(4) The chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Technical Com- mittee and in the absence of the chairperson, a member of the Technical Committee elected by the members present from among their number shall preside.
(5) Matters before the Technical Committee shall be decided by a majority of the members present and voting, and in the event of an equality of votes, the person pre- siding shall have a casting vote.
(6) The Technical Committee may co-opt a person to attend a Tech- nical Committee meeting but that person shall not vote on a matter for decision at the meeting.
xxxvi. Clause 44 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (1), delete par- agraph (b) and substitute “(b) shall recuse himself or herself and shall not participate in the deliberations of the Technical Committee as regards the matter”.
xxxvii. Clause 46 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (3), paragraph (a), after “the” delete “regular”.
xxxviii. Clause 46 -- Amendment proposed -- subclause (3), delete paragraph (d) and insert “(d) the maintenance of the register for the protection of plant breeder rights”.
xxxix. Clause 47 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (1), after “The” delete “funds of” and substitute “sources of money for”.
xl. Clause 47 -- Amendment proposed --- subclause (1), paragraph (a), line 1, after “fees” delete “as re- gards” and substitute “and charges
paid for”.
xli. clause 47 -- Amendment proposed -- Subclause (1), delete paragraph (d) and substitute “(d) any othe moneys the are recommended by minister responsible for finance and approved by parliament.”
xlii. Clause 47 - Amendment proposed -- subclause (2), line 1, after “may” delete “retain” and substitute “apply for.”
xliii. Clause 47 -- Amendment pro- posed -- delete subclause (3) and insert “(3) The percentage of inter- nally generated funds applied for by the Registrar shall be as approved by Parliament”.
xliv. Clause 48 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (1), line 1, after “The” delete “Technical Commit- tee” and substitute “Registrar”.
Xlv Clause 48 -- Amendment pro- posed -- delete subclause (2) and substitute “(2) The Registrar shall, subject to the Financial Admin-stra- tion Act 2003, (Act 654), make rules and procedures for the operation and management of the Fund subject to the approval of the Minister.”
xlvi. Clause 48 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (3), line 3, after “ the” delete “Controller and Accountant-General” and substitute “Minister responsible for Finance”.
xlvii Clause 48 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (4), line after “expenses” delete “of the Fund”.
Xlviii. Clause 49 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (1), line 1, after “The” delete “Technical Commit- tee” and substitute “Registrar”.
xlix. Clause 49 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (1), line 1, after “records” delete “in relation to them”.
l. Clause 49 --Amendment proposed -- subclause (2), line 1, after “The” delete “Technical Committee” and substitute “Registrar”.
Ii. Clause 50 -- Amendment proposed -- subclause (1), line 1, after “The” delete “Technical Committee” and substitute “Registrar”.
lii. Clause 50 -- Amendment proposed -- Subclause (3), line 2, after “with” delete “a statement” and substitute “any other comment”.
liii. Clause 50 -- Amendment proposed -- ubclause (4), line 1, after “The” delete “Technical Committee” and substitute ‘Registrar”.
liiv. Clause 51 -- Amendment proposed -- delete “Appeal” from the heads note and substitute “Appeals”.
Clause 51 -- Amendment proposed -- subclause (1), line 1, after “an” delete “Appeal” and insert “Ap- peals”.
lvi. Clause 51 -- Amendment pro- posed -- delete Subclause (2) and substitute “(2) The Appeals Board consists of
(a) one expert in legal matters who is the chairperson; and
(b) four experts qualified in agricultural science”.
lvii. Clause 51 -- Amendment pro- posed -- Subclause (3), after “ the” delete”Appeal” and substitute “Appeals”.
lvi. Clause 51 -- Amendment proposed -- delete subclause (4) and substi- tute “(4) The provisions of sections 44 and 45 as regards disclosure of
interest and allowances shall apply to a member of the Appeals Board”.
lvii. Clause 51 -- Amendment pro- posed -- delete subclause (5) and substitute “(5) The Appeals Board may co-opt an expert to attend its meetings but a co-opted member shall not vote on a matter for deci- sion at a meeting”.
Ix. Clause 51 -- Amendment proposed -- delete subclause (6)
lxi. Clause 51 -- Amendment proposed -- delete subclause (7) and substi- tute “(7) The Appeals Board shall have the power to
(a) summon and compel the attendance of witnesses; and
(b) order the production of documents.”
lxii. Clause 51 -- Amendment pro- posed -- insert a new subclause after subclause (7) as follows: “(8) The Minister may by legislative instrument, make Regulations to govern the proceedings of the Ap- peals Board.”
lxiii. Clause 51 -- Amendment pro- posed -- delete subclause (8) and substitute “(9) The Appeals Board shall record its proceedings and shall submit the record to the Reg- istrar.”
lxiv. Clause 52 -- Amendment pro- posed -- delete head note and insert “Tenure of office of members of the Appeals Board”.
lxv. Clause 52 -- Amendment proposed -- delete subclause (1) and substi-
tute “(1) A member of the Appeals Board shall hold office for a period of three years and is eligible for re-appointment for one term only”.
lxvi. Clause 52 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (4), line 1, after “the” delete “Appeal” and substitute “Appeals”.
lxvii. Clause 52 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (4), line 4, after “proceedings” delete “for a period of not more than six months at one time”.
lxviii. Clause 52 -- Amendment proposed -- subclause (5), line 1, after “appointed” delete “to act as a member for a period” and substitute “under sub-section (4)”.
lxix. Clause 53 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (1), line 2, after “the” delete “Appeal” and insert “Appeals”.
lxx. Clause 53 -- Amendment proposed -- subclause (2), line 2, after “the” delete “Appeal” and substitute “Appeals”.
lxxi. Clause 53 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (2), line 3, delete “Appeal” and substitute “Appeals”.
lxxii. Clause 53 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (3), line 2, after “with” delete “the appropriate” and substitute “supporting”.
lxxiii. Clause 53 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (4), line 1, after “The” delete “Appeal” and substi- tute “Appeals”.
lxxiv. Clause 53 -- Amendment pro- posed -- delete subclause (5) and
insert “(5) The Appeals Board may affirm, set aside or vary a decision of the Registrar.”
lxxv. Clause 53 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (6), after “The” delete “Appeal” and substitute “Appeals”.
lxxvi. Clause 53 -- Amendment pro- posed -- delete subclause (7) and substitute “(7) The Appeals Board may review a decision made under sub-section (6) on an application by an aggrieved person, if the Appeald Board is of the view that because of new evidence or developments, the previous decision is inappropriate”.
lxxvii. Clause 53 -- Amendment proposed -- subclause (8), line 1, before “person” delete “A” and substitute “An aggrieved”.
lxxviii. Clause 53 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (8), line 2, after “the” delete “Appeal” and substitute “Appeals”.
lxxix. Clause 53 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (9), line 1, after “The” delete “Appeal” and substi- tute “Appeals”.
lxxx. Clause 53 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (10), line 2, after “the”, delete “Appeal” and substitute “Appeals”.
lxxxi. Clause 55 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (2), delete paragraph (b) and substitute “(b) ensure that the Varieties Bulletin is accessible in both the hard and electronic copy forms.”
lxxxii. Clause 55 -- Amendment pro- posed -- delete subclause (4) and substitute “(2) The Varieties Bulletin shall contain only matters related to
this Act.”
lxxxiii. Clause 56 -- Amendment proposed -- subclause (1), line 1, after “Gazette” insert “or Varieties Bulletin”.
lxxxiv. Clause 56 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (1), paragraph (d), line 1, after “decisions” delete “of” and substitute “on”.
lxxxv. Clause 56 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (1), paragraph (f), before “any” delete “and”.
lxxxvi. Clause 57 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (1), line 2, after “action” insert “in the High Court”.
lxxxvii. Clause 57 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (1), paragraph (d), line 2, after “goods” insert “that infringe on the rights of a plant breeder”.
lxxxviii. Clause 57 -- Amendment pro- posed -- subclause (1), paragraph (e), after “considers” delete “fit” and insert “necessary”.
lxxxix. Clause 57 -- Amendment proposed -- subclause (2), line 2, after “enforcement of ” delete “a person's right” and substitute “the right of a person”
xc. Clause 58 -- Amendment proposed -- line 10, delete “of not more than two thousand penalty units or to a term of imprisonment of not more than two years or to both” and insert “of not less than five thousand pen- alty units and not more than eight thousand penalty units”.
xci. Clause 60 -- Amendment proposed -- subclause (1), paragraph (i), after “the”, delete “Appeal” and substi- tute “Appeals”.
xcii. Clause 60 -- Amendment pro- posed -- delete subclause (2).
xciii. Clause 61-- Amendment pro- posed -- insert after line 17, “ ‘harvested materials' includes entire plant or parts of plants obtained through the use of propagating material.”