Thank you very much.
Mr Speaker, my first comment would relate to the comments made by the Hon Majority Leader in respect of the item numbered seven on the Order Paper, and I would plead that the Reports that he has tabled , copies are made for Hon Members in the consideration of that Bill.
Further to that, given the position that the document has assumed in the national discourse, I would urge that we cause an announcement to be made in respect of coming back to reconsider it. That is, after the engagement that we shall have for any person or body to come, so that we engage -- And after that engagement, we can have the opportunity to have a safe passage of this Bill.
This is because just last week, we had other people coming in, jumping onto this to say that Parliament should not consider it. I remember a group of farmers from the
Brong Ahafo Region threatening their Members of Parliament, that if they voted for this, they should not come back. So, let us also throw the matter out there in the public domain and let them know that finally, we are coming to some determination on this. They should come, let us sit round, and jaw-jaw with it, and move the agenda forward. If they fail to do that, it cannot then restrain Parliament from considering the Bill.
Mr Speaker, the second one is in respect of the Customs Bill, 2014. I do not have anything against opening up to consider it except that, there are many matters that have arisen this morning. I guess the Hon Majority Leader could not be with us. We thought we could have a short meeting, recline to the Speaker's Lobby to have serious considerations of those matters.
So, I thought that we were going to have space to consider those matters, that we were going to have a short Sitting today, and allow ourselves, maybe, some time to consider it tomorrow. Even next week, we can have enough time to consider that while we are considering the principles of the budget after its delivery. We still can have space to deal with this.