v. Clause10 -- amendment proposed --subclause (3), line 2, delete “(1)”and insert “(2)”. vi. Clause 11 --amendmentproposed -- subclause (3), line 2,delete “not more than” vii. Clause 17 -- amendment proposed-- subclause (2) (a), line 2, delete“bank” and “institution” and insert“banks” and “institutions”respectively. viii. Clause 19 -- amendment proposed-- subclause (6), line 5, delete “notmore than” ix. Clause 20 -- amendmentproposed -- subclause (3)
a. paragraph (b), line 5, delete “the”after “pending” b. paragraph (c), line 3, delete “the”before “investigation”
x. Clause 21 --amendment proposed --subclause (1) (a), delete all wordsafter “profits” and insert “accrued” xi. Clause 23 --amendment proposed-- subclause (7), line 2 delete “notmore than” xii.Clause 24 -- amendment proposed-- subclause (2), line 2, delete “notmore than” xiii. Clause 25 -- amendment proposed-- add new subclause (4) asfollows: “(4) in addition to the penaltyprescribed in sub-section (3), the
Bank of Ghana may suspend theoperations of the branch, agency,mobilisation centre, head office orother operational or support centreof the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution involved, until thebank or specialised deposit-takinginstitution obtains approval fromthe Bank of Ghana” xiv. Clause 27 --amendment proposed-- subclause (3), line 3, “not morethan” xv. Clause 29 --amendment proposed-- subclause (6), line 5,delete “143”and insert “139” xvi. Clause 32 --amendment proposed-- subclause (2), line 4, delete “notmore than” xvii. Clause 33--amendment proposed -- subclause (2), line 4, delete “notmore than” xviii. Clause 34-- amendment proposed-- subclause (3), line 3, delete “notmore than” xix. Clause 35-- amendment proposed --
a. subclause (3), lines 4 and 5,delete “not more than” b. subclause 5, line 3, delete “notmore than”
xx. Clause 36 -- amendment proposed-- subclause (6), lines 4 and 5,delete all words after “deficiency”and insert “for each day that thedeficiency persists” xxi. Clause 39 --amendment proposed -- subclause 2, line 3, delete “notmore than”
xxii.Clause 40 --amendment proposed -- a. subclause (3), line 5, delete “notmore than” b. subclause (4), line 4, delete “notless than” c. subclause (6), line 6, delete allwords after “deficiency” andinsert “for each day that thedeficiency persists”
xxiii. Clause 41 -- amendment proposed-- subclause (4), line 4, delete “whichexists on that day” xxiv. Clause 44 -- amendment proposed-- subclause (2) (v), line 1, delete“reports” and insert “report” andsubclause (4) (b), line 1, delete “the”before “key” and also delete “is”and insert “are” xxv. Clause 53 -- amendment proposed -- subclause 2, line 4, delete “51” andinsert “52”. xxvi. Clause 54 -- amendment proposed-- subclause (6), delete and insertthe following:
“An acquisition of shares of a bankor specialised deposit-takinginstitution in connection with a takeover, merger or amalgamation of abank or specialised deposit-takinginstitution shall meet therequirements of this Act beforeapplying for a review and approvalof such takeover, merger oramalgamation under the SecuritiesIndustry Act, 1993 PNDCL 333)” xxvii. Clause 58 -- amendmentproposed -- subclause (1) (g), line1, insert “written” after “prior”
xxviii. Clause 59 --amendment proposed-- subclause (1) (b), line 2, delete“and” and insert “or” xxix. Clause 60 --amendment proposed -- a. insert a new subclause (3) as follows: “(3) despite subclause (2), where theBank of Ghana is satisfied thatexceptional circumstances exist, theBank of Ghana may approve theappointment of a Chief Executive orDeputy Chief Executive who is notordinarily resident in the country.”
b. renumber the subsequentsubclauses accordingly. c. subclause (12), line 3, delete “notmore than”
xxx. Clause 61 --amendment proposed-- subclause (4), line 3 delete “notmore than” xxxi. Clause 62 -- amendment proposed --
a. subclause (10), line 4, delete“percent” and insert “percentagepoint” b. subclause (11), line 3, delete“not more than” and after “twothousand” delete “and”
xxxii.Clause 64 -- amendment proposed-- subclauses (4) and (5), line 3,delete “not more than” respectively. xxxiii. Clause 65 -- amendment proposed-- subclause (2), line 3, delete “notmore than” xxxiv. Clause 67-- amendment proposed-- subclause (8), line 3, delete “notmore than”
xxxv. Clause 69 -- amendmentproposed -- a. subclause (3), line 3, delete “anemployee” and insert“employees” b. subclause (4) (a), line 2, deleteall words after “over exposure”and insert “for each day that theover-exposure persists” c. subclause (b), line 1, delete “notmore than”
xxxvi. Clause 70 -- amendmentproposed -- subclause (6), line 3,delete “not more than” xxxvii. Clause 71-- amendment proposed-- subclause (3), line 3, delete “notmore than” xxxviii. Clause 72-- amendmentproposed -- subclause (3) (b), line 1,insert “of” after “case” and subclause(4), line 3, delete “not more than” xxxix. Clause 73 --amendment proposed --
a. subclause (2), line 1, delete thephrase “a body” and insert “twoor more bodies” b. subclause (7), lines 2 and 3,delete “a fine of not more than”and insert “ an administrativepenalty of”
xl. Clause 74 -- amendment proposed -- subclause (2), insert “,” and insubclause (4), line 3, delete “notmore than” xli. Clause 75 -- amendment proposed-- subclause (4), line 3,delete “notmore than” xlii. Clause 76 -- amendment proposed-- subclause (2), line 3, delete “notmore than”