Arrangement of Business
Question(s) to Ministers
Madam Speaker, the Committee has programmed the following Ministers to answer Questions asked of them during the week:
No. of Question(s)
i. Minister for Water Resources, Works and Housing 6
ii. Minister for Energy 10
iii. Minister for Information 2
iv. Minister for Health 7
v. Minister for Roads and Highways 10
Total Number of Questions 35
Madam Speaker, in all, five Ministers are expected to attend upon the House to respond to thirty-five (35) Questions during the week. The Questions are of the following types:
i. Oral - 29;
ii. Written - 6.
Madam Speaker may allow Statements duly admitted to be made in the House.
Bills, Papers, and Reports
Madam Speaker, Bills may be presented to the House for consideration and those already before the House may be taken through the various stages. Papers and committee reports may also be laid.
Motions and Resolutions
Madam Speaker, Motions may
be debated and their consequential Resolutions, if any, taken during the week.
Extended Sittings
Madam Speaker, the Business Committee recommends that, with effect from next week, the House should have extended Sittings whenever necessary. Owing to the brief period of the Meeting, and having regard to the volume of business expected to be undertaken, this arrangement would ensure that the House completes all scheduled business before it goes on recess.
The Business Committee further recommends that committees should seek and receive approval from Madam Speaker before embarking on familiari- sation tours, foreign travels, study visits, or
any activity that would take them outside the House. This is in compliance with Standing Order 190, which requires that such activities be referred to committees by the Speaker. Furthermore, this procedure would enable Hon Members to avail themselves in the House for the discharge of scheduled Business.
Madam Speaker, in accordance with Standing Order 160 (2), the Committee submits to this Honourable House, the Business of each Sitting of the week and the order in which it shall be taken during the week.
Questions --
*327. Mrs Catherine Abelema Afeku (Evalue-Gwira): To ask the Minister for Water Resources, Works and Housing if there is any plan to rehabilitate and/or reconstruct the Axim sea defence wall.
373. Mr Kwabena Amankwa Asiamah (Fanteakwa): To ask the Minister for Water Resources, Works and Housing when the rehabilitation and expansion as well as the provision of a medium capacity treatment plant of the Begoro Water Project will take place, as captured at paragraph 469, page 107 of the 2009 Budget Statement.
374. Mr Joseph Kwaku Nayan (Nkwanta North): To ask the Minister for Water Resources, Works and Housing when the Nkwanta North (Damanko-Kpassa) Water Project will be completed and
inaugurated. *375. Mr Theophilus Tetteh Chaie (Ablekuma Central): To ask the Minister for Water Resources, Works and Housing when the Mataheko portion of the storm drain will be constructed to alleviate the annual flooding of the area.
*376. Mr Theophilus Tetteh Chaie (Ablekuma Central): To ask the Minister for Water Resources, Works and Housing the measures being put in place to ensure that the annual flooding in parts of Abossey Okai spare parts area and Mataheko Takoradi Station area become a thing of the past.
*377. Mr Charles S. Hodogbey (North Tongu): To ask the Minister for Water Resources, Works and Housing what plans the Ministry has to reduce dependence on the use of imported materials in our building and construction industry.
Laying of Papers --
(a) Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (Investigations Procedure) Regulations, 2010 (C.I. 67).
(b) Performance Audit Report of the Auditor-General on adminis- tration of the Ghana National Service Scheme.
(c) Performance Audit Report of the Auditor-General on prison accommodation in Ghana.
(d) IT Audit Report of the Auditor- General on the VAT Service TOPAZ accounting system.
(e) Performance Audit Report of the Auditor-General on the pre-paredness of NADMO to manage disaster in Ghana.
(f) Report of the Finance Committee on the Credit A g r e e m e n t b e t w e e n t h e Government of Ghana and the International Development Association (IDA) for an amount of SDR 74.6 million (US$120.0 million equivalent) to finance the proposed Abidjan- Lagos Trade and Transport Facilitation Project (ALTTFP).
(g ) Repor t o f the F inance Committee on the Addendum to the Credit Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Ghana and the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) for an amount of GH¢109,000,000.00 for the payment of contractors under the Ghana Road Fund.
Motions --
Third Reading of Bills --
Plants Bill, 2009
Consideration Stage of Bills --
Mutual Legal Assistance Bill,
Committee Sittings --
Questions --
*463. Mr Masoud Baba Abdul- Rahman (Pru): To ask the Minister for Energy when the following towns in the Pru District will be connected to the national grid: (i)