say “or Fund”, who is going to recover what? You must have the source of the money and that is the Fund. So why are you adding Authority? Or if you say delete and put Fund there so you go to the Fund. But if you say recover from Authority or Fund. Why Authority or Fund?
    Mr. Armah 12:10 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, “A fee,
    penalty or other levy payable to the Authority . . .” and the amendment is, “or the Fund, under this Act, if not paid within the stipulated time, shall become a civil debt and may be recovered by the Authority in the same manner as a judgement of the High Court.”
    Mr. Speaker, the Authority and the Fund are two separate bodies.
    The Authority may have its own sources of funding and the Fund itself has its own sources of funding which have been stipulated in the law. What clause 82 seeks to do is that if anybody should default in paying to any of these two bodies, some steps can be taken to recover the debt.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:10 p.m.
    you had earlier on made an amendment to it saying that “A fee, penalty or levy payable to the Authority or Fund under this Act. . . .” There had been an amendment. So you have created, as he says, two sources, Fund or Authority. And what he is seeking to do is to, as it were, regularize it to the extent that it follows from what has already been done -- unless you have some other bright idea.
    Mr. Chireh 12:10 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, honestly I
    do not know what we are doing because we have the Authority and it is not the
    authority of this Bill. That authority is the National Communications Authority (NCA), separate from a Fund that you are establishing in this Bill. So if there are payments due as a result of something not done under this Bill, why do you add Authority to it?
    Unless of course you are saying that this thing that you have created is managed by the Authority. And if it will be managed by the Authority then you do not mention the two, you mention one and it takes account of that. The Authority will have separate accounts, then the Fund itself is a Fund established for a particular purpose. So I do not think that we should combine the two things. That is what I am saying.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:10 p.m.
    Chireh, we have already gone through that. If you have any reservation when we come to the Third Reading you can call for a Second Consideration of the matter and I believe it will be heard. At the moment let us continue.
    Clause 82 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clause 83 -- Authority to establish a dispute resolution process.
    Mr. Armah 12:10 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to
    move, clause 83, subclause (2), after “Authority” add “or for settlement by any alternative dispute resolution mechanism”.
    So the new rendition will be,
    “Any one or more of the parties to a dispute may refer the dispute to the Authority or for settlement by any alternative dispute resolution mechanism.”
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Mr. Armah 12:10 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to
    move, clause 83, subclause (3), delete and insert the following:
    “where parties to a dispute that relates to electronic communi- cations agree that the dispute is to be settled by:
    (a) the dispute resolution committee established under section 84 or
    (b ) any a l t e rna t ive d i spu te mechanism, known of the parties shall not institute an action in court until the dispute resolution procedure has been exhausted.”
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Clause 83 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clause 84 -- Dispute Resolution Committee.
    Mr. Chireh 12:10 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I have seen
    that they have set up a dispute resolution committee. The number is not fixed and I do not think that we should just give them the wide range of deciding how many people they should set up. If the promoters of this Bill know what the dispute resolution committee should do or there should even be a number of them -- but we must indicate at least the number that they should set up so that they are guided.
    In this respect, if I knew how that thing is to be done I would have suggested a figure of three or five. Or if you want to set up a bigger body but any three or two of them can sit and resolve a dispute, you do so but we should not leave it as it is.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:10 p.m.
    are requesting the hon. Chairman, to specifically name how many dispute resolution committees that one could go to have one's matter resolved? Hon. Chairman do you have any reaction to that?
    Mr. Armah 12:10 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, since we
    still have a chance of coming back for a Second Consideration Stage, I think he can make a proposal and it will be considered.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:10 p.m.
    Chireh, the train has left you behind. May- be you have to join it later on. We still go on to clause 85.
    Clauses 84 to 92 ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clause 93 -- Services provided from outside the country.
    Mr. Armah 12:10 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg
    to move, clause 93, Headnote, delete “country” and insert “Republic”.
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Mr. Armah 12:20 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 93, line 2, delete “by a non- resident” and insert “from outside the Republic”.
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Clause 93 as amended ordered to stand
    part of the Bill.
    Clause 94 -- Business operation rates.
    Mr. Armah 12:20 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, clause 94, subclause (1), line 1, delete “in conjunction with” and insert “with approval of.”
    The new rendition for subclause (1)
    will therefore read:
    “A district assembly shall with the approval of the Authority determine the rate to be paid by a network operator or service provider in respect of the business within the
    Mr. Armah 12:20 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to
    move, clause 96, subclause (1), line 1, delete “The Authority may by legislative instrument” and insert “The Minister may on the advice of the Authority by Legislative Instrument”.
    So the new rendition shall be:
    “The Minister may on the advice of the Authority by Legislative Instrument make Regulations generally to give effect to the provisions of this Act . . .”
    Mr. Aidooh 12:20 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, this one
    could mean that the advice must be by Legislative Instrument (L.I.). I will suggest that to avoid that kind of interpretation we insert the word “and” between “Authority” and “by” so that it is clear that the Minister will have to come by L.I.; so that it should be “the Minister may on the advice of the Authority and by L.I.”--
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:20 p.m.
    Do you
    agree to that, hon. Chairman?
    Mr. Armah 12:20 p.m.
    That is so, Mr. Speaker.
    Question put and amendment agreed
    Clause 96 as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Clauses 97 to 99 ordered to stand part
    of the Bill.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:20 p.m.
    Chireh, I did not see you.
    Mr. Chireh 12:20 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, you have put
    the Question already but I was looking at clause 98.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:20 p.m.
    I could
    go back.
    Mr. Chireh 12:20 p.m.
    Clause 98 -- “Telecom-
    munications during a state of emergency”. But I remember that we deleted “telecom- munication” and substituted with “communication”. Do they still want this one to stand?
    Mr. Armah 12:20 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I believe we
    said that it was consequential; wherever “telecommunication” appears it is substituted with the word “communica- tion”.
    Clause 100 -- Interpretation.
    Mr. Armah 12:20 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to
    move, clause 100, Interpretation, add “Electronic Communication” means “any communication through the use of wire, radio, optical or electromagnetic trans- mission emission or receiving system or any part of these”.
    That is an addition.
    Question put and amendment agreed
    Mr. Armah 12:20 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to
    move, clause 100, Interpretation, under “significant market power” delete and insert:
    “where a network operator or service provider, either individually or jointly with other operators or providers, has a position that allows it to behave in a way that is appreciably independent of its competitors and customers”.
    Question put and amendment agreed to.
    Clause 100 as amended ordered to
    stand part of the Bill.
    Mr. Armah 12:20 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker will recall
    that when we got to clause 15, subclause (6) we deleted that subclause.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:20 p.m.
    Yes, I do.
    Mr. Armah 12:20 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, that will be
    replaced by the new clause that appears on page 12 of the Order Paper. “Emergency licences”.
    “Section 15 does not preclude from amending a licence or a frequency authorization without notice where there is, or there is likely to be, a risk to national security, or where immediately amendment is essential in the public interest”
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:20 p.m.
    And where are you placing it? We leave it to the draftsperson to place it appropriately?
    Mr. Armah 12:20 p.m.
    Appropriately, Mr.
    Mr. Chireh 12:20 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, the amend-
    ment he is moving, he is referring to section 15 again.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:20 p.m.
    No, he
    said that do I recall that --
    Mr. Chireh 12:20 p.m.
    But what he has moved,
    there is a section 15 and I do not think that should be the case. If you have deleted it why are you now repeating it in the --
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:20 p.m.
    I am not
    too sure we have deleted it completely and entirely. Chairman, can you react to that?
    Mr. Armah 12:20 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, when we
    got to clause 15, subclause (6), we deleted subclause (6).
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:20 p.m.
    (6) that was deleted, not the entire clause.
    Mr. Armah 12:20 p.m.
    Which actually was
    saying that this subclause (15) does not preclude “The Authority from amending a licence or frequency authorization without notice where there is or there is likely to be a risk to national security . . .”. So that is being replaced by this under a new Head Note “Emergency licence”.
    So we are saying that the draftsperson
    will have to rearrange it properly.
    Mr. Chireh 12:30 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, that is exactly what I am saying. If you want to define “emergency licences” then you should do so properly to say that emergency licence means this. But now you cannot say that it is --
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.
    I do not believe it is appearing in clause 100. It is not interpretation.
    Mr. Chireh 12:30 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, it is a new clause.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.
    Yes, it is a new clause.
    Mr. Chireh 12:30 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, it is a new clause. All right. I wanted to say that the Class Licence and the definition --
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.
    You want to come to it?
    Mr. Chireh 12:30 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, but I am not making an amendment, I am just drawing the attention of the drafters. In the main Bill, you have “Class Licence” written in capital whilst in the definition here, it is in small letters; the two should correspond.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.

    enough, the Clerk's Office attention should be drawn to that and the drafts- person should therefore effect the relevant changes. Let us go back to the proposed amendment and that is the proposal for the new clause to be inserted wherever it may be appropriate by the draftspersons.

    Question put and amendment agreed to, viz:

    New clause, add a new clause as follows:

    “Emergency Licence

    “Section 15 does not preclude from amending a licence or a frequency authorization without notice where there is, or there is likely to be, a risk to national security, or where immediately amendment is essential in the public interest.”

    New clause ordered to stand part of the Bill.

    Long Title --
    Mr. Armah 12:30 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, Long Title, delete “and control”.
    Question put and amended agreed to.
    The Long Title as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.
    Members, that brings us to the end of the Consideration Stage of the Electronic Communication Bill.
    Mr. Aidooh 12:30 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, the Deputy Finance Minister has been here all day. I am sure he wants to move motion number
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.
    Item 10. The Non-Bank Financial Institution Bill?
    Alhaji Mubarak 12:30 p.m.
    Yes, Mr. Speaker.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.
    You are only moving it, do you want us to debate it? Hon. Majority Leader, do you want us to take it?
    Mr. Aidooh 12:30 p.m.
    I think so, Mr. Speaker.
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.
    Hon. Member, do you have any opposition to that?
    Alhaji Mubarak 12:30 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, you remember earlier, it was deferred and you will also agree with me that most of the Leadership are not here. I do not want us to behave as though we are bringing it through unapproved routes. I do not know the --
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.
    But it is before us. What do you mean by un- approved routes? It is before us.
    Alhaji Mubarak 12:30 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, it was deferred when both Leadership --
    Mr. First Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.
    Because it was not ready, it was not deferred because some people were not here; it was because we were not ready with it. Let us carry on, it is only 12.30 p.m. now, we can do that.
    BILLS -- SECOND READING 12:30 p.m.

    Chairman of the Committee (Nii Adu Daku Mante) 12:30 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I rise to read your Committee's Report.
    1.0 Introduction
    The Non-Bank Financial Institutions Bill was presented and read the First time in the House on Friday, 17th October, 2008 and referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and report in accordance with the 1992 Constitution and the Standing Orders of the House.
    To consider the Bill, the Committee met with the Minister of State at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, hon. Dr. Anthony Akoto Osei, officials from
    the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning and Bank of ghana and reports as follows: 1.1 Reference Documents
    In considering the Bill, the Committee made reference to the following docu- ments:
    (i) The 1992 Constitution of the Republic
    (ii) The Banking Act, 2004 (Act 673)
    (iii) The Bank of ghana Act, 2002 (Act 612)
    (iv) The Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179)
    (v) The Co-operative Societies Act, 1968 (NLCD 252)
    (vi) The Financial Institutions (Non- Banking) Act, 1993
    (PNDCL 328)
    (vii) Standing Orders of Parliament.
    2.0 Rationale of the Bill
    The purpose of the Bill is to replace the Financial Institutions (Non-Banking) Act, 1993 (PNDCL 328) and to provide for the regulation and supervision of non-banking financial institutions in ghana.
    3.0 Contents of the Bill
    The Bill is divided into seven parts and four (4) Schedules.
    Part 1 covers clauses 1 to 10 and deals with issues relating to Application and licensing. It lists institutions to which the Bill applies. The Part details out the licensing requirements and the criteria for qualification for a licence. The Part also makes provision for the suspension
    Chairman of the Committee (Nii Adu Daku Mante) 12:30 p.m.
    or revocation of a licence under specified conditions and other prohibitive actions.
    Part 2 covers clauses 11 to 18 and deals with Capital, Liquidity and other requirements. It covers issues on the initial and the minimum prudential requirements regarding core capital, liquidity, among others to ensure safety and soundness in the non-bank financial institutions. The Part also deals with related-party transactions and provide for additional safeguards for lending to members of staff and other related-parties. Under this part, provisions are made to cover the payment of dividends.
    Part 3 consist of clauses 19 to 23 and it covers ownership and corporate governance issues. Other matters dealt with in this part include mergers, amalgamations, and sale of assets. It also covers the appointment and qualification of directors and employees of non-bank financial institutions.
    Part 4 covers clauses 24 to 30. It deals with issues relating to Accounts and Financial statements. The Bill provides for accounting and auditing of non-bank financial institutions in accordance with the Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179) as well as International Accounting Standards and any other requirements that the Bank of ghana may specify from time to time. The part also provides for internal audit functions. It further deals with audited financial statements and requires them to be sent to the Bank of ghana not later than three months.
    Powers of supervision and control is captured in clauses 31 to 37 as Part 5. This Part spells out the powers of supervision and control that the Bank of ghana has under the Bill. It also provides for the power of Bank of ghana or its agent to receive returns periodically from the non-
    bank financial institutions. The Bank is also empowered to inspect the books of accounts of the institutions under the Bill.
    Part 6 is made up of clauses 38 and 39 and it covers liquidation of non-bank financial institutions and the procedures involved.
    The last part is Part 7 and it is made up of clauses 40 to 47. This Part covers miscellaneous matters and it includes:
    Immunity issues;
    Know your customer;
    Repeals and savings;
    Regulations; among others.
    The Bill additionally has four Sche- dules.
    4.0 Observations and Recommendations
    The Committee observed that the existing Financial Institutions (Non- Banking) Act, 1993 (PNDCL 328) was promulgated in 1993 to regulate certain categories of institutions designated as non-bank financial institutions (NBFI). These institutions were the:
    Discount Houses
    Finance Houses
    Acceptance Houses
    Building Societies
    Leas ing and Hi re -Purchase Companies
    Venture Capital Funding Companies
    Mortgage Financing Companies
    Savings and Loans Companies
    Credit Unions.
    However, due to current developments in the non-banking financial institutions industry, there is the need for the Act to be reviewed.
    The Committee was informed that as part of the review, the Bill seeks to promote consistency in the regulation of deposit-taking non-bank financial institutions on one hand and the banks on the other.
    The technical team also informed the Committee that the current law (PNDCL 328) did not distinguish between deposit- taking institutions and non-deposit-taking institutions. This has led to regulatory arbitrariness thereby making regulating the sector very difficult.
    This Bill clearly makes the distinction to facilitate effective and efficient re- gulation of these institutions.
    The Deputy governor of the Bank of ghana informed the Committee that the Bill contains proposals for a new re-gulatory framework for the non-bank financial institutions with the object of improving the efficiency of regulation and enhancing the role of these institutions in the mobilization and allocation of funds to productive sectors of the economy.
    The Committee noted that the Bill adopts a risk-based approach to regulation to ensure that the burden of regulation on NBFI is commensurate with the risks they pose to the overall financial system.
    The Committee further noted that the Bill seeks to:
    ( a ) a b o l i s h D i s c o u n t
    Houses, Acceptance Houses and Building Society licenses
    (b) regulate only non-deposit- taking non-bank financial activity; and
    (c) migrate deposit-taking non- bank financial institutions to the formal banking regime.
    The Committee observed that the Bill provides the regulatory framework required for the effective regulation of NBFIs in order to improve their per- formance and enhance their growth.
    Amendments Proposed
    The Committee proposes the following amendments to the Bill:
    ( i ) C l a u s e 3 - - amendment p roposed -- paragraph (b), line 2, delete “section” and insert “sections”.
    ( i i ) C l a u s e 3 - - amendment p roposed -- paragraph (c), at end, delete “14” and insert “12”.
    ( i i i ) C l a u s e 4 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (1)(a), delete “Bank of ghana” and insert “Bank” and wherever it appears in the Bill.
    ( i v ) C l a u s e 5 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (1), line 2, delete “section 6 of this Act” and insert “section 4”.
    ( v ) C l a u s e 5 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (1), paragraph (b), line 1, delete “condition” and insert “status”.
    ( v i ) C l a u s e 5 - - a m e n d m e n t p r o p o s e d

    -- subclause (2), line 5, d e l e t e “ p r e s c r i b e d ” a n d insert “specified”.

    (vii) Clause 6 -- amendment proposed -- line 1, after “display” delete “a” and insert “the”.

    (viii) C l a u s e 9 - - amendment p roposed -- Headnote, delete and insert “Branches and Agencies”.

    ( i x ) C l a u s e 9 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (1), line 1, delete “licenced non-bank financial institution” and insert “non- bank financial institution” and wherever it appears in the Bill.

    ( x ) C l a u s e 1 0 - amendment proposed -- subclause (1), line 1, insert “written” before “approval”.

    ( x i ) C l a u s e 1 1 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (3), delete.

    ( x i i ) C l a u s e 1 5 - - amendment p roposed -- subclause (1), line 1, delete “non- deposit taking” and wherever it appears in the Bill.

    ( x i i i ) C l a u s e 1 5 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (1), line 2, delete “take” and insert “assume”.

    ( x i v ) C l a u s e 1 5 - - amendment p roposed -- subclause (1) (d), line 1, delete “the”.

    ( x v ) C l a u s e 1 6 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (2), line 2, delete “or

    section 15”.

    ( x v i ) C l a u s e 1 7 - - amendment p roposed -- subclause (1), line 2, after “officers” insert “and”.

    (xvii) Clause 19 -- amendment pro- posed -- paragraph (d), line 2, at end -- delete “of competent jurisdiction” and wherever it appears in the Bill.

    ( x v i i i ) C l a u s e 2 0 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (2) (a) line 3, delete “in ghana” and insert “in the country” and wherever it appears in the Bill.

    ( x i x ) C l a u s e 2 3 - - amendment proposed -- delete and insert the following:

    “23. (1) the board of directors of a non-bank financial institution shall ensure that:

    (a) management is in full control of the affairs and business operations of the institution;

    (b) the business of the institution is conducted in a safe and sound manner;

    (c) the internal controls systems, and manage- ment information systems of the institution:

    (i) provide reasonable assurance of the in- tegrity and reliability of the financial state- ments of the institu- tion;

    (ii) adequately verify, safeguard and main- tain accountability

    of the assets of the institution based on established and writ- ten policies and pro- cedures;

    (d) the policies and pro- cedures are implemented by trained and skilled officers with an appro- priate segregation of duties which are conti- nuously monitored, re- viewed and updated by the board of directors so that no mater ia l break-down occurs in the functioning of the con-trols, procedures and systems;

    (e) the institution or operator is in compliance with all applicable laws.

    (2) the board shall promote good corporate gover- nance and efficient per- formance of the institu- tion and report to the shareholders on all its activities at the annual general meeting of the institution.

    (xx) Clause 26 -- amendment pro- posed -- subclause (1), line 2, delete“account books” and insert “books of accounts”.

    (xxi) Clause 26 -- amendment pro- posed -- subclause (2) (a), line 1, after “Accountants” insert “established”.

    (xxii) Clause 28 -- amendment pro- posed -- paragraph (a),

    delete “ubmit” and insert “submit”.

    (xxiii) Clause 35 -- amendment pro- posed -- paragraph (c), at end add “by the Bank”.

    (xxiv) Clause 36 -- amendment pro- posed -- subclause (1), line 3, delete “37” and insert “35”.

    ( x x v ) C l a u s e 3 6 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (2), line 1, after “Bank”, insert “under subsection


    ( x x v i ) C l a u s e 3 7 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (1), line 2, after “services” insert “which are” and delete “but”.

    ( x x v i i ) C l a u s e 3 7 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (2). delete and insert the following:

    “(2) A person who fai ls or neglects to comply with the orders commits an offence under this Act and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of one thousand penalty units or a term of imprisonment of not less than twelve months and where the offence continues after conviction to a fine of not less than two thousand penalty units on each day the offence continues.”

    ( x x v i i i ) C l a u s e 3 8 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (2), line 1, delete “Bank of ghana shall” and insert “Minister may, in consul- tation with the Bank”.

    (xxix) C l a u s e 3 8 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (3), line 1, after

    “Bank”, insert “under this section”.

    ( x x x ) C l a u s e 4 0 - - amendment proposed -- Headnote, delete and insert “Protection of Officers”.

    ( x x x i C l a u s e 4 0 - - amendment proposed -- insert a new subclause (2) as follows: “ ( 2 ) S u b s e c t i o n ( 1 ) i s

    not applicable where the action or claim arises out of negligence.”

    ( x x x i i ) C l a u s e 4 2 - - amendment proposed -- paragraph (b), line 3, delete “an” on first occurrence and insert “any”.

    ( x x x i i i ) C l a u s e 4 3 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (1), line 2, delete “every” and insert “each”.

    ( x x x i v ) C l a u s e 4 4 - - amendment proposed -- Headnote, delete and insert “Notices”.

    ( x x x v ) C l a u s e 4 4 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (1), delete and insert the following:

    “44. (1) Unless otherwise provided, the Bank may issue notices for anything required or authorised to be provided for under this Act by the Bank.”

    ( x x x v i ) C l a u s e 4 4 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (2)(b) line 3, delete “coming into force” and insert “com- mencement”.

    ( x x x v i i ) C l a u s e 4 4 - - amendment proposed -- subclause (3), delete and insert the following:

    “44. (3) Except otherwise provided under this Act, failure to comply with a notice issued by the Bank shall attract administrative penal-ties specified by the Bank including revocation or sus-pension of licences.”

    ( x x x v i i i ) C l a u s e 4 6 - amendment proposed - line 1, delete “on the advice of the Bank of ghana shall” and insert “in consultation with the Bank may”.

    ( x x x i x ) C l a u s e 4 7 - - amendment proposed -- Inter- pretations, delete the following definitions:

    “common bond institution”

    “demand deposits”

    “deposits from the public”

    “financial system”

    “non-prudential regulations”

    “off-balance sheet items”

    ( x i ) C l a u s e 4 7 - - amendment proposed -- add the following definitions:

    “ B a n k ” m e a n s “ B a n k of ghana”.

    (xii) The Committee proposes a new clause as follows:

    Transitional provisions

    “48. On the coming into force of this

    Act, the Financial Institutions specified in the Second and third Schedules shall be reclassified and regulated as specified under those Schedules”

    ( x l i i ) F i r s t S c h e d u l e - - amendment proposed -- Headnote -- delete and insert “(Sections 2 and 4)”.

    (x l i i i ) F i r s t Schedu le -- amendment proposed -- item 7, after “from” delete “to time” and insert “time to time by notice”.

    ( x l i v ) S e c o n d S c h e d u l e -- amendment proposed -- Headnote, delete and insert “Sections 44 (2), 45

    (3) & 48”.

    ( x l v ) T h i r d S c h e d u l e -- amendment proposed -- Head note, delete and insert “(Section 48)”.

    ( x l v i ) T h i r d S c h e d u l e -- amendment proposed - - l i n e 1 , d e l e t e “Previously Regulated” and insert “previously regulated”.

    ( x l v i i ) F o u r t h S c h e d u l e -- amendment proposed -- d e l e t e and i n se r t the following:

    5.0 Conclusion

    The Committee recommends to the House to adopt this report and pass the Non-Bank Financial Institutions Bill subject to the amendments proposed.

    Respectfully submitted.
    Mr. J. Y. Chireh (NDC -- Wa West) 12:40 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, thank you very much for the opportunity to make some comments on this motion.
    Mr. Speaker, this particular Bill is very important because over the years, the Credit Unions in particular, have been crying for some regulation.
    If you look at the related issue of rural banks where we have to pass a Bill to get rural banks headquarters and modify their operations, it is important that we also regulate this area of credit unions. And importantly, this Bill if passed will help regulate that sector. It is a sector that many people patronize because our banks, where they are located and how they operate are not friendly to those women who fear to see or go near where a policeman is.
    Obviously, if you want to go and save your money, you will need some security to save. But at the same time, when you see a policeman standing by the bank -- ah, it frightens them; so what do you do?

    Insert Fourth Schedule here!

    P. 91

    You must get credit unions to do things properly. But the point about this Bill is that we have to look at the regulations and make sure that officers of the credit unions are also made accountable.

    People have made deposits and what they realise is that they cannot be accounted for. We must then speed up making the regulations that would make everybody accountable and make sure that people who go to save there have their money in good order.

    I think that this Bill is also one that every organisation, credit union associations, so many people have been calling for, and I wish that we would take the steps that are necessary for it to come into effect and make sure that it opens up real avenues for proper regulation by the regulatory bodies.

    Question put and motion agreed to.

    The Non-Bank Financial Institution Bill was accordingly read a Second time.
    Mr. Aidooh 12:40 p.m.
    Mr. Speaker, I think
    we should adjourn at this stage. So I beg to move that we adjourn proceedings until Monday next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
    Alhaji M.M. Mubarak 10 a.m.
    Mr. Speaker,
    I beg to second the motion.
    Question put and motion agreed to.
    The House was accordingly adjour-ned
    at 12.43 p.m. till 3rd November, 2008 at

    (xxxii) Clause 42 amendment proposed paragraph (b) line 3 delete “an” on first occurrence and insert “any”

    (xxxiii) Clause 43 amendment proposed subclause (1) line 2, delete “every” and insert “each”

    (xxxiv) Clause 44 amendment proposed Headnote, delete and insert “Notices”

    (xxxv) Clause 44 amendment proposed subclause (1) delete and insert the following:-

    “44. (1) Unless otherwise provided, the Bank may issue notices for anything required or authorised to be provided for under this Act by the Bank.

    (xxxvi) Clause 44 amendment proposed subclause (2)(b) line 3, delete “coming into force” and insert “commencement”

    (xxxvii) Clause 44 amendment proposed subclause (3), delete and insert the following:-

    44. (3) Except otherwise provided under this Act, failure to comply with a notice issued by the Bank shall attract administrative penalties specified by the Bank including revocation or suspension of licenses.