Mr Speaker, thank you for the opportunity.
Mr Speaker, I think the House owes tonnes of gratitude to the Hon Member,
Mr Adda for this attempt to lead us on this path to establish a Ghana Renewable Energy Authority. I think really that should be at the core of the Renewable Energy Bill or Act - [Interruption] - once it is accented to. Mr Speaker, it is not so now.
The Hon Deputy Minister knows that that is the ultimate destination, that is where we should be moving to. Until we get there, there must be some transitional arrangement in place to lead us on to that destination and that is why I thought that the transitional provisions provided by the Committee, led by the Chairman of the Committee, was going to do us a lot of good.
Now, the Chairman rises up to say that either he alone or the Committee with him, would not want to move that amendment and I think that it is a tragedy. I think it is a tragedy because we should have a focus where we would be moving to.
Indeed, the Hon Member for Sekondi, Papa Owusu-Ankomah, when I cited the position of section 33 to justify the non- repeal of a provision under section 52, I think the agreement was that we should have. a transitional arrangement. Because again, even there the intention is to wean the Renewable Energy Fund from the Energy Commission Fund.
So certainly, there should be a transitional arrangement pointing to that, that until maybe, the Minister so determines, or perhaps, pending the establishment of the authority, we could be depending on the funding from the Energy Commission Fund. There should be some clear arrangement in that direction, otherwise, we leave it hanging and I think it would not be good enough
for this new Act, in particular, relating to the funding source. For now, at least, a chunk of the Fund is going to come from the Energy Commission Fund.
We have also agreed that the sources of the money, that is, the Renewable Energy Fund itself should be managed by the Energy Commission for the time being. Until which time? There should be a clearly defined time flame, so that if We got there, then the Energy Commission would cease to manage the Renewable Energy Fund and then the Authority would take over.
So I think we need a clearer rule definition in these matters, which is why I think we need some transitional arrangement.
I am not too sure that the transitional provisions as captured, deal with the problem; they do not. But we still need the transitional provisions to provide some direction in future where to get to. Then in that regard, the proposal by the Hon Kofi Adda would be taken care of. He could then drop all the - because he wants to provide the detailed route, how to achieve that purpose. I believe that for now, at least, this Bill cannot take that. This is because if it does, it would change the contours of the Bill and certainly, we cannot afford that now.
Equally so, Mr Speaker, should we express gratitude to the Hon Member for Amenfi East, Mr I. B. Aidoo, even though yesterday, he was lamenting that he had suffered in the hands of the Hon Member for Sekondi, Papa Owusu-Ankomah who sits directly in front of him. He said he had suffered like Jesus Christ did, in the hands of Pontius Pilate.
I think his own amendments were very well intentioned and he would derive some comfort from knowing that when we