Debates of 28 Jul 2010

PRAYERS 10:25 a.m.

Mr First Deputy Speaker 10:25 a.m.
Hon Deputy Minority Leader?
Mr Dery 10:25 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I just wanted to seek your guidance on an important matter. We were informed this morning that we were facing a crisis, and that there was interruption to water supply to the Chamber and the rest of the building and that they were going to fix it by ten o'clock.
As it is, I am not sure that they have done that. I was wondering if under the circumstances, we should start business or suspend to allow such an essential service to be restored .
That is the guidance I am talking about.
Mr Abdul-Rashid Pelpuo 10:25 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I understand the technical men are already here to work on it but because of the crucial importance of water in our lives, I think that we might just give some space, maybe, some thirty minutes and then come back.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 10:25 a.m.
All right. I was informed this morning by the Deputy Clerk who is in charge of Finance and Administration and who is acting now, that the Chinese working on the Tower Block -- as a result of the work being done there, there were problems which had affected water supply to the House.

3293Votes and Proceedings 28 July, 2010 and the Official Report

I do not know whether we can suspend the House for thirty minutes. What do you suggest, Hon Deputy Majority Leader?
Mr Dery 10:25 a.m.
Mr Speaker, that will be all right by us; we can suspend the House for thirty minutes.
Mr Pelpuo 10:25 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I think we can go ahead with that. Just some thirty minutes, so we can come back hoping that by that time, the problem would have been fixed and we will go on with Government Business.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 10:25 a.m.
Very well. Hon Members, the House is suspended for thirty minutes. We will come back after thirty minutes.
10.28 a.m. -- Sitting suspended
11.05 a.m. - Sitting resumed.

Mr First Deputy Speaker 10:25 a.m.
Hon Members, item 2, Correction of Votes and Proceedings of Tuesday, 27th July, 2010
Page 1 . . . 22 --
Prof. (Emeritus) Samuel K. Amoako 10:25 a.m.
Mr Speaker, page 22, under number 2, xiii, the title does not seem right; “Rev. (Dr) Mr Joses Asare-Akoto”. I do not know which one is applicable. So if it is “Rev. (Dr)”, then the “Mr” should be deleted.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 10:25 a.m.
Very well, Table Office to take note.

Hon Members , the Votes and Proceedings of Tuesday, 27th July, 2010 as corrected, be adopted as the true record of proceedings.

Hon Members, in line with Standing Order 53 (2), I intend going straight to Public Business.

However, Hon Members may recall that we asked the Hon Minister for Health to come and make a Statement on the problems associated with the H1N1 vaccination. He is in the House today; I do not know whether we should defer him and go straight to Public Business. But I want to take the sense of the House into consideration, so that he is reprogrammed to come and make the Statement before the House adjourns.
Mr Dery 11:15 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I think that the issue of Statement is left to the discretion of the Speaker and it appears the Hon Minister for Health is in the House. So he must as well make it and I hope that he will keep it short so that we go to the other issues. In my view, once he is in the House and it is such a burning issue in the country now, we should permit him to make it.
Mr Pelpuo 11:15 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I think it is our request and once he is here, he can make the Statement. But just to say and crave your indulgence that we just allow the Statement and not allow contributions, so that we can go straight to Government Business.
Mrs Gifty E. Kusi 11:15 a.m.
Mr Speaker, he may raise certain issues, so maybe, one or two contributors would be all right. But just not allowing any contribution at all, I do not think it is right.
M r F i r s t D e p u t y S p e a k e r : Hon Members, there would be two contributions; one from each side of the House and that is all. Hon Members, I am going to take one each from both sides.
STATEMENTS 11:15 a.m.

Minister for Health (Dr Benjamin Kunbuor) 11:15 a.m.
As the Hon Speaker has indicated, I was requested to come and clarify some issues on the ongoing H1N1 vaccination. Mr Speaker, I am certainly aware of the time constraints of the House and I would crave your indulgence that I highlight on only very specific issues.
Mr Speaker, this Statement is to provide a platform for the Ministry of Health to respond to recent media reports and to assure the general public of the safety of the H1N1 vaccines currently being deployed to certain segments of the population.
Ghana has not been spared of the H1N1 disease scourge. We recorded our first laboratory confirmed case on 5th August, 2009. We have, as at 21st July, 2010, confirmed a cumulated total of 960 cases with one death (11- month old baby). Globally, over 18,000 deaths have been reported to the World Health Organisation
The Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus has never before circulated among humans. The virus is not related to previous or current seasonal influenza viruses. These facts clearly presented special and formidable challenges in preventing further spread and mitigating the impact of the pandemic at the onset in June, 2009. These challenges include:
The course and evolution was not known and still not predictable;
Nobody in the population was likely to have immunity to the virus;
Many more people could become ill and rates of severe illness, complications and deaths were likely to be much higher and more widely distributed throughout the population.
There were no vaccines against the virus and therefore, a vaccination programme that could immediately and effectively halt the spread of the disease could not be undertaken. It would take five to six months period for the first supplies of approved vaccine to become available. This is because the process of producing a new vaccine involves many sequential steps, with each step requiring a certain amount of time to complete.
Vaccination is a process of introducing an inactivated or life-attenuated organism or part of it that causes a particular disease into the body to mimic the natural, so that the body develops antibodies or other immunogenic material to fight any similar infection that may later be introduced into the body.
The strategies recommended by the WHO for countries at the beginning of the pandemic to prevent spread and mitigate its impact were:
Surveillance including screening for early detection of cases;
Treatment of cases with anti-viral drugs which have been procured and pre-positioned in health facilities; Public education on need for:
early reporting;
personal hygiene; and
social distancing, including closure of schools.
Mr Speaker, these were the strategies we have implemented and continue to implement in addition to the few doses of H1N1 vaccines we received.
As stated earlier, it took manufacturers about five to six months to produce the first lot of vaccines. The global vaccine production capacity of the manufacturing companies for the first 12 months was three (3) billion as against the world population of six and a half (6.5) billion.
Even before the first lots were produced, many developed countries had already contracted or paid the manufacturers to obtain sufficient supplies to cover their populations.
Mr Speaker, most low and middle- income countries, including Ghana, lack the financial resources to compete for an early share of the initial limited supplies. The WHO successfully negotiated with the manufacturing companies for H1N1 vaccine donation for 95 developing and middle- income countries. The initial target was vaccines for about 10 per cent of each of this country's population.
Prerequisite for the receipt of these vaccines include the development of a vaccine deployment plan with technical support and approval by the WHO, the vaccines have to be licensed or registered by the WHO and in addition, the vaccines must be pre-qualified by the appropriate regulatory bodies in each of these countries.
To date, over 61 of these countries have received over 45,449,000 doses of the H1N1 vaccines.
Our vaccine deployment plan was developed and approved by the WHO
following a training workshop for National Immunisation Programme Managers in Abuja, Nigeria for Anglophone WHO- African Region.
Mr Speaker, on 15th May, 2010, we received 2.3 million doses of H1N1 vaccine called Pandemrix. The vaccine is an inactivated (killed) H1N1 virus. It has been pre-qualified by the WHO and manufactured by Glaxo-Smith-Kline (GSK). They have also been registered or licensed by the Food and Drugs Board.
The vaccine is administered by injection. Studies to date indicate that the H1N1 vaccines are as safe as seasonal flu vaccines.
The side effects following vaccinations are normally referred to as “Adverse Events Following Immunisations (AEFI)”. These may be expected (as identified during clinical trial of the vaccine) or unexpected. The expected Adverse Events Following H1N1 vaccination include:
1. Local reactions, such as redness, soreness and swelling at the injection site;
2. L e s s o f t e n , c a n c a u s e fever, muscle - or joint-aches or headache. These symptoms are generally mild; do not need medical attention, and last 1 to 2 days.
Rarely, the vaccines can cause allergic reactions, such as rashes, rapid swelling of deeper skin layers and tissues, asthma or severe allergic reactions due to hypersensitivity to certain components of the vaccine.
Mr Speaker, because of limited quantities and based on technical advice
by the WHO, this initial batch was earmarked for the following segment of the population and is indicated in our deployment plan:
1 . H e a l t h Wo r k e r s : T h e y provide critical medical care and therefore, h igh r i sk exposure and occupational infection. Infection of healthcare workers can be potential source of infection for vul nerable patients. Also, increased absenteeism in this population could reduce health- care system capacity.
2. Pregnant Women: They are at higher risk of complications a n d d e a t h s a n d c a n potentially provide protection to infants who cannot be vaccinated.
3 . O t h e r p e o p l e w i t h medical conditions are associated with high risk, developing complications of H1N1 infection. These include: asthmatics, diabetics, chronic heart diseases, sickle cell diseases, chronic liver and kidney diseases and so on.
4 . N a t i o n a l S e c u r i t y : Medical personnel in the national security are also exposed to similar risks as other healthcare providers. The rest are essential to national security and also high risk due to geographic location among others.
The remaining vaccines after these groups have been covered are to be given to eligible members of the general public.
Mr Speaker, as part of the development
Dr Kojo Appiah-Kubi (NPP - Atwima- Kwanwoma) 11:25 a.m.
Mr Speaker, can the Hon Minister comment on the allegations that -- [Interruptions.]
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:25 a.m.
you very much also for your brevity.
Alhaj i Mohammed-Mubarak
Muntaka (NDC - Asawase): Mr Speaker, I take this opportunity to thank the Hon Minister for Health for finding time to come to this House to really brief us on the issue of -
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:25 a.m.
Hon Member, I hope you would take a cue from the last Hon Member who spoke.
Alhaji Muntaka 11:25 a.m.
Exactly so, Mr
Speaker. I am also very mindful of the business before the House.
Mr Speaker, like I said, I am thanking
the Hon Minister for the opportunity given us to really know the details of some of
the problems associated with the H1N1 vaccination programme.
Mr Speaker, from the presentation of the Minister, we realised that there were 2.3 million doses that were brought into the country and these were not purchased. Ghana did not buy these vaccines. They were facilitated by the WHO and they were given to us free of charge.
He has mentioned to us the target group. It was the health workers, pregnant women, security persons and then persons with high risk medical conditions. This was not a general vaccination programme. If you know, as a country with almost 22- 23 million people, with vaccines that are just 2.3, it shows that it was just ten per cent of our population that was targeted because of the pandemic.
Mr Speaker, it was also very interesting
when the Hon Minister made us to know that so far as their monitoring system is concerned, it is only one person that has lost his life - an eleven-month old baby -- [Interruptions] -- He said only one. Aside that, he said that there were 729 cases. I am happy that these statistics were provided us.
When you listen to radio stations and television coverages, it was so scary as though we have had so many deaths. I would want to plead with the generality of our population, especially the media and those who comment on issues that relate to vaccinations -- It is an important exercise and before we go out to allow people to comment or ourselves make commentary about issues of life, it is important that we get our facts right.
I believe the way it was carried scared so many people and others who might have died out of their already chronic diseases, were immediately associating the deaths with the vaccination. I would want to urge that as a country, when issues that have to do with our lives are concerned, we would make sure that we get the facts right so that we do not go creating problems and panic.
Mr Speaker, I also want to thank the
Hon Minister -- even though he came to give us this brief, I believe that this could have been done much earlier. If this was done much earlier, even maybe, the vaccination programme would have helped us as a country to warn the target group to know exactly what the vaccination was all about.
I will urge that the Ministry of Health, in the future, should try as much as possible, before - Yes, I know, it was in a rush because of some of the cases that were coming up but nevertheless, I believe that programmes to educate the public about its side effects -- the consequences would have helped to reduce this panic that came. But nevertheless, I believe that it is better late than never.
We thank the Hon Minister for this elaborate statistics given and the Statement and we would urge that he would continue to give us information when we need it with regard to the lives of the general public.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:25 a.m.
Minister, do you want to say anything?
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:25 a.m.
Yes, but
the Hon Member for Manhyia was not around, so what is he going to comment on? He was not here when the Statement was made, so what is he going to comment on?
Mr Dery 11:25 a.m.
Mr Speaker, you would
realise that our deputy Ranking Member on the Committee for Health is a very knowledgeable person. Indeed, it is his intervention that led to this development and so I believe he is the kind of man who can make a meaningful contribution, if he has not heard it, being an expert -- So, I would crave your indulgence - actually, he was the man who I wanted to speak but when I turned, you saw my
difficulty. But he was at another meeting in connection with the H1N1. I am sure the Minister knows that. So I will crave your indulgence to give him a few minutes to enrich the discussion, Mr Speaker.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:25 a.m.
Hon Deputy Majority Leader, I will - My only worry is that he has not heard what the Minister has said, so what comment is he going to make on the Statement? Because I will not - you see, he should not be allowed to introduce any new matter, otherwise, the thing will turn into a debate, which is contrary to the rules of the House. But because I know the role he has played in this matter, I will allow him two minutes to make a brief comment.
Mr Dery 11:35 a.m.
Mr Speaker, you would
notice that I was the one who applied the other time under Order 70 (2) and I will just remind him that he should not say anything that will introduce a debate. But I believe that he will keep within limits.
Thank you for the two minutes.

Dr Matthew O. Prempeh (NPP --

Manhyia): Mr Speaker, before I begin, the reason for not being here is because it was not advertised - [Interruption.] Yes. Statements are advertised.

Mr Speaker, I would like to comment briefly, in that, for such an important exercise, enough information should have been given to Ghanaians such that what had happened recently over our airwaves would not have happened. When people lose interest or lose confidence and hope in what vaccines can do and what vaccines have done, it is not good. It has led to withdrawal and recurrence of polio in other countries because of lack of information.

Mr Speaker, basically, the fact that the
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:35 a.m.
Hon Minister, did you -
Dr Kunbuor 11:35 a.m.
Mr Speaker, essentially, I would like to thank Hon Members for the concerns that have been raised and together, we will begin to address these issues.
The only point I want to register is that, the eleven-month old baby died before the vaccination exercise started.
The second issue about the timing of informing the general public, the Hon Member would know, we need to follow the WHO guidelines and protocols. We entered into a contractual arrangement with WHO on the deployment of this matter and when the vaccination commenced, we actually had just two days left, before the review could take place. You needed to cover a particular percentage of the eligible people before the review could take place to come out with any meaningful, scientific results. But we do appreciate the concerns that are being raised by Hon Members.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:35 a.m.
Minister, we thank you very much for responding to the call of the House to brief Hon Members on the subject matter.
Hon Members, that brings us to the end of Statements.
At the Commencement of Public Business, item number (5) on the Order Paper.
Mr Pelpuo 11:35 a.m.
Mr Speaker, as I informed the House the other time, the Hon Minister for Finance and Economic Planning is still not in the country; he travelled out of the country with the President and I would crave your indulgence to ask permission for the Hon Deputy Minister for Finance
and Economic Planning to lay the Paper on his behalf.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:35 a.m.
Hon Deputy Minority Leader.
Mr Dery 11:35 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I have no problem with the Deputy Minister doing that. Provided he is the right person to do that, I think I agree with that.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:35 a.m.
Very well. Hon Deputy Minister for Finance and Economic Planning.
Deputy Minister for Finance and Economic Planning (Mr Seth Terkpeh): (on behalf of the Minister for Finance and Economic Planning): Mr Speaker --
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:35 a.m.
Hon Deputy Minister for Finance and Economic Planning, do not allow anybody to confuse you. You know what you have to do.
Mr Terkpeh 11:35 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I beg to respectfully withdraw the Supplier's Credit Finance Agreement between the Government of Ghana and STX Engineering and Construction (Ghana) Limited, which was laid on 23rd June, 2010 to allow proceedings to proceed.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:35 a.m.
I think that is the proper thing to do. Since it is the same subject matter, you cannot lay another report on another report. So you have to withdraw that one to pave way for the laying of another one, otherwise, you will not know which one the Committee will report on.
Mr Dery 11:35 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I agree that you cannot lay another Paper. But in your rendition, you said that you cannot lay it when there is another report and I just want it to be clear that what is laid is a Paper and that there is no report -
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:35 a.m.
What he is withdrawing is a Paper?
Mr Dery 11:35 a.m.
That is right, Mr Speaker. But in your -
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:35 a.m.
It is an Agreement; he said the Supplier's Credit Agreement -
Mr Dery 11:35 a.m.
Yes, it is a Paper, not a report. What will come from the Committee will be the report on that.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:35 a.m.
Hon Members, before I call on the Hon Deputy Minister for Finance and Economic Planning to lay the Paper. In view of the statement he made, I have accordingly withdrawn the referral that I made to the joint Committee on Works and Housing on the date that the Motion was withdrawn by the Chairman of the Finance Committee.
So, those referrals too have been withdrawn accordingly. At the time that I did the referral, I thought that they were going to consider the same Supplier's Credit; now, they are telling us that a new one is being laid and that one is being withdrawn. So the referral too is accordingly withdrawn.
Hon Deputy Minister, now, go ahead and lay your Paper, having withdrawn that one.
PAPERS 11:35 a.m.

Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:35 a.m.
should also, in submitting their report, make sure that they capture the Ghana Real Estate Developers Association's (GREDA's) concern.
Mr Dery 11:35 a.m.
Mr Speaker --
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:35 a.m.
Very well, I have been advised that the GREDA Report has not been withdrawn.
Mr Dery 11:35 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I just wanted to say that you were guided by the fact that you had a certain history of this document that has now been laid. Mr Speaker, we on this side are happy that at last this thing has been laid.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:35 a.m.
Hon Deputy Minority Leader, under what Order are you coming? We are laying Papers.
Mr Dery 11:35 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I think that as a Leader, you do know that I am allowed to facilitate the work of this House and these comments I am going to make are going to facilitate that.
Mr Pelpuo 11:45 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I do appreciate where my Hon Colleague is coming from. We do acknowledge that at the point when the Hon Minister for Water Resources, Works and Housing was holding his press conference, it was in response to an earlier press conference which resulted in certain distortions that he needed to correct.
Indeed, we are aware that what the Minority is doing, is crucial for the benefit and for the total enhancement of our housing position in this country. We do appreciate that; we want their co-operation in this endeavour and we do not want a situation where they will see us trying to take political capital in this matter.
So, we are calling, indeed, for their co- operation but we want them to see what happened to be part of the total political arrangement that a response is given to a political party, to the Minority, when they did make their press conference and indicated certain things that ensued that the Minister had to explain .
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:45 a.m.
Hon Members, order!
Mr Dery 11:45 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I want to thank my Colleague -- [Interruptions]
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:45 a.m.
Hon Members, order!
You see, the Leaders are supposed to facilitate business on the floor of the House. Once we are laying Papers, I recognise you because you are Leaders. But I do not want this to be turned into a debate. We should not pre-empt the discussion that would ensue on the STX. When that time comes, whatever everybody wants to say, the person will say it.
Mr Dery 11:45 a.m.
The last time this matter came up, you ordered that we should be given the Joint Venture Agreement and Off -taker and all that. You said they should be laid. I want your guidance whether the situation has changed.
But I want to assure you that we are prepared to co-operate and I think my Colleague has said that the relationship should be good except that jealousy does not communicate mutual good relationship. I need to remind him of that. But we shall deal with that at the appropriate forum.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:45 a.m.
I directed the last time that those documents be made available to Hon Members and it still stands.
By the Deputy Minister for Finance and Economic Planning (Mr Seth Terkpeh) (on behalf of the Minister for Finance and Economic Planning) --
Loan Agreement between the Government of Ghana and the Unicredit Bank Austria AG for an amount of €7,300,000.00 for financing the Upgrading of Highway Infrastructure by Implementing Mishuo Bridge and Twifo Praso Bridge.
Referred to the Committee on Finance By the Chairman of the Committee --
Report of the Committee on Subsidiary Legislation on the Fisheries Regulations, 2010 (L.I.
Referred to the Subsidiary Legislation Committee.
MOTIONS 11:45 a.m.

Chairman of the Committee (Mr Albert Kan-Dapaah) 11:45 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I beg to move, that this House adopts the Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Report of the Auditor-General on the Public Accounts of Ghana (Ministries, Departments and other Agencies of the Central Government) for the year ended 31st December, 2005.
1.0 Introduction
Mr Speaker, article 187 (2) of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana mandates the Auditor-General to audit the Public Accounts of Ghana and of all public offices, institutions and organisations established by an Act of Parliament. The Auditor-General is required by clause 5 of the same article to submit his report to Parliament and to draw Parliament's attention to any irregularities in the accounts or any matter which in his opinion ought to be brought to the attention of Parliament.
The Auditor-General, in accordance with the powers conferred on him by the above provision of the Constitution, conducted an audit on the financial operations of Ministries, Departments, and other Agencies of the Central Government for the financial year ending 31st December,
The Report of the Auditor-General on the Public Accounts of Ghana for the year ended 31st December, 2005 (Ministries, Departments and other Agencies of the
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:45 a.m.
Hon Chairman, have you as a Committee endorsed those Reports in your Report because I have seen that those two Reports are still in the name of the former Chairman in the last Parliament? Did
your Report categorically endorse those Reports?
Mr Kan-Dapaah 11:45 a.m.
Yes, Mr Speaker, and indeed, attached to those two Reports, is another Report from the current Committee endorsing them. So we do endorse them.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:45 a.m.
I have seen it. Which page of your Committee's Report has endorsed those two Reports? Which part of your Report has endorsed those two Reports?
Mr Kan-Dapaah 11:45 a.m.
Mr Speaker, the first four pages of the Report that you are holding comes from the current Committee and it essentially endorses the work that was done by the Public Accounts Committee.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:45 a.m.
There is a categorical statement?
Mr Kan-Dapaah 11:45 a.m.
There is a categorical statement. Indeed, Mr Speaker, if you go to page 4, under paragraph 6 ,you will see that the Committee recommends to the House to adopt the Report of the Public Accounts Committee of the Fourth Parliament on the Report of the Auditor- General. This is a recommendation from the current Committee.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:45 a.m.
That is all right.
Mr Kan-Dapaah 11:55 a.m.
Thank you, Mr Speaker.

Mr George K. Arthur (NDC -- Amenfi Central) Mr Speaker, I beg to second the Motion.

Question proposed.
Mr P. C. Appiah-Ofori (NPP - Asikuma/Odoben/ Brakwa) 11:55 a.m.
Mr Speaker, if we look at the Auditor- General's Report, it shows that fraudulent practices in the MDAs have not abated. People continue to dupe the country, steal
Mr P. C. Appiah-Ofori (NPP - Asikuma/Odoben/ Brakwa) 11:55 a.m.

resources and they get away with their loot. Who must be blamed for this? I will say Parliament must be blamed. Article 187 (5) of the Constitution says:

“The Auditor-General shall, within six months after the end of the immediatly preceding financial year to which each of the accounts mentioned in clause (2) of this article relates, submit his report to Parliament and shall, in that report, draw attention to any irregularities in the accounts audited and to any other matter which in his opinion ought to be brought to the notice of Parliament.”

It goes on further to say that in his report to Parliament, he brings to the notice of Parliament, irregularities that come to his notice and any other information he thinks must be brought to the notice of Parliament.

Mr Speaker, universally, it is the person to whom audit reports are submitted, who must take remedial actions to prevent the recurrence of the irregularities brought to his notice. So, if it is Parliament that is the recipient of the Auditor-General's Report, then it is Parliament that must take remedial action to prevent the recurrent of these irregularities. It is not the President. It is not the Chief Justice but Parliament.

I want to ask you, since 1992, what remedial action has Parliament taken to prevent the recurrent of these irregularities constantly brought to our notice? What has been done? After we have debated, that is the end of it. As soon as we finish debate, that is the end of it; so those who have looted continue to loot. Look at the figure as contained in the Report. Total loss, money lost amounted to 247.8 billion and foreign exchange component is 217,414. When translated into cedis at the current exchange rate, it is 3.153 billion. It is lost and those who have done it are enjoying it. They still remain in the office and continue to loot. The time is ripe for us to take action.

We have to ensure that when these reports come to us, we must make sure

that those who are guilty of these offences are prosecuted. We hand them over to the Attorney-General's Department and get them prosecuted. This will send a signal to public servants that if they do it, they will be punished and by so doing, we will be protecting State resources. But after we have debated and sat down unconcerned for them to go away, then we are aiding and abating fraud against the State and the time is ripe.

Mr Speaker, you take action with effect from today -
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:55 a.m.
Hon Member, can you leave me out of this debate?
Mr Appiah-Ofori 11:55 a.m.
I will not leave you. [Laughter.] I will not leave you because I have seen that you are doing well.
When my Hon younger Brother moved the Motion on foreign exchange, I raised the same issue and you referred it to a committee which has not been set up. I expect the committee to look at it critically and then recommend to the House remedial measures that we have to take.
I want you to continue to do that and that is why I am calling you, that is why I am referring to you, that let us save this country by preventing the looting of the country. When people are reported to us, let us take action so that those who are stealing will be punished and it will send a signal to others to stop stealing, other than that we are failing this country.
Thank you very much, Mr Speaker.
Dr Anthony A. Osei ( NPP -- Old Tafo) 11:55 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I thank you very much for allowing me to contribute to the Motion on the floor.
We want to thank the Public Accounts Committee for finally agreeing to submit
the Report of the Committee in the previous Parliament. It is a detailed Report and I do not intend to go through. But just on page 38, there is a matter that I want to echo that supports my Hon Senior Colleague's assertion.
Ministry of Health - We are told that according to Standing Order 194, a committee was appointed to deliberate further on these issues. With respect, Mr Speaker, the membership of the sub- committee is as follows: Hon E. K. D. Adjaho, Chairman; Hon J. B. Danquah Adu, member; Hon Dominic Azumah, Member; Hon Robert Sarfo-Mensah, member and Mr Camillo Pwamang, Secretary.
Paragraph 201 goes on to say:
“The Committee has therefore hived off the issues pertaining to the NHIC from this Report and the Committee will report to the House in the course of time.”
Mr Speaker, I am wondering, since we are being told that this sub-committee was supposed to report back to this House, whether or not this has been done and if not, why ? Recognising that the Speaker was the Chairman and may not want to speak from the Chair, at least, Hon Dominic Azumah is a member and he may be able to address this matter.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:55 a.m.
Hon Member, what was formed was a sub- committee of the Public Accounts Committee and that sub-committee was not meant to report to this House. It was meant to report to the Public Accounts Committee, which will then report to the House, which has been done. It is part of this Report we are considering. I do not know whether you have read the whole Report?
Dr A. A. Osei 11:55 a.m.
Mr Speaker, no, I have not. That was why I said the Report just got to us.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 11:55 a.m.
The Report is attached.
Dr A . A. Osei 11:55 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I thank you then.
Mr Yaw Baah (NPP - Kumawu) 12:05 p.m.
Mr Speaker, I thank you for offering me the opportunity to add my voice to the Motion on the floor.
Mr Speaker, if you glance through your Committee's Report, one thing that emerges and is quite clear with respect to almost all the Ministries and Departments has been flagrant disregard to the implementation of Procurement Act procedure. I am referring to Act 663. Almost all the Ministries and Departments have been dancing round with regard to the procedure without following rigidly what they are supposed to do.
Mr Speaker, especially with particular reference to section 40 of the Act which deals with sole sourcing for various companies or establishments; if we look at section 40 (1) (a) (b) ( c), it is quite clear why sole sourcing issues must be approved. Because it is talking of a catastrophic situation where the supplier is the sole provider of the funds and what nots or under emergency situations where we need to down-size with regard to applicants.
But what we have seen has been an abuse here and there, without taking due diligence whether such supplier deserved to be wearing the tag or getting approval for this sole sourcing.

What we realised in the Report is that many a time, this sole sourcing without approval -- I refer to your Committee's Report, pages 15 and 16. That is what happened at the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora with regard to award of sole sourcing contract to a company from Cuba, which later, it was established that rather the firm that undertook the project was a Ghanaian - based firm. I
Chairman of the Committee (Mr Albert Kan-Dapaah) 12:05 p.m.
Mr Speaker, I beg to move, that this Honourable House adopts the Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Report of the Auditor- General on the Public Accounts of Ghana (Ministries, Departments and other Agencies of the Central Government) for
the year ended 31st December, 2006.
1. The Report of the Auditor-General on the Public Accounts of Ghana for the year ended 31st December, 2006 (Ministries, Departments and other Agencies of the Central Government was accordingly laid before the House on Tuesday, 3rd June 2009.
2. The audit was conducted in accor- dance with article 187 (2) (5) of the 1992 Constitution which man- dates the Auditor-General to audit the public accounts of Ghana and submit his report to Parliament.
3 . T h e R e p o r t w a s r e f e r r e d t o t h e P u b l i c A c c o u n t s Committee (PAC) for examination and report, pursuant to Order 165 (2) of the Standing Orders of the Parliament of Ghana.
4. To consider the Report, the Committee met with the Auditor-General, various Ministers and Deputy Ministers in- cluding officials from the various Ministries, Departments and Agencies. The Committee wishes to express its appreciation for their co-operation before and during the public sitting.
5. The Committee was guided by the following legal documents:
i . The Cons t i tu t ion o f the Republic of Ghana, 1992;
ii. The Standing Orders of the Parliament of Ghana;
iii. The Financial Administration Act, 2003 (Act 654);
iv. The Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663)
v. The Audit Service Act, 2000 (Act 584)
vi. The Internal Audit Agency Act, 2000 (Act 592); and
vii. The Financial Administration Regulations 2004 (L.I. 1802)
6. The objectives of the Committee were to ensure that:
a. MDAs' breaches of financial rules, regulations and practices, as noted by the Auditor-General are rectified,
b . t h e v a r i o u s M D A s have i n s t i t u t ed adequa te measures to strengthen the internal controls which the audit identified to be weak; and that
c. the specific recommendations of the Auditor-General have been implemented by the r e s p e c t i v e A u d i t R e p o r t Implementation Committees (ARICs) established by section 30 (2) of the Audit Service Act of 2000, Act 584 in situations
Chairman of the Committee (Mr Albert Kan-Dapaah) 12:05 p.m.
¢371.0 million were paid to a number of separated staff.
4 7 . S t o r e s / p r o c u r e m e n t irregularities which included items not taken on ledger charge and fuel not recorded in log books, totalled ¢516.5 million due to non-enforcement of the relevant provisions of the Store Regulations.
48. Non-compliance with sections 87 and 88 of the Internal Revenue Act, 2000 (Act 592) resulted in tax irregularities amounting to ¢229.0 million.
Ministry of Lands, Forestry and Mines
49. An officer of the Land Title Registry, Tema, misappropriated revenue amounting to ¢126.0 million. Additionally, a revenue inspector of the Administrator of Stool Lands, Techiman, and two revenue collectors of the Lands Department, Bekwai, failed to account for revenue totalling ¢14.7 million.
50 . The accoun t s s ec t i on o f Lands Commission Secretariat failed to produce for audit, 144 payment vouchers amounting to ¢2.40 billion covering January, 2004 to December, 2005.
5 1 . T h e L a n d s C o m m i s s i o n Secretariat used ¢1.10 billion out of revenue collected to meet its recurrent expenditure pending receipt of funds from MoFEP.
52. O u t o f ¢ 9 5 . 5 m i l l i o n loans granted to Disaster Volunteer Groups (DVGs) in five NADMO District Offices in 2004 and 2005 for the purchase of seeds and fertilizers for okro and pepper farming, ¢85.5 million remained unpaid as
a result of lack of a criterion for recovery of the loans.
Ministry of the Interior
53. Owing to delayed release of funds from MoFEP, management of Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) failed to pay into the Special Collections Account, an amount of US$15,770 being part of a total collection of US$380,125. The amount was used to finance staff foreign travels. As of now, US$2,400 has been refumded leaving a balance of US$13,370.
54. Between May and September, 2006, the Tema office of GIS collected and paid a total amount of ¢1.12 billion to GIS Head Office in Accra instead of the Bank of Ghana, in contravention of Head Office directive issued on 12th May, 2006.
5 5 . D u e t o i n a d e q u a t e procurement planning, 7,094.21 meters of camouflage materials and 1,040 pieces of uniforms purchased at the cost of ¢976.2 million for use by police officers on United Nations assignment had remained in stock for 18 months.

57. The Police Hospital used IGF amounting to ¢4.07 billion to purchase drugs and other consumables without parliamentary approval.

5 8 . B e t w e e n J a n u a r y, 2 0 0 4

and December, 2005, the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) procured goods worth ¢2.13 billion from eight non- VAT registered companies, resulting in the loss of ¢319.9 million in revenue.

Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing

5 9 . A n o ff i c i a l o f t h e P W D office, Tamale, misappropriated revenue of ¢6.6 million as a result of lack of supervision on the part of his management.

60. A contractor who was paid 30 per cent mobilisation advance of ¢4.50 billion in October, 2005 for hydrological works, valued at ¢15.0 billion, which he was to complete within five months, delivered only 6 per cent of the work and vacated the project site, nine months after the scheduled completion date. The matter has been referred to the Attorney- General's office for advice.

61. Due to poor supervision and lax control over accounting documenta- tion, a former Accountant and revenue collectors of the Water and Sanitation Development Board (WSDB) in Bibiani and Donkorkrom misappropriated revenue totalling ¢38.5 million and ¢36.8 million respectively.

62. Cash shortages of ¢30 million and ¢48.4 million were noted against the Accountant and Stand Pipe Agents (SPAs) of the Donkorkrom office respectively.

Office of Government Machinery

63. Rush purchases of items led to management's inability to ensure the recording of stores items worth ¢255.2 million in the stores ledger.

64 . Managemen t 's f a i l u r e t o conduct quality assurance tests led to the loss of US$121,336.50 (¢1.12 billion) on garment exports to the USA. Also, lack of good credit control policy resulted in an outstanding debt of US$19,064 (¢175.6 million).

Ministry of Food and Agriculture

65. Stores items valued at ¢242.0 million were not taken on ledger charge to provide audit trail and also ensure accountability. The lapse occurred as a result of non- segregation of duties and lax supervision.

66. The Apam Distr ic t Off ice single- sourced the purchase of items worth ¢24.0 million and thus negated the gains of competitive tendering. This resulted from poor management of stock to determine the re-order levels.

67. As a result of management's failure to ensure prompt deletion of names of separated staff from the payroll, ¢190.0 million was paid as unearned salaries to 12 former staff members.

68. Management failed to comply w i t h a p p l i c a b l e f i n a n c i a l r e g u l a t i o n s r e s u l t i n g i n cash i r regular i t ies to ta l l ing ¢ 5 1 . 1 m i l l i o n . I n c l u d e d i n the lapses were direct disbursement
Chairman of the Committee (Mr Albert Kan-Dapaah) 12:05 p.m.

from revenue of ¢21.1million and wasteful expenditure of ¢19.5 million.

Ministry of Defence

6 9 . M a n a g e m e n t o f t h e 3 7 Military Hospital purchased items worth ¢3.11 billion between July, 2005 and September, 2006 without ensuring that they were taken on ledger charge before usage.

Ministry of Transport.

70. The inability of management o f t h e M i n i s t r y o f Transportation, Headquarters, to properly monitor payments resulted in an over- payment of ¢106.2 million to a consultant.

71. Thirty General Counterfoil Receipt (GCR) books were not accounted for by the Tema office of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA). 7 2 . A u d i t i n v e s t i g a t i o n i n t o alleged revenue misappropriation revealed that an Accounts Officer of the Akim Oda Office of DVLA, short paid revenue to chest by an amount of ¢634.0 million as a result of ineffective supervision over his duties. The officer also failed to account for 189 GCR books.

73. The Department of Urban Roads at Sekondi made unauthorized variation payments totalling ¢39.1 million which r a n g e d between 32 per cent and 46 per cent over the original contract sums.

7 4 . O w i n g t o t h e f a i l u r e o f management of the Wa Office of the Department of Feeder Roads

to maintain proper monitoring records, we could not ascertain the indebtedness of contractors who had been supplied equipment valued at ¢1.35 billion on credit and who were to repay through deductions from contract payments to them.

Ministry of Tourism and Diasporan Relations (MTDR)

75. Lack of proper co-ordination among MoFEP, CAGD and MTDR resulted in the non-deduction of 5 per cent withholding tax of US$29,475 from contract payment of US$589,500 made to Messrs CTK-Network Aviation Ltd.

76. Payment voucher with face value of ¢1.08 billion was not presented for audit due to the Ministry's inadequate control over disbursements.

7 7 . M a n a g e m e n t f a i l e d t o adhere strictly to the provisions of section 81(1) of the Internal Revenue Act, 2000 (Act 592), resulting in the non- deduction of withholding tax amounting to ¢666.0 million.

78. Due to the intransigence of imprest holders, imprests totaling US$25,000 remained unaccounted for as at 31 December, 2006.

79. The Ministry single-sourced and awarded a contract valued at ¢2.00 billion without seeking a p p r o v a l f r o m t h e P u b l i c Procurement Board (PPB).

Ministry of Trade, Industry, Private Sector Development & PSI

80. Cash irregularities of ¢1.29 billion which included ¢1.22

billion, representing payments to trainees which were not supported by the relevant documentation occurred as a result of the non- enforcement of Regulation 39 of the

FAR, 2004.

81. Deficiencies including non- payment of rent and illegal occupation of some of the properties of Ghana National Trad- ing Corporation's (GNTC's) properties by tenants were some of the anomalies noted in the administration of the estates managed by the Ministry.

Other Agencies

8 2 . F i v e p e r s o n s f r o m t w o agencies were paid unearned salaries totalling ¢40.6 million.

83 . Fuel wor th ¢40.2 mi l l ion bought by CHRAJ, Bolgatanga and Judicial Service, Sekondi respectively were not recorded in the vehicle log books due to ineffective super- vision.

84. Total payments of ¢230.8 million made by the Judicial Service and the High Court, both of Sekondi were not supported with official receipts from the payees.

85 . Depos i t s and revenue o f ¢357.0 million and US$16,140 were misappropriated by the Accountant, Kweku Mensah and his assistant, Doreen Love Akwettey respectively due to breakdown in the internal control system. The culprits have been arrested by the police.

86. Failure on the part of the former Accounts officer to record grants totalling ¢39.7 million in a cash book resulted in the amount remaining unaccounted for.

Ministry of Information and National Orientation

87. An Accounts officer at the Volta Star radio station of the
Chairman of the Committee (Mr Albert Kan-Dapaah) 12:05 p.m.

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