Madam Speaker, Cerebrospinal Meningitis (CSM) is an inflammation of
the covering of the brain and the spinal cord. The commonest cause is a bacteria called Neisseria meningitidis. The bacteria has nine serial groups," namely, A, B, C, D, E29, S, W135, Y and Z.' The bacteria normally resides in the nose and throat, but sometimes invade the blood system causing the disease. It will then spread by direct contact including respiratory droplets from the nose and throats of infected persons or carriers.
The Ministry has taken the following steps: selective and preventive vaccination with A and C vaccines; surveillance for early detection of cases; effective management of cases and public education.
This year, We are experiencing an epidemic from predominantly W135. It started in one district in the Upper West Region. Mass vaccination is ongoing and the situation is stabilizing.
Madam Speaker, thank you.