Mr Speaker, once again,my name is Woyome. Thank you, Mr Speaker, for theopportunity to add my voice to HisExcellency the President's Message on theState of the Nation in fulfilment of article67 of the country's Constitution. Mr Speaker, the sports sector has seena lot of successes in the face of globalfinancial challenges that had some heavytoll on the economy of the country. Mr Speaker, the country's seniornational team, the Black Stars, last year,placed second in the African Cup ofNations tournament held in EquatorialGuinea and also the Black Satellites placedthird in the Orange African U - 20 Cup ofNations tournament, which was held inSenegal. Mr Speaker, the country's athletes alsoparticipated in the All-African Games inCongo, Brazzaville and they did so well.The women's national team did very wellby giving us the highest award. Mr Speaker, while we thank thePresident for the commitment toimplementing the findings and recommen-dations of the World Cup Commission, a
new boxing gymnasium and sportscomplex is being built near the KorleLagoon, which would support andfacilitate the training of amateurs andprofessionals in and around Bukom andalso enhance the boxing profession as wesaw in the era of Zoom Zoom AzumahNelson and Ike Quartey. Mr Speaker, the President made itknown in his delivery that he would bringto Parliament, the Sports Bill to be passedinto law. The Bill seeks to create a nationalsports commission to provide for thedevelopment, promotion and managementof amateur and professional sports andto enable the country operate in its oddsin conformity with international laws andpractices. Mr Speaker, His Excellency thePresident spoke about the completion ofthe Cape Coast Sports Stadium and it isawaiting commissioning. Mr Speaker, may I use this opportunityto dispel the notion that the counterpartfund from Government for the Cape CoastStadium project had not been paid, hence,the non-completion of the stadium whichwas made here on the floor by one of ourHon Colleagues. That is totally wrong. Itmust be jettisoned from our bloodstream. Mr Speaker, we are told in page 32 ofthe State of the Nation Address,paragraph 3, that the sports stadium isready for commissioning, which impliesthat the issue of counterpart funding doesnot even arise. Mr Speaker, with reference to page 20,paragraph 2 of the State of the NationAddress, His Excellency the Presidentneeds to be applauded because he madea very wonderful call to return physicaleducation or sports to the schoolcurriculum which is a very good move.
This is because apart from the healthbenefits that the students are likely to gain,it will also provide an opportunity for thestudents to gain possible admission intothe national sporting associations anddefinitely, get to compete nationally andinternationally in various events asopportunities arise. That is a very goodcall and we all must applaud that move. On the youth front, Mr Speaker, withreference to page 31 of the State of theNation Address, permit me to quoteparagraphs 2, 3 and 4 which tell of somemajor achievements in the youth frontamong many.
“Mr Speaker, to ensure the smoothimplementation of the NationalYouth Policy, in January 2015, Ilaunched the National Youth PolicyImplementation Plan. The Planprovides an accelerated frameworkwith specific timelines for theadoption of programmes andactivities in the policy document. The country's Youth Leadershipand Skills Training Institute traineda total of 1,646 youth under aVocational and Skills Trainingprogramme. Mr Speaker, the Youth EmploymentAct, 2015 has been passed to createa solid foundation upon which theYouth Employment Agency can bestructured and run. Recruitmentunder the Youth EmploymentAgency (YEA) has also started andit is targeted to recruit 100,000 youngpeople over the next 12 months infive different modules. Mr Speaker, the Youth EnterpriseSupport (YES) initiative madesignificant progress in the year
under review. A total of 2,048applications were received inresponse to its first call, and 107individuals were selected forfinancial and technical support. Outof the 107 beneficiaries, 81 wereearmarked to receive financialsupport and 26 to receive technicalsupport.” These are evidence to show that HisExcellency the President and theGovernment have not left the issue ofyouth development to the background. Mr Speaker, may I use this opportunityto also lend support to His Excellency thePresident's Address which was evidence-based and support with practical, and ofcourse, tangible examples of some of theachievements. In my constituency, in the educationalsector, we have seen over the period, amassive infrastructure development at thekindergarten, primary, junior high schooland senior high school levels. Currently,if you go to the four SHSs that are locatedin my constituency, South Tongu --When you go to Sogakope SHS, DabalaSHTS, St Catherine Girls SHS andComboni Technical --