Madam Speaker, on the Official Report , it is not a correction though but I thought it would be the most appropriate time to make it.
I did see in your Office a compilation of the Official Report and subsequently, little notes in our pigeonholes telling us that they
are available for sale. Madam Speaker, I think that most people lose their Official Reports but when they come bound in that way, they are useful for posterity, because we represent constituencies and even keeping them in the constituency libraries or the library of that particular town, would help.
So, Madam Speaker, I want to commend you and your people for putting it together. But really, it is part of the working tools of Parliament and I would have thought that Parliament - [Pause] -- Parliament would make this available to Hon Members and compile at least, from January 7th to the end of the Session, so that we can have this.
After all, when you leave as a Member of Parliament, you want to preserve something for your constituency, for the library, and sometimes, eventually, who knows, in this country, we shall be having libraries of Presidents and libraries of Members of Parliament. Although people tend to insult us but whatever it is, I believe that it should not be beyond Parliament to make this available to Members of Parliament rather than make it a commercial enterprise, where one has to pay for it. I believe it is part of the tools that we use.
I would like to commend you and then respectfully request that this be made available to all Members of Parliament for one term -- the term that you serve as a Member of Parliament, if it is all compiled, it would be very useful. So while commending you, I would like you to loosen your purse a little to see whether you can accommodate us in this respect. Because, I mean, the one I saw is only two months, so it is plenty of volumes we would get and I think that it would be good if Parliament would make it a tool of reference.