So, as directed, subject to the corrections, the Votes and Proceedings for Wednesday, 20th May, 2015 are hereby adopted as the true record of proceedings.
Now, we are on the Official Report for Thursday, 14th May, 2015.
In the absence of any corrections, I direct that the Official Report for Thursday, 14 th May, 2015 is hereby adopted as the true record of proceedings for that day.
Hon Members, we move to Question time.
In this respect, I will skip the first Question and move to the second and the third because the Hon Member asking those Questions would have to carry out some urgent assignments as soon as he has finished with his Questions. So, we will start with Alhaji Habibu Tijani Mohammad -- Hon Member for Yendi.
What I am saying is, I am not going according to the order, so, we are taking his first, so that after he has finished with his, he would have time and leave the Chamber and go and carry out the assignment.
So, the first Question, that is 249, stands in the name of Alhaji Habibu Tijani Mohammad -- Hon Member for Yendi.