Thank you very much Mr Speaker, for the opportunity to contribute to the Statement on the floor and to say that my heart pours out to the family of Komla Afeke Dumor.
Mr Speaker, I would also want to place on record that the late Mr Komla Afeke Dumor still has his family house in my constituency, mainly in Haatso.
So, for the people of Dome, Kwabenya and the representative of the people, we also think that we have lost a great son, a son who has lifted the flag of Ghana up, not only in his country but on the African Continent and on the global level.
I remember my days in the University of Ghana, when every Volta Hall girl would wake up in the morning and the first thing She would want to do was to tune in to
Joy FM, the Super Morning Show, to listen to the informative and educative programme that was hosted by Komla Afeke Dumor [Interruption] -- and the romantic voice, Mr Speaker.
Mr Speaker, I think that journalists of today, just as many contributors have said, would emulate the exceptional attitude towards work and not mainly be carried away by money all the time. I am saying this because when Komla started radio or broadcasting, I must say that it was as if it was an evolution and it was the least paid, if I am allowed to say that, yet he was not discouraged by that. He forged on and tried to make a difference and that difference took him to the world, to the BBC where he also made Ghana proud.
Mr Speaker, his contribution towards our good governance system and actually bringing meaning to the right that is enshrined in our Constitution, which is the freedom of speech, cannot be underrated. These were the days when he would put on every politician, scrutinise their activities, scrutinise their work and make sure that indeed, they were working for the good of this country. It took a brave man to do this; it took a visionary to do this and I believe that Komla did that perfectly.
In concluding, Mr Speaker, as the representative of the people of Dome/ Kwabenya and since we still have his family home in the constituency, I would want to make a humble appeal to the Minister for Local Government and Rural Development, that in this current project of street naming, he should at least, consider putting Komla Afeka Dumor's name on the road that leads to his family house.
On this note, I will say Komla, rest in perfect peace.