“borrowers” insert “in consultation with the Minister.”
27. Page 9, clause 20, line 2, after “borrowers” insert “in consultation with the Minister.”
2 8. Page 9, clause 21, subclause (2), delete and insert the following:
(2) “The Board may set deadlines and conditions for the submission of applications”.
29. Page 10,clause 21, subclause (4), paragraph (a), item (i) delete and insert the following:
“fund are available.” 30. Page 10, Clause 21, subclause (6), line 2, delete “credit facility” and insert “loan” and delete “credit” after “full.” 31. Page 10, clause 21, subclause (7), line 2, delete “Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice” and insert “Complaints Committee of the Fund.” 32. Page 10, clause 22, subclause 1 and 2 delete and insert the following: “(1) the borrower of the Fund shall subscribe to the Students Loan Protection Scheme payable by the borrower against death or permanent disability.” “(2) The Loan Protection Scheme shall cover the duration of the loan.” 33. Page 11, clause 23, subclause (3), line 3, delete “Board” and insert “Fund” and in line 4, after “borrower” delete “from the salary of the employee”. 34. Page 11, clause 23, subclause (4), delete and insert the following: “(4) Where an employer makes monthly deductions from the salary of an employee but fails to pay the deductions into the Fund within the fifteen day period, the employer is liable to pay interest on the amount deducted at the prevailing interest rate plus five per cent as a penalty. Liable to pay interest on the amount deducted at the prevailing interest rate plus five per cent as a penalty”. 35. Page 11, clause 24, the Headnote, delete and insert “Power of the Board to demand employee information”.
36. page 11, clause 24, subclause (1), after “require” insert “in writing to”. 37. Page 11, clause 24, subclause (1) paragraph (h), after “number” insert “or any other recognised National Pension Scheme number, and.” 38. Page 11, clause 24 (1) (c ), after “work place” add “and address.” 39.Page 11, clause 24, subclause (1), line 3, delete “person” and insert “borrower or guarantor” and delete “in writing” after “require.”
40. Page 11, clause 24, subclause (3), line 2, delete “Trust” and after “Fund” insert “and that institution or agency shall comply.” 41. Page 11, clause 25, the Headnotes insert “a” after “of.” 42. Page 11, clause 25, subclause (1), line 2, after “months” insert “within the last twelve months.” 43. Page 12, clause 25, subclause (4), line 3, after “made” delete “Social Security and National Insurance Trust Pension Scheme” and insert “any scheme under the National Pensions Act, 2008 (Act 766).” 44. Page 12, clause 25, subclause (5), delete and insert the following:
“(5) The Board may request any Scheme establish under the National Pension Act, 2008 (Act 766) or any Pension Scheme operated a n d m a n a g e d b y a n y institution in the country to provide information on a n y c o n t r i b u t i o n s m a d e by a borrower or guarantor to that scheme and the contributions shall be attached for the repayment of a loan under this Act.”
45. Page 12, clause 26, subclause (1), delete “Board” and insert “Fund.” 46. Page 12, Clause 26, subclause (1), paragraph (c) delete “Board” and insert “Fund.” 47. Page 13, clause 29, subclause (a), delete and insert the following:
“ (a ) on admis s ion in to an
accredited t e r t i a r y institution or during the course of studies in the institu- tion, the borrower obtains a a scholarship from the Govern- ment of Ghana or from a public funded source;”
48. Page 13, clause 29, subclause (b), line 2, delete “Trust” and insert “Fund”. 49. Page 13, clause 31, subclause 1, line 1, delete “Board” and insert ‘Fund”. 50. Page 13, clause 31, subclause (3), delete and substitute the following:
“(3) sub-sect ion (1) , delete “private and” before “public entity”.
51. Page 13, clause 31, subclause (5), delete and insert the following:
“(5) The Fund may issue a demand notice to a private or public en- tity to provide information on a scholarship from a public source made to a student in a tertiary institution in the country.”
52. Page 13, clause 31, subclause (6), line 1, delete “Board” and insert “Fund”. 53. Page 13, clause 32, subclause (1), delete and insert the following:
“(1) The Board shall cause books of accounts and proper records to be kept in respect of the Fund in the form approved by the Auditor- General.”
54. Page 14, clause 32, subclause (4), line 1, delete “Board” and insert “Fund”.
55. Page 15, clause 36, subclause (5), line 1, delete “Board” and insert “Fund”.
56. Page 15, clause 37, add a new Subclause as follows:
“(i) needs testing”. 9.0 Conclusion
The Committee carefully examined the provisions in the Bill clause by clause and is satisfied that when passed, it would provide an adequate legal platform for
the management of the Fund to provide sustained funding to meet the needs of the ever increasing tertiary students.
The Committee, therefore, unanimous- ly recommends that the House passes the Students Loan Trust Bill subject to the amendments proposed above.
Respectfully submitted.