Mr Speaker, this Motion is actually for the debate to continue because it was moved and seconded. The issue was on the sanctions to the various officers involved.
So the Committee met and revised the sanctions that were recommended. If you would permit me, I would read those recommendations of the Committee.
Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Unprofessional Conduct of the Auctioneer Mr Alexander Adjei
Considering the unprofessional conduct of the Auctioneer, Mr Alexander Adjei in the process of the auction sale, the Committee recommends to the Ghana Auctioneers Registration Board to suspend his licence for a period not less than two years and re-examine his competence at the end of the suspension term prior to granting him licence to operate in Ghana.
Furthermore, the Auditor-General should initiate the process to recover the undeserved Commission he paid to himself in the process and charge interest for the period he held the money and any other relevant money outside the stipulated time given by law.
The Ministry should reimburse Mr Alexander Adjei, the transport, accommo-
dation and any other incidental costs he incurred by traveling around the country to examine and evaluate unserviceable vehicles on behalf of the Ministry.
The Committee further recommends to the Ministry of Agriculture and the GRA to ensure that Mr Alexander Adjei (Alex Mart) meets all his tax obligations under the transaction, file his tax returns accordingly and report to the Committee through the Auditor-General.
Violations of the Public Procurement Act and the Financial Administration Regulations
Considering the numerous violations of the provisions of the Public Procurement Act and the Financial Administration Regulations, 2004 by the Heads of the entities and officials of MOFA and the GHS, the Committee wishes to recommend to the Head of Civil Service to sanction the officers involved in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of the Financial Administration Regulations, 2004 (L.l. 1802).
This is to ensure that the officers involved will not repeat the violations and also serve as deterrent to potential offenders.
Ghana Health Service
Non-Payment of Proceeds of Auctioned vehicles by Shelter Mart
The Committee recommends to the GHS to take steps including legal action to retrieve the sum of GH¢44,125 of auction proceeds under the custody of Mr Felix Aduadjoe of Shelter Mart.
The Committee further recommends to the Auctioneers Registration Board to revoke the License of Shelter Mart and prevent him from practicing as an auctioneer in Ghana with immediate effect.
Recommendation to Government
Establishment of Independent Auction Valuation Board or Authority
The Committee also wishes to recommend to Government to consider establishing an independent valuation Board or Authority to be responsible for the valuation of Government vehicles and supervision of auction processes in Ghana instead of relying on the State Transport Corporation (STC).
The Committee further recommends to Government to take a second look at the Financial Management System regarding the accounting for proceeds of auction sales.
In conclusion, the Committee recommends to the House to adopt its report on the Performance Audit Report of the Auditor-General on the Disposal of Government Vehicles by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ghana Health Service and the recommendations made in accordance with Oder 165 of the Standing Orders of the Parliament of Ghana.
Respectfully submitted.
Mr Speaker, with these new recommendations, we wish the House to adopt the Report for the recommendations to be implemented.
Thank you Mr Speaker.