the Republic of Ghana;
2 . t h e S t a n d i n g O r d e r s o f the Parliament of Ghana; and
3. the Curr iculum Vi tae of the nominee.
3.0 Procedure
In line with the procedure of the Committee, the nominee took the Oath of a witness. He also answered questions on issues ranging from his record of office, experience and the position to which he has been nominated, as well as general matters of national concern.
4.0 Observations and Recommendations
Alhaji Issaku Saliah - Upper Regional Minister-designate
4.1 Background
Alhaji Issaku Saliah was born on 15th June, 1952 at Manwe, Wa, in the Upper West Region.
He attended Fongo Primary School and Wa Middle Day School, all in Wa for his elementary education from 1958 to 1966.
Between 1966 and 1973, he attended Navrongo Secondary School, Navrongo, for his GCE ‘O' and ‘A' Level Certificates.
He was awarded a Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy and Political Science) honours degree from the University of Ghana, Legon in 1976.
He later pursued a post-graduate d i p l o m a p r o g r a m m e i n P u b l i c Administration at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) from 1978 to 1979.
He worked with the Upper Quarry Limited, Bolgatanga from 1985 to 2001,
where he served as the Managing Director from 1992 to 2001.
Alhaji Saliah has held a number of positions including the Chairman of the National Hajj Committee from 1995 to
He was the Member of Parliament for Wa East Constituency from January, 1993 to January, 2005. In Parliament, he served on a number of committees including Finance, Local Government and Rural Development, Public Accounts, among others. He was also the Chairman for several committees including the Transport and Communications (1993- 1995), Roads and Highways (1996), and Food, Agriculture and Cocoa Affairs
4.2 Plans for the region
On his plans for the region, the nominee indicated that the issue of peace and security in the region would be high on his agenda.
He said the region is plagued with a number of chieftaincy conflicts. This situation is retarding the region's growth, thereby contributing to the high poverty levels in the region. There is, therefore, the need to address this situation for the region to develop.
He also indicated that the region is endowed with natural resources, including fertile land and therefore, if given the nod, he would undertake a programme to motivate the youth to go into agriculture. Animal rearing and marketing would also be looked at as a means of creating jobs in the region. All these would be done in line with government policy.
4.3 Diffusion of tension
On how he would diffuse tension in the region, the nominee informed the
Committee that he would run an open administration and also give and take advice.
He indicated his awareness of some concerns in the region and pledged to be neutral. He would also get the people to work together to win their trust. The activities of the Regional Co- ordinating Council would be to tone down temperaments and promote peace and security in the region.
The nominee further informed the Committee that he is from a village in Wa that does not ascend to the paramouncy of the Wa Traditional Council. He is, therefore, of the view that this situation would portray him as a neutral person as he has no interest in that kingship.
4.4 Upper Quarry Limited
The Committee observed that the nominee was the Managing Director of Upper Quarry Limited during the time he was the Member of Parliament for Wa East Constituency.
The nominee in explaining the circumstances, averred that he sought and was granted permission from Rt. Hon Speaker, through the Committee of Members Holding Office of Profit.
The Committee is of the opinion that it is most incongruous for a Member to hold a full time employment as a day-to-day administrator of a company concurrent with his membership of Parliament.
In the event, the Committee held that the nominee was not culpable of any wrongdoing.
T h e C o m m i t t e e r e c o m m e n d s accordingly to the Standing Orders Committee to review the Standing
Orders to prevent a reoccurrence of a similar situation. As well, the Committee recommends the promulgation of a code of ethics for Members of Parliament.
4.5 Decentralization and efficiency
On the issue of decentralization and efficiency, Alhaji Saliah indicated that effective decentralization should lead to growth and development in the region. This should be backed with the necessary resources to the districts. To him, decentralization would not be complete without the necessary fiscal resources.
4 .6 Relevance of the Regional Minister's Office
On the relevance of the Office of the Regional Minister, the nominee said the office was very relevant. He said given the current constitutional framework, a number of resources are being channelled to the districts.
There is, therefore, the need for a
co-ordinating body like the Regional Minister and the RCC to co-ordinate all the activities of the decentralized bodies in the region to ensure that they are being executed in line with government policy.
5.0 Recommendation
The Committee observed that the nominee was calm and responded to issues posed to him satisfactorily.
T h e C o m m i t t e e , t h e r e f o r e , recommends by consensus that the House approves of the nomination of Alhaji Issaku Saliah as a Regional Minister for the Upper West Region.
6.0 Conclusion
The Appointments Committee has