the noise that they would be making. If one picks a trotro from Kaneshie to Odorkor and one sees somebody standing in the bus, they would preach from Odorkor to Mallam Junction and at the end of the day, he would ask the people to do offering.
Mr Speaker, it is high time that --- just as recently, some radio stations were shut down, we could do the same thing to churches that are creating nuisance in our country. Mr Speaker, some of these churches are supposed to be under the Christian and the Charismatic Councils of Ghana but none of them -- I have heard some of the heads of these institutions coming out to say that some of these churches are not under them and therefore, they cannot control them. So, everyone decides to do whatever they want.
Mr Speaker, I would not be surprised that very soon we would see somebody entering this Chamber and start preaching and asking us to do offering because now, people can do whatever they want in the name of God. But that is not what the Bible tells us.
Mr Speaker, I know you are a reverend minister, the Bible says that because of the way the disciples talked, the way they behaved, the way they related to others, the people in Antioch said that their lives are like
Christ's. -- [Hear! Hear!]- Mr Speaker, today, let us ask ourselves whether indeed, our life is like Christ's or we are into business.
Mr Speaker, today, the Church now is a business and many of them even do not pay tax. Recently, when there was a debate whether churches should be allowed to pay tax, the Charismatic churches; ‘One-man Churches' castigated the Government and people who were raising issues of tax in Ghana.
But Mr Speaker, I am a strong Presbyterian, a proud Presbyterian -- Mr Speaker, I know you were once a Presbyterian -- [Laughter] --but once a Presbyterian, always a Presbyterian. And I am not surprised that you went to Presec because the Presbyterian blood is in you.
Mr Speaker, there are a lot of facilities hospitals, schools and training colleges built by the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, the Methodist Church, the Catholic Church and the Anglican Church. Today, what could these our “one man churches” boast of? What have they contributed to this country? They would only have radio and television stations. Sometimes, when we watch some of them, we ask ourselves whether, indeed, this is truly
Christianity. Some of them would say that one should get a calendar and if one is sick, the person should just put it on the stomach and they would be healed. For goodness sake, is the calendar medicine?
Recently, I tuned in to Some Television Station and I watched somebody say that he had a dream that the pastor gave him bread -- paanoo -- and when he ate the bread; I cannot really understand. We have pastors that give lottery numbers.
On Friday, they would call and give, for the example,64/85 or 70/82 as lottery number. Where in the Bible did we see or hear Jesus Christ give lottery numbers? What I know, as a Christian, is that he performed genuine miracles but today, it is not like that in our churches.
Mr Speaker, I plead with you to call on all of us to see how best - I know that there are religious ministers and pastors among us here, including myself. We need to come down on these churches. The saddest of it all is that on weekdays, such as Wednesdays and Fridays, when you expect people to be in their offices or markets, they would be in church.
There are about four churches around my residence, two in front and two behind, which prevent us from sleeping. On Fridays, they organise all-nights. We are not saying that they should not go to church or organise all-nights. However, as Christians, believers and children of God, we need to follow a process and not do anything in the name of preaching.
Mr Speaker, I visited a church one day and the pastor said that, “ene mepe aa me preachi, mepe nso aa me prophesy”, meaning, “Today, if I like, I would preach, and if I like, I would prophesy”. I do not think that it is the minister who would decide whether to preach or prophesy, because the Bible says that, “in the last days, I would pour out my spirit upon all flesh”.
We must advise these “one-man churches” that are not regulated to be guided, and at the end of the day, those churches which are not part of organisations should be closed down, so that they would stop making money. We have people who are suffering in their various homes. We have people who go to functions such as harvests at churches and would give amounts such as GH¢50,000 and GH¢100,000, yet there are people suffering in their homes.