Debates of 29 Oct 2019

PRAYERS 10:44 a.m.


Mr Speaker 10:44 a.m.
Hon Members, correction of Votes and Proceedings of Friday, 25th October, 2019.
Page 1…13 --
Mr Speaker 10:44 a.m.
Yes, Hon Okudzeto Ablakwa?
Mr Ablakwa 10:44 a.m.
I am most grateful, Mr Speaker.
I tried to catch your eye at page 9. There is an error with the way the Visa Waiver Agreement laid by the Hon
Majority Leader and Hon Minister for Parliamentary Affairs has been captured. The Visa Waiver Agreements are for only Diplomatic and Service passports; they do not include Ordinary passports. So we would have to amend our records accordingly. I have checked and I am glad the Hon Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee is here. Our records would have to reflect accurately to what has been laid in this House. So, ‘Ordinary' should be deleted accordingly.
Mr Speaker 10:44 a.m.
Hon Chairman, do you have any point since you have been mentioned?
Dr Assibey-Yeboah 10:44 a.m.
Mr Speaker, the reference to the Hon Chairman in this instance would be the Hon Member for Nsawam- Adoagyiri.
Mr Speaker 10:44 a.m.
Hon Member, I am speaking to the Hon Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee and not the Hon Chairman of the Finance Committee.
Mr Frank Annoh-Dompreh 10:44 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I am grateful. I heard my good Friend, the Hon Ranking Member of the Committee. I think at the initial stage, it had been a concern
to all of us. As we speak, we do not have the detailed agreements. So it would be a bit premature for us to correct it.
Maybe, the Hon Ranking Member should wait, if the detailed agreement comes before us and it is proven to be as it is, then we would have the motivation to do the correction. So he may have to hasten with caution a bit.
Mr Speaker 10:44 a.m.
Hon Okudzeto Ablakwa, you want us to take away the word ‘Ordinary', so that what?
Mr Ablakwa 10:44 a.m.
Mr Speaker, there are three (3) categories of passports: Diplomatic and Service Passports, but the third category ‘Ordinary' passports are not covered by these Visa Waiver Agreements.
Mr Speaker 10:44 a.m.
In fact, what was brought before us -- because this is just the Votes and Proceedings?
Mr Ablakwa 10:44 a.m.
Mr Speaker, this is misleading.
Mr Speaker 10:44 a.m.
What is misleading about it?
Mr Speaker 10:44 a.m.
Yes, Hon Member?
Mr Boamah 10:44 a.m.
Thank you very much, Mr Speaker.
Last week, these Papers were laid. If you look at the Business Statement and also the Order Paper for Friday, 25th October, 2019, there is nothing captured i n the Votes and Proceedings today. So, could the Hon Ranking Member --
Mr Speaker 10:44 a.m.
There is nothing misleading in that?
Mr Boamah 10:44 a.m.
Mr Speaker, there is nothing misleading in that, what is captured in the Votes and Proceedings represents what was laid by the Hon Majority Leader on Friday, except if he has any other document to show to us.
Thank you.
Mr Speaker 10:44 a.m.
It is a direct restatement of that which was presented to us. If at a later time we are discussing the parameters, that would also come out. But for now, this is a true record of proceedings; that is how it appears. So shall we proceed?
Page 14.
Mr Speaker 10:44 a.m.
Hon Members, any other corrections?
Hon Members, in the absence of any corrections, the Votes and Proceedings of Friday, 25th October, 2019 is hereby adopted as the true record of proceedings.

Rev. John Ntim Fordjour -- rose --
Mr Speaker 10:54 a.m.
Yes, Hon Rev. Fordjour?
Rev. Ntim Fordjour: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I would want to draw the attention of the House to an error contained in column 3734, paragraph 2, and line 4. The Hon Deputy Majority Leader in her statement stated that the substantive Minister had probably worked with her on the issue.

But the last word on the fourth line is “probaly”. I suppose the correct word is “probably” which should accordingly be amended.
Mr Speaker 10:54 a.m.
Any other correction, please?
Hon Members, in the absence of any further corrections, the Official Report of Tuesday, 16th July, 2019, as corrected, is hereby admitted as the true record of the proceedings.
Item listed 3 -- Questions.
Hon Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture, you may please take the appropriate chair.
ORAL ANSWERS TO 10:54 a.m.

QUESTIONS 10:54 a.m.



Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture (Mrs Elizabeth Afoley Quaye) 10:54 a.m.
Mr Speaker, before I respond to the Question, may you permit me to render my sincere apologies to the House.
Mr Speaker, on Thursday, 24th October, 2019, I was expected in Parliament to respond to Questions. Unfortunately, the call to respond to the Questions came at a time when I was already on my way out of the country. For my Ministry to have brought the entire House to a standstill, I plead for your forgiveness. I ask that you forgive me and I promise that this would not happen again.
Mr Speaker 10:54 a.m.
Thank you very much, Hon Minister. Your apology is duly accepted, except that it would interest you to know that we did say clearly that Hon Ministers must travel in the interest of the State and do their work, but that is why Hon Deputy Ministers are there, and we needed to know the movements of your Hon Deputy Minister.
Furthermore, I have no doubt in my mind, at least, with my experience as an Hon Minister also, that by this time, your Chief Director, Deputy Chief Directors and others are all here with you. When the Hon Minister is not available, it is the more reason the Chief Director of the Ministry must be here to tell us something.
In fact, we have written to all Ministries that the Chief Directors must do their work; they should not just follow the Hon Ministers to the
House apparently for solidarity, as was rightly put, but also to let us know what is happening, especially, when the Hon Ministers have gone on other assignments. Then we are not left in the lurch. That is the real beef of the matter.
We reiterate that to all Chief Directors. They are the administrative heads of Ministries and they are duty bound when they have got notices to come and tell us something. Hon Minister, we noticed that your Answer was already listed, and for that matter, we had no problem with you as such, but you had to be here. If you were not here, we had to know why. That is administrative.
I take this opportunity to reiterate that matter. Letters would go out on that specifically because this House cannot just Sit here not knowing what is happening.
Thank you very much.
Mrs Quaye 10:54 a.m.
Mr Speaker, in June 2018, as part of the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquacultural Develop- ment (MOFAD) activities to promote aquacultural development, we carried out the restocking of dams and dugouts with catfish, tilapia and heterotis fingerlings. The restocking activities covered 32 dams and dugouts in 32 communities covering a total surface area of 2412.9 hectres
Mrs Quaye 10:54 a.m.

Mrs Quaye 10:54 a.m.

Mr Annoh-Dompreh 10:54 a.m.
Mr Speaker, the first paragraph of the Hon Minister's Answer limits the destination of the projects to the then three regions of the northern part of this country. Can she tell us why it was limited to the then three regions of the north or they have other plans of rolling out the restocking in the southern part of the country as well?
Mrs Quaye 10:54 a.m.
Mr Speaker, we identified over 100 dams all the way from the then three northern regions to the Western Region through to the Volta Region. We actually captured the restocking of dams for over 100 dams. As I read, we have been able to restock 32 of the dams. We are yet to continue. The project was paid for under the World Bank project. That project has ended and we are yet to seek for other sources of funding to continue.
Mr Annoh-Dompreh 10:54 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I got reports of high mortality rate after the restocking. Mr Speaker, the Hon Minister should prove me wrong if it is otherwise. Hon Minister, what does your evaluation say about mortality rate of the stock after the exercise?
Mrs Quaye 10:54 a.m.
Mr Speaker, it is not true that the mortality rate of the stock has been very high. In fact, there has virtually been no mortalities at all. The
issues we had with regard to mortalities were found on the Volta Lake. The stocking was not done on the Volta Lake. The fish kills that happened early this year happened on the Volta Lake.
Mr Speaker 10:54 a.m.
Hon Member, you may ask your question. The Question is of a general character.
Mr Opoku 11:04 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I would want to ask the Hon Minister a question in relation to the dugouts that were mentioned in the Answer. She indicated that the restocking activities covered 32 dams and dugouts, but we are all aware that dugouts were originally constructed for irrigation and animal husbandry.

They have no outlets and they are to be fed mostly by natural sources such as rain, and they are also shallow. Now, how does the Ministry intend to ensure that the fish cohabitates with these key activities?
Mrs Quaye 11:04 a.m.
Mr Speaker, the word is ‘re-stocking'. We were actually re-stocking the dams, which clearly means that there has already been existing fish in those dugouts and dams.
Mr Speaker 11:04 a.m.
Hon Okudzeto Ablakwa?
Mr Ablakwa 11:04 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I am most grateful. For the guidance of the House, in the last sentence of the last paragraph, the Hon Minister says that copies of the two receipts are attached as Annex I for your perusal. But I have gone through the entire Answer and I have not seen the ‘Annex I'. If the Hon Minister could kindly assist the House on where we could find ‘Annex I?
Mrs Afoley 11:04 a.m.
Mr Speaker, the receipts were submitted to the Table Office, however, I have copies here to tender in.
Mr Speaker 11:04 a.m.
Duly laid.
Question 619?
Steps Being Implemented to Ensure Waiver of Tax on
Aquaculture Inputs
Q.619. Mr Frank Annoh- Dompreh asked the Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture what steps were being implemented to ultimately ensure that we had a waiver of tax on aquaculture input materials as a boost to the industry.
Mrs Quaye 11:04 a.m.
Thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr Speaker, the aquaculture industry has a high potential to increase domestic fish production, reduce fish imports and create additional jobs along the fish value chain. To harness this potential requires among other things, the provision of adequate incentives to stimulate private sector participation, especially in the inputs supply to aquaculture operators.
One of the main hindrance to the development of the aquaculture industry is the high cost of inputs including fish feed. The high cost of inputs increases the cost of production and reduces profitability of the industry along the value chain. This also militates against the investment drive in the aquaculture sub-sector. Granting exemption for fish inputs imported will not only reduce the cost of inputs, but make the inputs affordable to the operators.
It would be recalled that in the Harmonised System and Customs Tariff Schedule (HSCTS) 2007, the exemp- tions granted also covered
Mrs Quaye 11:04 a.m.

Mrs Quaye 11:04 a.m.
Mr Speaker, we would explore that opportunity as bwell.
Mr Speaker 11:04 a.m.
Question 620, Hon Member for South Dayi?
Mr Speaker 11:04 a.m.
Yes, Hon Minority Leader?
Mr Iddrisu 11:04 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I was trying to catch your eye to ask a follow-up question of the Hon Minister for Fisheries concerning what the Hon Chairman for Foreign Affairs has indicated.
Mr Speaker 11:04 a.m.
Please, go on.
Mr Iddrisu 11:04 a.m.
Mr Speaker, for a fact, the EU has a problem with Ghana on what they described as
‘unregulated fishing'. They have had to take a very difficult decision arising out of it on Ghana. So probably, if the Hon Minister was unaware, she should be aware; and if she is aware, she should take the appropriate decisions as they have indicated in formal writing to the EU Represen- tative, and to the Hon Ministers for Trade and Industry and that of Finance so that she could seek their support accordingly.
Thank you.
Mrs Quaye 11:04 a.m.
Mr Speaker, yes, in 2013, the EU had the reason to ban our fish from entering the European markets because of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. But that ban has been lifted and Ghana is in a very good relationship with the EU. So, we would explore the opportunity of engaging with the EU in that regard.
Thank you.
Mr Speaker 11:04 a.m.
Yes, Hon Yieleh Chireh?
Mr Joseph Yieleh Chireh 11:04 a.m.
Mr Speaker, thank you very much. The Hon Minister has tried to answer the Questions but if we look at paragraph five of the Minister's Answer numbered as 919, she refers to a letter and an Annex II to that letter. Unfortunately, the records are not complete in her Answer.
I would like to find out, is it the case that she did not provide the complete Answer or it is the Table Office that did not do the right thing?
Mr Speaker 11:04 a.m.
Hon Member, that cannot be enquired into as we are seated here now. Definitely not! What kind of inquisitorial approach would let us have an answer? The Hon Minister has submitted the document and for now that is enough for us. It has become public document and we could take appropriate steps later.
Yes, Hon Member for Adaklu?
Mr Kwame Governs Agbodza 11:04 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I have the permission to ask the Question on behalf of my Hon Colleague, Rockson Dafeamekpor.
Construction of Tongor-Dzemeni Fish Landing Site.
Q620. Mr Kwame Governs Agbodza on behalf of (Mr Rockson- Nelson E. K. Dafeamekpor) asked the Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture when the Tongor- Dzemeni fish landing site would be constructed.
Mrs Quaye 11:14 a.m.
Thank you, Mr Speaker.
As part of the modernisation of the fisheries sector, the Ministry has planned to construct twelve (12) landing sites and two (2) Mini Harbours in selected fishing communities including Dzemeni in the Volta Region. The list of all the landing sites is attached as Annex 3.
The fish landing sites, when completed, are expected to facilitate the safe launching and landing of artisanal fishing canoes; create and maintain a hygienic environment for fishing handling; prevent and minimise post-harvest losses; as well as add value to fish caught by artisanal fishermen. It should be noted that for all the fish landing sites, feasibility studies and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) have been completed.
Financing has been received under the China Development Bank (CDB) Loan Facility for ten (10) of the landing Sites and construction is expected to start in the last quarter of 2019. It is gratifying to note that His Excellency the President, Nana Akufo-Addo has cut the sod for the Axim and
Mr Agbodza 11:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, in paragraph 2 of the Hon Minister's Answer, she said “a feasibility and environmental impact assessment has been completed”. Could she brief the House on whether, during the environmental impact assessment, there were any concerns in terms of coastal erosion or any other thing? It is one thing to do the assessment and another to be given the clearance to actually construct the landing site. Could she share with us if there were any concerns raised at the 10 sites that were assessed?
Mrs Quaye 11:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, some environmental concerns were raised. They were all factored into the Report and the consultant had to upgrade the designs, considering all the environ- mental issues that were raised.
Mr Agbodza 11:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, in paragraph 3, the Hon Minister said that financing had been received under the CDB Loan Facility. Has she received financing or is it just an agreement to finance, because the project is not yet under construction?
Mr Quaye 11:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, in my Answer, I mentioned that the Ministry of Transport is leading the construction, so that question could be referred to them.
Mr Agbodza 11:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, in the same paragraph 3, the Hon Minister said that the list of the sites under the CDB Loan Facility does not include the fish landing site at Dzemeni in the Volta Region.
Is it the case that the original CDB Loan which came to this House somewhere in 2015 or 2016 did not include Dzemeni or is it that this phase did not include Dzemeni? We would want to know whether Dzemeni has never been part of the CDB agreement.
Mrs Quaye 11:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, Dzemeni is included in all the selected sites, but in this particular phase Dzemeni is not included.
Mr Ablakwa 11:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, from the first paragraph of the Hon
Minister's Answer, she indicated that 11:14 a.m.
“As part of the modernisation of the fisheries sector, the Ministry has planned to construct twelve (12) landing sites and two (2) Mini Harbours in selected fishing communities including Dzemeni in the Volta Region.”
The Hon Minister did not tell us when she plans to carry out this plan. Could she please inform the House when she plans to carry out this particular pledge?
Could the Table Office also guide us on a matter I raised earlier, where we were told that the list is on Annex 3? We do not have it, so it makes following the Hon Minister's responses very difficult for Hon Members. I hope that next time, the Table Office would guide us more supportively.
Mr Speaker 11:14 a.m.
Hon Minister, you may answer or comment.
Mrs Quaye 11:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, the list was presented to the Table Office and I have a copy here.
Dzemeni is in the second phase and we expect that construction of the first phase, which is the 10 landing sites and the two harbours would start by the end of this year. So, maybe a year on, we expect the start of the second phase as well.
Mr Ahi 11:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, from the Answer given by the Hon Minister, Dzemeni is part of the communities selected by the Ministry to construct landing sites, but paragraph 5 says:
“The Ministry of Transport is therefore in a position to brief this august House about the status of the landing site at Dzemeni and all the other sites.”
Mr Speaker, I would want to find out from the Hon Minister whether she is aware of any programmes put in place to ensure that the landing site at Dzemeni is constructed.
Mrs Quaye 11:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I said that Dzemeni would be captured in the second phase. The Ministry of Transport is leading the construction of the landing site, so further questions could be referred to them.
Mr Speaker 11:14 a.m.
Thank you very much, Hon Minister.
This is actually a constituency specific Question and I have allowed enough.
Hon Minister, thank you very much for attending to the House and answering our Questions.
The next Question is to the Hon learned Attorney-General and Minister for Justice.
Mr Nyindam 11:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I rise to inform the House that there is a letter to the effect that unfortunately, the Hon Attorney-General and Minister for Justice is bereaved. [Interruption.] She has written to the House through the Table Office and we want to give her ample time to reorganise herself to answer the Question a week from today.
Mr Iddrisu 11:24 a.m.
Mr Speaker, this morning, as I arrived in this Chamber, a letter was remitted to me from the Clerk's office.
So, I invited the Hon Member for Mion, Hon Mohammed Abdul-Aziz to engage him as he sought to ask the Hon Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, the status of investigation into the criminal investigation of Mr Kwasi Nyantakyi, the former President of the Ghana Football Association (GFA).
Accordingly, the Hon Attorney- General and Minister for Justice has always indicated respect to this House. She is bereaved and we can only commiserate with her by extending our condolences and wishing her well. So I have pleaded with the Hon Member for Mion to let it stand while we wait for a convenient time for her to appropriately respond to this Question.
Mr Speaker, so we may move on to further Business as you may direct.
Thank you.
Mr Speaker 11:24 a.m.
Hon Minority Leader, thank you very much for your due understanding. In fact, we
appreciate the communication to us so that we are not left in a lurch.
Item numbered 4 -- Statements?
We have two Statements by Hon Annoh-Dompreh and Hon Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa on United Nations Day.
STATEMENTS 11:24 a.m.

Mr Frank Annoh-Dompreh (NPP -- Nsawam-Adoagyir) 11:24 a.m.
Mr Speaker, thank you for your kindness.
Mr Speaker, I rise to make this profound Statement in commemo- ration of the United Nations Charter of l945, which is celebrated on the 24th of October each year. The United Nations is so far the largest intergovernmental organisation.
Having a membership of one hundred and ninety three (193) sovereign states, the UN remains the most influential body, representing a global identity for humanity and built on a solid foundation of securing the future generation and our planet earth.
This Honorable House has had the privilege, over the years, to foster the inclusion of our dear nation, Ghana
into the global sphere, through relevant dialogue that informs our policy- making process and aligns it with the overarching aim of the United Nations Charter.
The United Nations marked 74 years on the 24th of October this year, consolidating all the efforts of international and local actors, and drawing our attention to the major present day challenge; climate change.
Mr Speaker, all around the world, some member states of the UN themed this celebration to highlight key issues in the different regions of the world. Nonetheless, I concur with the theme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration that stated “Clean environment for a healthy living; our collective responsibility” and with the view that climate action is the new drive, that now demand intergovernmental support at all levels.
In recent times, aside the annual Conference of Parties (COP) under the United Nations Framework for Climate Change (UNFCCC), Africa has seen a proliferation of climate related events, including Africa's maiden edition of the Climate Change Summit that took place in Nigeria last year, the Africa Climate Week, the
Water Security and Climate change Conference, the African Climate Risks Conference with a host of others, all reflecting the importance of this global move as recognised by the UN this year.
Mr Speaker, it is also on this tangent that local actors who comprised non-governmental organisa- tions, civil society groups, private enterprises, farming communities as well as the citizenry in energy and environmental related industries are being mobilised to contribute in one way or the other to climate action.
According to the International Negotiations Survey (INS) hosted by the Center for Climate Science & Policy Research in Sweden, an assessment of climate action with emphasis on various categories of local actors since 2010, has identified certain roles under the broader climate action plan among others. They include;
(i) influencing the agenda, (ii) influencing policy makers, (iii) taking mitigation action, (iv) taking adaptation action (v) proposing solutions, (vi) providing expertise, (vii) evaluating consequences, (viii) raising awareness, (ix) representing public opinion and (x) representing marginalised voices.
In all the roles identified, the results of the survey show that non-state actors are indeed contributing appreciably across the entire spectrum of roles, which is commendable and
Mr Speaker 11:34 a.m.
Thank you very much, Hon Chairman.
Hon Ranking Member?
Commemoration of United Nations Day
Mr Samuel O. Ablakwa (NDC -- North Tongu) 11:34 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I am grateful for the opportunity to make this Statement.
Mr Speaker, the history of the United Nations (UN) can be traced from the League of Nations which was established during World War I in 1919 through the Treaty of Versailles. Its primary goal was to encourage cooperation between countries and keep international peace and security. However, the League of Nations failed to prevent World War II and was therefore seen to have fallen short in achieving its primary objective.
Mr Speaker 11:34 a.m.
Hon Ranking Member, thank you very much.
We would take two contributions from each Side since we have other Statements.
Mr Patrick Y. Boamah (NPP -- Okaikoi Central) 11:44 a.m.
Mr Speaker, thank you very much for the opportunity to contribute to this Statement.
Mr Speaker, the UN is 74 years old as at last week, and I love the contributions that my Hon Colleagues have made in respect of climate change. But there are more pressing issues that after 71 years, I think the UN must be seen to be discussing.

Mr Speaker, our Constitution foresaw the importance of our membership of the UN as captured in article 40, and with your permission I beg to read:

“40. In its dealings with other nations, the Government shall --

(d) adhere to the principles enshrined in or as the case may be, the aims and ideals of --

(i) the Charter of the United Nations;… “

Mr Speaker, China, France, United Kingdom, Russia and the United States of America still are the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. After 71 years, there is not a single country from the very emerging continent of Africa and South America as members of the United Nations Security Council. What has gone wrong? Why are we not commenting on this very important issue that after 74 years of its existence, only these five nations are members of the permanent United Nations Security Council? It is something worth discussing after 74. Africa ought to have a position or a seat on the United Nations Security Council.

Mr Speaker, these nations also wield the veto power. That is why we must advocate for members of our continent to be part of the United Nations Security Council because some of the pressing issues that go before the Security Council that affect Africa are vetoed by some of these powerful nations, and we sit and do not want to talk about it.

Mr Speaker, there are issues of rule of law, and we are all witnesses of the happenings to the Rohingya

people. What has been the weight of the UN behind these minority groups across the globe? The UN ought to be up and doing and not to be seen to be in the pocket of these powerful few.

Mr Speaker, lately, there are tensions between some of the big powers like Russia,United States of America and Turkey and there are issues across Syria which ought to be at the forefront of the United Nation's discussions. These are matters that are affecting global peace and security and we expect the UN to also be very strong to advocate and encourage a much more pleasant discussion on some of these issues.

We congratulate the UN, but we still believe in Africa that we ought to be given a permanent seat on the Security Council. Our voices ought to be heard loud and clear on some of the challenges that affect the African continent.

Thank you very much, Mr Speaker, for the opportunity.
Alhaji Abdul-Rashid H. Pelpuo (NDC -- Wa Central) 11:44 a.m.
Thank you, Mr Speaker, for the opportunity to contribute to the Statement made by the Hon Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and collaborated by the Hon Ranking Member on the
Alhaji Abdul-Rashid H. Pelpuo (NDC -- Wa Central) 11:54 a.m.
anniversary of the UN with the team “Our Planet, our Future”.
Mr Speaker, the UN is an important embodiment of the fears and aspirations of all the people of the world, after the world had gone through several painful experiences as a result of wars and climate change, which are all because of the nature and activities of humankind. What is of peculiar importance in this world is the fact that the challenges we have and the pain we go through are all because of the activities of man.
So, when the UN was formed, the idea was to address these challenges headlong. Today, we do not talk about wars on a greater scale than the first and second World Wars. But we are talking about a greater dimension of challenges which would affect the whole of mankind because of the changing nature of our climate and the result of man's activities.
This is a great challenge that we cannot ignore. Even in Ghana, we have seen lots of things happening in this country and their threat to human life. We have seen changes in climate, and in the last 30 years in Ghana, there has been an increase in temperature by 1 per cent which definitely affects the nature and composition of our part of the world.
Mr Speaker, rising temperatures in Ghana causes decline in rainfalls, and it could be observed very clearly in the northern part of Ghana, especially, in the Upper East Region, where lands are more difficult to cultivate; the rains are erratic; temperatures rise, and in particular, incidents of extreme weather conditions sometimes result in disasters. As a result, if the UN would redirect its attention from the breaking down of relations between countries to patching up the conflicts in the various countries and making sure that the activities of man does not create pain. It is a logical thing to do and I would want to say that in looking at it in this manner, we should not concentrate on just the global issue alone because it is important to look at the domestic issues too.
Mr Speaker, the pain of it all is that we do not have any coherent policy approach to deal with climate change in Ghana. If there is any, it is known to many of us. However, it is important that it is not just about the fact that we should look at the greater dimension of the problem in the world, but we should focus on how to address the challenges in Ghana. How do we stop the depletion of our forest from the north to the south? How can we continue to maintain a good climatic condition in Ghana by punishing those who wilfully destroy the forests?
Mr Speaker, there are people who still destroy the forest in the name of harvesting rosewood, galamsey, and in the end, give the whole country a bigger headache than we have today.
Mr Speaker, we face a greater challenge than the wars that destroyed mankind, and I hope that in Ghana, we would have to get an approach to climate change.
The UN approach is a broader dimension, and I would want to call on the Hon Minister for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation to bring forward a policy for Parliament to examine so that we could be part of the whole movement to address climate change in the world.
Ghana cannot stand aloof, even though in trying to address climate change, we may have to ignore certain parts of the general movement, like the production and usage of gas and oil. Those are dividends we can reap from the general application of these in the world which we have not been part for several years.
Mr Speaker, with these few words, I would want to commend the Hon Members who made the Statements and say that it is important for Ghana to develop a coherent policy towards the address of the depletion of the ozone layer in the world.
Rev. John N. Fordjour (NPP -- Assin South): Thank you, Mr Speaker.
May I commend the Hon Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs who is the Hon Member for Nsawam/ Adoagyiri and the Hon Ranking Member for the joint Statement ably made in commemoration of the 74th UN Day?
Mr Speaker, these Statements are very profound and important, especially recognising the significance of the UN since 74 years of its existence. Many practitioners in diplomacy and academics alike have strongly put forward the argument that since the failure of the League of Nations and subsequent to the atrocities committed in World War II, the founding of UN is a decisive intervention, a near revolutionary intention that is aimed at ensuring a certain conducive and balanced world order; ensuring that there is sustainability and that the international system is kept in balance, particularly in respect of some very key thematic aspects of international peace and security, climate change, human rights and other important themes.

Mr Speaker, although there have been some challenges and opinions
Alhaji Abdul-Rashid H. Pelpuo (NDC -- Wa Central) 11:54 a.m.

raised as to the anachronistic nature of the UN and some challenges that face the current structure of the UN, and how some hold the view that it is not able to sufficiently reflect the emerging trends and challenges of the international system, I would put forth a strong argument that, looking at 74 years of its founding and the balance of power that the UN has been able to exact, and for the key resolutions, treaties and conventions that it has championed, and being able to put together in a coherent manner, not without challenges, all the member states the Non- Aligned Movements, the Third World countries, the super powers and all member States, who play very important roles in the world, I could conclude that UN has indeed served its purpose and its functions that were initially put forth.

Mr Speaker, as we celebrate 74 years of the founding of the UN, Ghana, on the second day after Independence, got inducted into the UN. So, we here on our part are celebrating 72 years of very important contributions of Ghana to the UN.

Since 8th March, 1957, Ghana is noted and highly reputed amongst key countries that have co-sponsored and taken very important decisions at various relevant organs of the UN; and the United Nations General Assembly.

Very important resolutions have been passed; treaties and con- ventions, of which Ghana continues to implement key policies that are targeted at the attainment of the United Nations Charter.

Mr Speaker, it is important to acknowledge the commitment of successive Governments, since Ghana joined the UN, in deepening emphasis of Ghana's Foreign Policy on climate change issues.

One would agree that from the 1960s to 2010 and 2019, the challenges of climate change have increased. It is therefore very important to recognise that with the Foreign Policy of Ghana, emphasis have been laid in response to these emerging trends.

Mr Speaker, of particular notice is the strong commitment of President Akufo-Addo in ensuring that certain important policies are locally aligned to the Charter, aims, conventions and treaties of the UN.

Mr Speaker, in line with the key aspects of Ghana's Foreign Policy as enshrined in article 73 of the Constitution, which I beg to read states:

“The Government of Ghana shall conduct its international affairs

in consonance with the accepted principles of public international law and diplomacy in a manner consistent with the national interest of Ghana.”

Mr Speaker, as the national interest of Ghana has been pursued in consonance with article 40 of the Constitution, where very important and strict adherence to the Charters of the UN has been paved over the years, President Akufo-Addo has led eminent implementation of policies targeted at the attainment of sustainable development goals.

My Hon Colleague on the other Side of the House, Hon Rashid Pelpuo made a remark on some short comings in our national climate policy. I am glad to announce that we have a formidable national climate change policy. In furtherance to that, we have the national adaptation plan and some very important instruments. I believe that orientation and awareness creation of those important policies would serve a good purpose.

Mr Speaker, I would want to commend the appropriateness of the theme of the UN in the commemoration of this year's anniversary: “Our Planet, Our Future”, and gleaning from this overall theme, the appropriateness and suitability of the

theme that Ghana adopted, which is “Clean Environment for a Healthy Living,Our Collective Responsibility.”

Indeed, it is our collective responsibility. I recall that in the 1960s, at a time when one would have thought that issues of climate change may not be a very significant concern to Ghana, Ghana took part in an important decision at the UN that ensured that there would not be chemical bombing and some other proliferations that had very important impact on climate change in the world.

What affects one country in the world today affects the rest of the world, and it is needless to say that particularly in matters of climate change, it is one that is very obvious.

Mr Speaker, as we have been experiencing extreme and erratic weather changes in the past four decades, it is so sad to recount that even from the 1960 to the year 2003, studies have indicated that average hot days per year have increased to 48 days, which is 13.2 percentage of days.The average hot nights per year has also increased to 73 days, which is 20 per cent of nights, in percentage expression. These are all growing concerns.

So in conclusion, climate change continues to pose very significant threats to the socio-economic


development of Ghana, and it is particularly so because our major economic sectors, which are agricul- ture and manufacturing, all depend largely on the climate. That is where food security, livelihood and draught, bio-diversity, desertification and all the other threats are eminent.

So, I conclude by commending the various member States; the 193 member States that have formidably over the years held the UN together, and the strong contribution of the Republic of Ghana in ensuring that our flagship good will, laurels and respect won at the UN would continue to be sustained.

Mr Speaker, thank you very much.
Dr Clement Apaak (NDC -- Builsa South) 11:54 a.m.
Thank you, Mr Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this wonderful and well-crafted Statements by my two Hon Colleagues.
Mr Speaker, that climate change as an issue is self-evident.
Mr Speaker, as we speak today, we have seen torrential rains accompanied by devastating wind storms in October, across the length and breadth of the country.
Mr Speaker, I arrived in Accra on Sunday, after having visited some of the affected communities in my Constituency.
The truth remains that the primary cause of climate change in as far as experts are concerned, has to do with human and or cultural activities, largely in the area of the destruction of forest cover and industrial activities amongst many others.
Mr Speaker, it is only fair that I emphasise the need for us as a nation and a State to put in place and implement the needed policies to ensure that we at least, ameliorate the devastating effects of the continuously changing climatic conditions that we face in this country.
Clearly, I cannot make my short statement without re-emphasing a point that has been made by Hon Rashid Pelpuo, that has to do with the continuous decimation of the savannah ecological forest by pillagers, who have made it their habit to destroy the rosewood trees in that environment.
Mr Speaker, it is very worrying to note that the pillagers have finished all the reserved rosewood trees, and have now made furriers into forest reserves. However, much more worrisome is the fact that they have now began to illegally log dawadawa trees and shea trees.
Mr Speaker, if we do not sit up and take the needed action and we concentrate on talking and eulogising ourselves about polices, I beg to indicate that we are yet to see the worse, in as far as the floods and the lives that we have lost as a consequence of the torrential rainfalls are concerned.
Mr Speaker 11:54 a.m.
Leadership, any contributions?
Mr Haruna Iddrisu (NDC -- Tamale South) 12:04 p.m.
Mr Speaker, let me thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the Statement ably made by the Hon Chairman and Hon Ranking Member, Hon Annor- Dompreh and Hon Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, respectively, on celebrating and observing the UN Day, which has become a ritual.
Mr Speaker, this year's UN Day is dedicated to combating climate change, and how to promote and protect global peace and security.
Mr Speaker, the Hon Deputy Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, in his submission raised a fundamental issue, which is the UN at crossroads. I share in his views that the UN is at a v-crossroads, par- ticularly in terms of reforms. The UN, in observing its 74 years, must itself accept for action, deeper reforms in its operational activities and institutional structures.
Apart from the matter of representation at the UN Security Council, in the exercise of veto, there are many Resolutions of the UN that are still not being respected and upheld. The Palestinian question remains unresolved, the Saharawi- Arab Republic matter remains unresolved; and there is still global conflict.
Mr Speaker, today, the question is unilateralism versus multilateralism. Unilateralism is led strongly by the powerful United States of America (USA), and that cannot sit in tandem with the global ideals of a multilateral world.
Mr Speaker, you had the privilege and the opportunity to participate in the Inter-Parliamentary Union Meeting in Belgrade. India sponsored a very strong item that was considered and accepted as an agenda on combating climate change. The Inter- Parliamentary Union has therefore,
Mr Speaker 12:04 p.m.
Thank you very much.
Mr Moses Anim (NPP - Trobu) 12:04 p.m.
Thank you, Mr Speaker, for the opportunity to contribute to the Statements made by the two Hon Members.
Mr Speaker, for the past years, the UN has directed treaties, conventions and resolutions as a way of leading the entire world to bring peace. Ghana has contributed immensely to ensure that the UN achieves those objectives.
Mr Speaker, the strength of the UN lies in the member states abiding or signing onto such treaties,
conventions and resolutions. The member states have also contributed. While we celebrate the UN, we should also celebrate the member states' contributions and adherences to the treaties, conventions and resolutions passed.
Mr Speaker, as Hon Colleagues have mentioned other challenges, I would want to chip in; is it becoming globalised or patriotic? The new dimension now is whether to become globalised or patriotic. If we want to become patriotic, it means we must also do our best as a State to make sure that we stand out.
Whether we will sign on to treaties or conventions, with our strength, we could object to certain treaties and conventions because we are patriotic and we would want Ghana to win in every case.
To do that, we have to build our internal structures; build our State and make sure that Ghana also attains such a position where we can say that we would not sign onto certain treaties, conventions and resolutions.
Mr Speaker, the Hon Minority Leader touts the Americans for pulling out of resolutions, treaties and conventions. President Donald Trump has already said that he wants the USA to be a patriot and win in all situations. So, if we try to be globalised, we must also adhere to
become patriots and make sure that our country Ghana, rises up to a level that we could also say no to certain things that we believe will not benefit the country. It is a challenge to Parliament, the Executive, the Judiciary and Ghanaians that we must continue to look out to do the right things regardless. We must make sure that Ghana wins in situations like these. We need to build Ghana together, so that it will be strong.
Mr Speaker, I commend the Hon Members who made the Statement. We need to channel our course on whether we want to be globalised or patriotic. It is very important to take a cue in what President Donald Trump is championing. We must make sure that Ghana in all cases, takes decisions based on patriotism and to our benefit.
Mr Speaker 12:04 p.m.
Thank you very much, Hon Deputy Majority Whip.
Hon Members, Hon Mubarak has a Statement.
Alhaji Mohammed-Mubarak Muntaka 12:04 p.m.
Mr Speaker, he is Hon Ras Mubarak; the Statement is by the Hon Member of Parliament for Kumbungu.
Mr Speaker 12:04 p.m.
Hon Member, I do not get you.
Mr Speaker 12:14 p.m.
Yes, Hon Ras Mubarak?

Enforcing Laws Governing Elections
Mr Ras Mubarak (NDC -- Kumbungu) 12:14 p.m.
Mr Speaker, last week in Japan, the Minister for Trade, Hon Isshu Sugawara, resigned just one month into the job after he was accused of violating electoral law.
Mr Sugawara was accused of giving his constituents expensive gifts. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), reported on Friday, 25th October, 2019 that the Hon Minister and Member of Parliament (MP) had gifted his constituents food items such as watermelons, oranges, roe and royal jelly.
He was also reported in local and international media to have offered an amount of ¥2,000 which is equivalent to US$185, or GH¢1,000 “condolence money,” what we in Ghana call funeral donation, through his constituency secretary, to the family of a constituent who had passed on.
Mr Speaker, the alleged violation of the electoral laws of Japan and subsequent resignation of the Hon Minister who doubles as an Hon MP, got the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, to issue a statement that read in part, “I bear responsibility in having appointed him. I deeply apologise to the Japanese people.”
I heard the story last Friday on BBC radio whilst driving to Parliament, and subsequently read an online version just to be sure I had heard right.
The incredulity of the story got me thinking about our own circumstances in Ghana. Mr Speaker, could you imagine an Hon MP or an Hon Minister being forced to resign from his job because he had donated GH¢1,000 to a grieving family, or being accused of vote buying because he or she had gifted constituents watermelons and oranges in the lead up to an election.
Mr Speaker, l wonder if there is anywhere in Ghana where an Hon MP could gift constituents fruits, and not be kicked out even before election time.
If Hon Members were to open up about their personal stories and pressure to gift what they do not have, I am sure this country would be in shock.
Mr Speaker, this is not an attempt to justify gifting constituents items and money. As a matter of principle, I have always been against anything that makes holding people to ransom who are genuinely in politics to serve the nation.
Mr Speaker, there are copious provisions in the Criminal Code, 1960 (Act 29) relating to Public Offices and to Public Elections; the Political Parties Law of 2000 (Act 574); and the Representation of the People's Law—PNDC Law 284. All of these laws make the buying or selling of votes an offence in Ghana and punishable by law.
Mr Speaker, let me also draw the attention of Hon Colleagues and the general public to the law on gving and receiving gifts in Ghana — the Internal Revenue Act (Act 529) which stipulates that Ghanaians are to pay 15 per cent gift tax rate on any gift valued at Gh¢50 and above.
How many of us can hold our heads up before God and man, and say that we have complied and have not at one point or another broken the law? How many of our constituents who have received bicycles, motorbikes, mobile phones, cloths, television sets, gas cylinders and other items can
say they have gone to pay the necessary taxes on such gifts?
As law makers, it should be part of our duty to help in the education of the relevant provisions of the laws Parliament has enacted to our constituents and the public generally.
Japan and some other countries of the world are shining examples of what integrity and honour in public service mean. We could learn and uphold the law.
We do, indeed, have some good laws; but if we are already not enforcing existing legislation, it makes enacting new ones to deal with some of these violations of the law unattractive.
I would want to see some radical changes starting with political parties and politicians committing and acting in a manner that eliminates corruption from our politics by way of opening up the way and manner we elect constituency, regional and national executives; flag-bearers; and parliamentary candidates. If all registered members of any political party within a geographical location were to have a say in who gets elected as a parliamentary candidate or constituency executive; we would do the nation a lot of good.
Mr Francis Kingsley Ato Codjoe (NPP -- Ekumfi) 12:14 p.m.
Mr Speaker, I am actually surprised at the level of noise that went on and the interruptions that my Hon Colleague received when he read his Statement. We cannot pretend to behave as ostriches.
All of us here, particularly, those of us on the Majority Side, are crying within because within the next four or five months, we would face elec- torates who would demand so much
from us. If we do not take care, very good politicians may not come to this House because somebody has accumulated resources only to come and engage some good politicians, take them out and come to Parliament.
Mr Speaker, there is a serious danger about the way our elections are going. To be very honest, the monetisation of elections did not start today; it has always been there, but I believe that it is getting worse over time. So, if an Hon Member draws the attention of the House and the nation to the fact that it is high time we looked at it as politicians, individuals, Leaders of the House and as a nation to draw lines and to develop policies, programmes and even laws to address this concern, I believe that we should pay heed and attention to what he said.
Mr Speaker, some of the reports that have come up about our country are that we have excelled in terms of democracy. We have been a shining example to many countries in Africa; but in reality, today, our democracy is sick because of the level of monetisation that is ongoing.
Unfortunately, we have imported this from other cultures. It is not unusual for us to meet, even at the community level, to assist people who
are in need or to pass certain things out. Now, however, the demand is so high and people also give hugely. The danger is that, we may not get the right people to govern us; or when people who have paid high sums of money come back into Government, they would have to look for all means to recoup their investments and make money for the next election.
I believe this is the danger that my Hon Brother talked about. I would also want to support him, and draw the attention of the nation and all of us that it is high time we rise as a country. We may have benefitted and pretended that it is not something that we should talk about, but I believe it is killing our democracy. If we do not take care, it would kill our governance. It is time we rise as a country, and address these issues. The Executive, Legislature and everybody has to look at it.
Mr Speaker, this is what I would want to add to the Statement — it is time for us to address these issues.
Thank you very much.
12. 24 p. m.
Mr Speaker 12:14 p.m.
Thank you very much for your contribution.
Hon Samuel Nartey George.
Mr Samuel Nartey George (NDC -- Ningo-Prampram) 12:14 p.m.
Thank you very much, Mr Speaker.
The conversation on campaign financing and funding is interesting. I congratulate the Hon Member who made the Statement.
Mr Speaker, I believe that we must be mindful of the cultural dynamics of the various contexts in which we put things. What is the cultural dynamics of Japan? And what is Ghana's cultural dynamics?
Growing up as kids, even when our parents fulfilled their parental obligations to us, we were brought up and taught to say thank you. We woke up at dawn to thank our parents for doing their responsibilities towards us; Ghanaians have a culture of gratitude.
It is interesting that today, Hon Ras Mubarak would raise issues about campaign financing. Four years ago, I do not know whether it would have been an issue when we all went into primaries and we all had to spend.
Mr Speaker, we are men of integrity or we ought to be men of integrity. There is nobody in this House who would say that he had gone into an election without necessarily having met the needs of their people, be it by attending
Mr Speaker 12:14 p.m.
Hon Member, if I understood the intention of the Hon Member who made the Statement, he analysed a trend; he was analytical and critical about it. It does not mean that he is not aware of culture, and
background and so on. Otherwise, why do people pass laws on these things to limit election financing?
I think we must identify a spade and call it a spade, and not a big teaspoon. Are we not concerned about corruption in this country? If we talk about corruptible influences, do not speak as if some Hon Members are pretending. They have been through things and they are saying that such things are not good.
You may go on.
Mr George 12:14 p.m.
Mr Speaker, I agree wholeheartedly with you; all I am saying is that, we must not complain today of things we ourselves have done in the past.
Mr Speaker 12:14 p.m.
You could complain today by saying that what I did was wrong, and I can see that this is leading to corruption and the destruction of democracy. Hon Members are entitled to complain and comment.
You may make yours.
Mr George 12:14 p.m.
Mr Speaker, as you rightly pointed, everybody is entitled to have his opinion. I espouse the opinion that we must call a spade a spade, as you have called it, and not a big teaspoon and ask ourselves the realities we face today.
When it comes to the issue of campaign financing, as has been the case, do we not realise the reality? What stopped successive govern- ments from passing legislation? The reality is that we are faced with the situation we are confronting today.
If we want to use what happens in other jurisdictions, I shudder to say that we may have difficulties. Let us be ingenious in finding solutions to fixing the problems we have here, and not seek to import wholly from other jurisdictions —
Mr Speaker 12:14 p.m.
Hon Member, please, suggest some of the ingenuities; then we would have a positive statement. Please, sugges- tions about the ingenuity that you expect us to apply, then you are contributing.
Mr George 12:14 p.m.
Mr Speaker, one of the things that we could do with regard to curbing campaign financing or the cost of elections in our country today is to make sure that elections are no longer a winner takes it all affair. So long as it is so, everybody puts in everything and goes broke because at the end of the day, once they win no matter the cost, it then gives them room to become corrupt, as was indicated, to recoup their costs.
If it is not a winner takes all affair— One such good step may be the election of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs). So long as it is not a winner takes it all mentality or one is not all and everything, then, one would be able to handle some of the costs associated with campaign financing because one knows that winning an election is not the ultimate goal or whatsoever. In the long run, the ultimate goal is service to the people.
Mr Speaker, I hope that we could have a holistic session where we would explore into details, issues of campaign financing, and face the realities that confront Hon Members of this House and any other person who aspires to an elected office.
Mr Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity.
Mr Speaker 12:14 p.m.
Thank you very much.
We have had one each so far.
Yes, Hon Dr Kwaku Afriyie and then one more from the other Side.
Dr Kwaku Afriyie (NPP - Sefwi- Wiaso) 12:14 p.m.
Mr Speaker, thank you very much for the opportunity.
Dr Kwaku Afriyie (NPP - Sefwi- Wiaso) 12:34 p.m.
I thank Hon Ras Mubarak for the bravery that he has shown today in bringing to the fore, this very dangerous trajectory that the politics of this country is taken on.
Mr Speaker, people might not appreciate that vegetables, flowers and other things are very expensive items in Japan compared to television sets and what not. So, the cultural setting is very clear. The Hon Member of Parliament (MP) or whoever did that distributed very expensive items to his constituents.
Mr Speaker, if we do not take care, a time would come when people would not volunteer to become Hon MPs because the cost of becoming an Hon MP is very expensive indeed.
Mr Speaker, the issues are very complex. We are dealing with a population that has a sense of dependency and entitlement mentality, where materialism has been touted as some of the things that people would have to aspire to. Those things that in the past defined us as a people, which we aspired to -- integrity, ethics and morality -- are no longer held as those things that society as a whole must aspire to.
Mr Speaker, that generates all these things, and our constituents --
let us face it; when we want to stand for an election, they make demands on us for material and financial things. Anybody who attempts to hide it is not true to themselves and Mother Ghana.
Mr Speaker, we should have a national conversation and bring this to the fore -- the political parties should start and they should bring in internal rules that would control how people aspire to be elected to every level of all echelons in the parties; be they Hon MPs, party executives and what not.
Mr Speaker, one thing that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) disappointed me about was when they did the “one man, one vote” thing, and had some problems with it in electing their executives; they chickened out. I believe that they should have held on because the National Patriotic Party (NPP) was moving in that direction.
For those of us who support “one man, one vote”, it has stymied that movement. This is because I believe strongly that if anybody who makes contribution to our parties were to participate in that election, it would have been the instrument that we could use to stymie this canker, which fuels the idea that we must pay or make material donations to our constituents, especially delegates, before we get elected.

Mr Speaker, before I take my seat, I would want to make one plea. We owe Mother Ghana examples as good Hon MPs. If as candidates, the price of eschewing those things is to not be elected as an Hon MP, then we must have a hard core of people who would be willing to go that way, so that we would set examples for our constituents and our country.

Mr Speaker, with this, I would want to honour and praise the Hon Member who made the Statement. Whether he came here through a negative experience or by insight, I believe that the fact that he has been able to bring this to the fore for us to discuss this afternoon is something that he must be commended on.

Thank you, Mr Speaker, for the opportunity.
Mr Emmanule Kwasi Bedzrah (NDC -- Ho West) 12:34 p.m.
Mr Speaker, let me commend my Hon Colleague, Friend and Brother, Hon Ras Mubarak, for this research. I know that you, Mr Speaker, encourage research. This is not just a Statement; it goes to the core of our democratic principles and good governance in general. I know that Hon Ras Mubarak has been an advocate for
ensuring that we bring some level of sanity, accountability and probity as far as our democratic system is concerned.
Mr Speaker, as you said, let us not play the ostrich because this is a major problem. Could we imagine that if I go to my constituency with the campaign message that I would work very hard in Parliament, pass the best of laws and scrutinise the Budget Statement, and another candidate goes to tell them that any time there is a funeral or naming ceremony he or she would show concern when called -- your guess is as good as mine.
I am happy the media is here and they must join us. I think that the first thing we ought to do is to educate the electorate, so that they can understand the real job and functions of an Hon Member of Parliament. If we do not pass good laws, scrutinise the Budget Statement and Agreements here, the harm that it would cause the nation is far higher than the amount of money I would probably give as someone's medical bill or some related expense. So I think that civil society should join Hon MPs.
Mr Speaker, sometimes when I listen to the media, it is as if Hon MPs virtually do nothing; but when one comes to this House and looks at the work we do, Hon MPs deserve a lot
Mr Emmanule Kwasi Bedzrah (NDC -- Ho West) 12:34 p.m.
of commendation. I am not patting myself on the back; this is a fact. If we look at the records in this House and the work we do, we have contributed significantly towards moving this nation to this level. I believe that we would continue to do more.

Mr Speaker, it sounds funny. I tried to explain to them that I had come to commission an electrification project for them, and we had constructed a road for them. They told me that the road had even exacerbated the situation because the asphalt had made it easier for the ladies to ride their bicycles to the next village and back. [Laughter.] This tells us that, as a country, we still have a lot to do.

Finally, there has been talks about campaign financing. I just did a quick check, and Ghana has about 15 million registered voters. The National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP), give or take, make up about 40 per cent for either party. If we were to concentrate on just 10 per cent of this population, it means that the NDC, NPP or any other political party has the potential to register 1.5 million people as card- bearing members. If they were to pay just GH¢1 a month, in four years, either party could raise about GH¢78 million.

So, we must encourage partici- patory democracy and people must have the power. We must come out with innovative ways, so that when people are card-bearing members, they could be part of decision-making. When they are part of the decision- making, as my Hon Senior Colleague said, and they feel empowered, they would be encouraged to contribute.

Mr Speaker, so on this note, I thank you, and more importantly, I thank my Hon Colleague, Brother and Friend, Hon Ras Mubarak, for this indepth analysis and research conducted.
Mr Speaker 12:34 p.m.
Thank you very much.
Alhaji Muntaka 12:34 p.m.
Mr Speaker, I thought you would indulge the former Vice Secretary with his huge experience --
Mr Speaker 12:34 p.m.
Do you yield to him?
Alhaji Muntaka 12:34 p.m.
No, Mr Speaker, I would not yield to him.
Mr Speaker 12:34 p.m.
Then please, I have called you so proceed. I do not like changing my mind on the way, even for my good Hon Friends.
Alhaji Mohammed-Mubarak Muntaka (NDC -- Asawase) 12:34 p.m.
Mr Speaker, let me first thank you sincerely for admitting this Statement because we have been dancing around and sometimes do not want to bring the matter to the front burner for discussion. I would also commend my Hon Colleague, Hon Ras Mubarak, for the courage to even write the Statement and bring it forward.
For those of us who have been around for some time, we would admit the situation is getting worse by the day. Mr Speaker, I am happy that each time we talk about this in the corridors or in your lobby, I sometimes see the frustration that you envisage, that if some concrete steps are not taken, this could degenerate
and mess up the democracy that we all cherish.
You keep making reference to Kenya, and I think that if there is one example that we need to look at within Africa, it is the new Kenyan Election Act. My wish is that we do not wait until our country degenerates into the chaos Kenya degenerated into, which pumped some sense into their heads to sit and redo their law. We should take advantage of what happened to them, especially in 2010, to quickly look at how we can fully implement our laws. Where it is weak, we should strengthen them.
Mr Speaker, I remember there is this popular example you always give on the punishment one should be given if he or she picks a ballot box. In our laws, it is a misdemeanour; if we could change it to be a felony, that would be more severe.
Why do we link them together? It is the payment. There is no way any young person in his right mind in this country would get up that he or she loves a political party so much that he or she would just lift ballot boxes on behalf of the political party. It is because of the payment that would come out of it if he or she succeeds in doing so. The reward is what encourages them to do that.
Alhaji Mohammed-Mubarak Muntaka (NDC -- Asawase) 12:44 p.m.
Mr Speaker, a lot of people try to tamper with our electoral system along the line. Whether it is during the limited registration exercise or the national elections, people keep making efforts to tamper with the processes. simply because they have been promised some financial payments.

Mr Speaker, some of us have managed to withstand the storm and stayed in this House up till now. Today, it is clear that 89, which is up to more than half of the total 169 Hon Members on the Majority side, are new. On the Minority side, out of the total of 106 Hon Members, 42 are also new and the House is just growing younger. This is because so long as we are going to use finances as a way of winning primaries and elections to come to Parliament, we can be guaranteed that the experienced ones in this House will just walk away.

In the last primaries, nine Hon Members on our Side voluntarily decided not to contest and all of us would attest to the fact that they were very experienced. They decided that if this is what it has come to, they would rather leave than stay; and some of them lost the primaries because people were making financial payments.

Mr Speaker, our Hon Colleagues on the other Side will soon go for their primaries. Whether we like it or not, that has been the trend; we keep talking about it and nothing seems to be happening. If we are not careful, the financial payments will become a threat to the democracy we are enjoying today.

With the greatest respect, it is not surprising that a lot of our Hon Colleagues get elected but they are not interested in staying in this Chamber because they only get here to realise that there is no money to be collected. Meanwhile they spent a lot of money to come here and they try to ‘bridge' it.

So, what we are talking about is a reality that we have to wake up to but the sad thing is, as I mentioned, we need to re-look at our electoral laws.

I would want to take this opportunity to draw the attention of the Executive, especially, the Hon Minister for Justice and Attorney- General to do well to bring back some of the electoral laws and see how to tighten the loopholes.

Mr Speaker, the political parties have a role to play. Sometimes, when we go for Party meetings -- you might have stayed in Parliament much longer than some of them in the

Executive but so long as you are an Hon Member of Parliament -- most of the political parties do not treat the senior Hon Members of Parliament with respect; they just think that in satisfying their own parochial interest, they also allow the system to fester. Sometimes, they even have evidence but gloss over those and they participate in these acts simply because they do not like you; you have a big head, you are too slim or fat and so, you must go so that their so-called ‘favourite' will come.

If the two main political parties, that is the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP), do not sit to agree to put their political affiliations aside and look at what is wrong with the ways we ran our primaries -- because if any of them decides to embark on a journey that could help stop this, and the other party continues in that old tradition, it will not end and vice versa.

However, if the two of them come together and agree on how to implement some of the difficult decisions; it will work. If one says he or she will not vote for the NPP, and moves camp to the NDC, it is the same and vice versa.

Mr Speaker, I am sure that it is one of the ways that could easily get us to solve this canker that confronts us.

Also, some of our chiefs, Imams, opinion leaders and pastors are not helpful as they are beginning to tow the same line. When you go to them, they point out things that you have to do for them before their villages or towns will vote for you. Sometimes, you will hear them proclaim that if you do not do this or that, they will not vote. The things they demand are personal in nature and have nothing to do with even the development of their villages and towns.

Mr Speaker, I want to urge our clergymen, chiefs, and opinion leaders to set examples for the rest of us to follow. This is because in their case, they do not get elected. One must not be elected to be a pastor, an Imam or a chief. If they can stand their ground and refuse vote buying in their villages or towns, they could help the political parties in doing the right thing. But if they are calling for such things, what would they expect their citizens to do?

So, whereas all of us have been talking about this time and again, and nothing seems to be done, let us take the advantage of this time. Fortunately, the Minority side is done with its primaries and our Hon Colleagues on the Opposite side are preparing. We all know the trend; sometimes, it is a bit better with those in opposition than those in government. We have all been in government and in opposition
Mr Speaker 12:44 p.m.
Thank you very much, Hon Minority Chief Whip, for this insightful contribution.
Mr Joseph Osei-Owusu 12:44 p.m.
— rose —
Mr Speaker 12:44 p.m.
Hon Majority Leader, respond to the Hon Minority Chief Whip's contribution. I will come to the Speaker's differently.
Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 12:44 p.m.
Mr Speaker, as you saw, I just entered. I was not really feeling very well in the
morning so, if you can give place to the Hon First Deputy Speaker. After him, maybe, I will add a few words.
Mr Speaker 12:44 p.m.
All right. The Hon First Deputy Speaker will have a space any way and so, if you are not making any contribution -- yes, Hon First Deputy Speaker?
Mr Joseph Osei-Owusu (NPP- Bekwai) (MP) 12:54 p.m.
Mr Speaker, thank you very much for the opportunity. I also thank my Hon Colleague, Ras Mubarak for the Statement and I am elated to hear all the contributions that have come up.
Indeed, it is a matter which is often difficult to discuss if you are a beneficiary of the system we are complaining about and I believe that all of us here, probably, with the exception of the Hon Majority Leader who was a beneficiary of unexpected death of a candidate. So, if I recall, he did not have to struggle much. [Laughter]. That was his first appearance in Parliament and, maybe, the Hon Minority Chief Whip.
Mr Speaker, I am saying that it is the system which we have in one way or the other, benefitted from and so sometimes we feel quite reserved in
speaking about it. The truth about the matter is that this system cannot and should not continue. Often times, I have said that when I leave Parliament, I will be a champion of changing the system of selecting candidates for the respective parties because I feel a bit embarrassed discussing it.

People would refer to me on how I participated strongly, lost and came back as an independent member. I have been a player on the ground for a while; I started as a Polling Station Chairman and then rose to what we call the Electoral Area Coordinator, a Constituency Chairman, before contesting to become an Hon Member of Parliament. I have seen it all, but it is getting worse by the day. And it is getting worse because I would say that, as we speak today, none of the political parties has a handle or control over who would become their candidate. I thought that the whole essence of organising elections through parties is to enable the political parties to have control and determine the quality in the selection of people who become Hon Members of Parliament and leaders of the party.

Mr Speaker, but today, I doubt if anybody can say that, as we speak,

no political party truly has control over who becomes the leaders of the party. In this Parliament, we have lost Hon Majority Leaders of Parliament, Hon Minority Leaders, Hon Ranking Members and Hon Leaders because the parties chose not to take control and therefore allowed some sort of free range system. Mr Speaker, this system can change if we work together.

Mr Speaker, on the complaint about paying, we must first admit that as a people in this country we have developed a culture of wanting a reward for everything. Whether we like it or not, today, we can give it any name like ‘paying transportation' or whatever, but money is involved in elections at primaries, party leadership, constituency leadership, national level and so on.

Mr Speaker, the worst part of it is that people are in positions today but frankly they do not actually know the philosophies of the parties on which they stand. It is sometimes difficult to tell the difference between an NPP member and an NDC member on any matter because people did not come here based on any philosophy. They are Hon Members of Parliament for a particular party because that is
Mr Joseph Osei-Owusu (NPP- Bekwai) (MP) 12:54 p.m.

where he or she could win, but not because he or she is aligned philosophically to any political grouping.

Mr Speaker, for me, this is dangerous for our political system, but we can change this if we sit down as a group. I have said this before and I would repeat it here now and it is that one of the major weaknesses of our democracy is that there is too much disconnection at the top of the political groups.

Mr Speaker, in this House the best thing we have is that we collaborate and cooperate in all our programmes. There is no programme or activity that is implemented in this House that the Minority and Majority Leadership do not discuss, but this does not happen outside Parliament. At the Executive level, there is no connection between the national executives of the parties, the presidency and the other parties.

I think that it is a failure in our democracy and that is why there is so much disconnect between what parties can do. I would repeat what Dr Kwabena Adjei said on the 15th Anniversary of the formation of the NPP. He attended the meeting we held that morning at the NPP headquarters and he said that these two parties, NPP and NDC, whatever happens, we would

continue to be the leaders of the country for a while and so we must unite for power.

Mr Speaker, uniting for power does not mean that we are sharing booty; it means that we must give direction, determine how our politics is done and regulate the kind of politics that we do. This is what I would recommend.

Mr Speaker, probably, the leaders of the political parties should agree and decide how we want to go if we have to cut out this monetisation. Earlier this year, the Hon Majority Leader at the Ministry of Parlia- mentary Affairs called a conference and brought other stakeholders to discuss this matter, but we are not acting on anything. We just keep talking about the problem because we know them.

The solution is also within our power and we should act now to solve the problem. Whether we like it or not, people are at the polling station and they are doing nothing for the parties they represent. They do not even attend meetings and they are there only because they would be called upon to vote for either a presidential candidate, a parlia- mentary candidate or a national executive. This may be the only reason that they would be eager and strive to be members of the party. We must organise and make people

understand that belonging to a political party means taking responsibility. If we claim to be members of parties but we contribute nothing -- sometimes people would have to pay for identification cards for other members and some do not even pay dues. I do not think that any of the parties have data of members that have paid dues, so how are we members? But it is because it is in our interest, as the active political operators to keep people like that so that we control the narrative.

Mr Speaker, rather than coming here to complain, we know what to do and so I would suggest that we take steps to change the narrative and rearrange the system of selecting people to the leadership of the parties.

Mr Speaker, there is no party anywhere that a person has not worked in the party at any level, yet the person just gets to the leadership. In many instances, the practice is that a person would even start as a volunteer; work with the leaders of the party, understand the values and principles of the party and when the leaders see that the person is honest, he has some values and understands the principles of the party, then that person would be promoted to the next level. One of the Hon Members who addressed us from the

Conservative Party said that the day he made the Conservative Party's list was the happiest day in his life. So I asked what he meant by “Conservative Party list” and he said that before the Conservative Party nominates or allows a person to contest on its ticket then that person must have worked in the party hierarchy to the extent that they recognised him or her as having the potential to be a party leader.

So, they would put the person on the list and it is only those who make the list that would be permitted to contest in the parliamentary elections.

Mr Speaker, I think that we should look at this system and reward hard work, support and encourage those who are willing, committed and honest. I believe strongly that in this way, we could change the narrative.

Mr Speaker, thank you very much.
Mr Speaker 12:54 p.m.
Hon Majority Leader would like to make a few concluding remarks?
Majority Leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs (Mr Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu) 12:54 p.m.
Mr Speaker, thank you very much for the opportunity to be part of this discourse about enforcing laws governing elections.
Majority Leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs (Mr Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu) 1:04 p.m.
Mr Speaker, as a country, we have voted to give ourselves a framework of government to secure for ourselves and posterity, the blessings of liberty, equality of opportunity and prosperity. Parliament is part of the governance architecture and so the question to ask ourselves is whether as a Legislature and as Hon Members of Parliament, we are contributing to firmly establishing this framework of governance. The governance architecture includes ensuring probity and accountability in our governance. Is it the case that we are adding value to this?

Mr Speaker, indeed, this is captured in the preamble of our Constitution. In the interest of good governance, we have the Constitution providing for the establishment of all the three arms of Government; the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary.

By article 58(1), the executive authority is vested in the President, the Judiciary is vested in the administration of justice and Parliament is vested with a multiple of functions unlike the Executive and the Judiciary. Parliament, because we are elected by constituents, have a representational function. We have the function of deliberation, and because we deliberate on matters that come

before us, the deliberation should be informed by research and by that, we transmit relevant information to the people of this country. So we have information dissemination function.

Mr Speaker, in a few weeks from now, the Budget would be brought to this House, and Parliament would have -
Mr Speaker 1:04 p.m.
Just a minute. The Hon First Deputy Speaker would take the Chair.
You may please continue.
Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 1:04 p.m.
Parliament would have to pore through and ensure that the policies and programmes of this Government are reconciled in the policies and programmes established by the Constitution; the Directive Principles of State Policy, all other Treaties and Protocols, Government's own economic and social development programmes, Agenda 2063 of the African Union (AU), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) et cetera.
Mr Speaker, so we perform a yeoman's function. Of course, beyond this, we have the power of legislation, oversight, the settlement of disputes, ratification and domestication of protocols and so on. The question to ask ourselves is, how many of us in this Chamber understand and indeed
appreciate the role of Hon Members of Parliament? If we understand, it would be reflected in our campaigns in the constituencies. We go there and the issues they are relating to is “Let me go; and I will come and fix your roads” or as somebody said “Let me go, and I will join you in attending wedding ceremonies” and so on -- digressing from the core responsibilities of Members of Parliament.
Mr Speaker, that is why sometimes I get a bit irritated when we have people who should know better, conduct research, and they tell the world that a Member of Parliament is not doing very well because he has not fixed his roads, built a hospital or provided potable water as if that is the function of the Member of Parliament. And these are respected institutions.
The University of Ghana for instance, as they recently did, fed into this. That certainly is unfortunate and problematic for the growing democracy in our country because it would then appear as if an institution like the University of Ghana, Legon does not even appreciate the role of Parliament and indeed, Members of Parliament.
Mr Speaker, what we are doing as a country, which the Hon First Deputy Speaker alluded to -- the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs linking up with some independent government institutions like the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) have been trying to educate the populace and indeed our political parties about positioning the political parties at the centre.
The Constitution provides for us to disseminate political ideas at the grassroots and advertise the programmes and visions of political parties in the constituencies. Who is to do that? It is not the presidential candidate or the Member of Parliament; it is the polling station executive; the grassroot people are supposed to do that. Let us ask ourselves, after electing these polling station executives, how many of them concern themselves with this enterprise?
They position themselves thereafter to be, as they describe themselves, kingmakers; and all that they look for is “cola nuts” and maybe some drinks. And they look at the quality of “cola nuts” that are given to them, the drinks and who is bringing a very high quality one, and they make such persons the parliamentary candidate. Is that how to grow our democracy?
Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 1:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, article 55(5) of the Constitution provides that the internal organisation of political parties shall conform to the democratic principles. And by that, people say that necessarily, we should go through elections at the grass root level to select parliamentary candidates. But people should know that election is not the only route to the kingdom of democracy. Other than that Mr Speaker, in the same breathe, article
55(9) of the Constitution would not provide for the choosing of the national executives of our political parties. Article 55(9) just states that the national executives of political parties shall be chosen such that they shall come from all the regions in this country. In doing that, by what we do, how do we ensure that all the regions which are now 16 are represented in the national executive of any political party? We are in violent breach of the Constitution by what we do, yet we close our eyes to that.
Mr Speaker, the two political parties must do serious introspection and look at their constitutions because for as long as their constitutions exist in this state, it would be difficult for anyone of them to turn round and do contrary because we are a country full of professional litigants, and people would turn to say that the political parties' constitutions do not say that we should select candidates. Even though I know that in the New Patriotic Party's (NPP) Constitution, the word “selection” is used, we should be careful.
Mr Speaker, so as I am saying, the political parties are even losing control over the candidates who contest elections in the names of the political parties. By that, we know that when Members come to this House, the political parties themselves have little
control over them. They ask one to come to this House to perform his duty as a Member of Parliament, and he can turn a blind eye on them and tell them that, of course, he fought for his election by himself without any contribution from the party, and by the way he was elected, the party did not involve itself so he is here on his own strength.
And so disciplining Hon Members of Parliament is even difficult. The various caucuses are losing it. We cannot control them because the parties had no input in the person coming to Parliament, yet we know that this practice does not obtain in any of the entrenched democracies where the political groupings in Parliament have no power in deciding who should be in Parliament and who should not.

A man of profound intellectual abilities, a man of profound experience and of profound knowledge is in this House. He is working to grow Parliament and to expand the frontiers of our democracy. We all applaud such a person. But his constituents, who are not concerned with what the man is doing to promote democracy, would only say that he is not visiting them or

giving them money. Somebody is in his backyard burrowing, digging trenches and making the place hostile.

Four years ago, when some of us had to “conspire” to go to certain constituencies -- I know for instance the worth of a certain person in this House called Hon Yieleh Chireh. I also know of a certain person in this House called Hon Alban Sumani Kingsford Bagbin. I know their contributions in this House in enhancing democracy and the growth of Parliament, but constituents are not concerned.

Mr Speaker, when we went there to perform some salvaging operations for them, I know some of my own party people accused me, but I know the worth of these people in bringing Parliament up.

Mr Speaker, in the United Kingdom and some other jurisdictions in Australia and so on, because Hon Speakers are Hon Members of Parliament, when they contest elections, the other parties do not put up candidates in the backyard of the Hon Speakers.

In Australia, on any debate, if the Hon Majority Leader is absent, the Hon Minority Leader would not vote. They cross out. That is their way of growing parliamentary democracy.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:14 a.m.
Hon Majority Leader, the Hon Minority Chief Whip would want to respond.
Alhaji Muntaka 1:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I know he did not mean what he said. However, one thing that I can say for sure is that when I travel and I come, the Hon Majority Leader and his deputy would nod to themselves and say that since I am back, there would be troubles. They always pray that I would be away. It is therefore not only in the case of the Hon Majority Leader. Sometimes, they also wish that some of us would be absent, so that
they could also get inside. This is however on the lighter side.
Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 1:14 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I thought that the Hon Minority Chief Whip said I did not mean what I said, meanwhile, he pours more fuel into the matter, meaning that he really meant what he said.
Mr Speaker, I think that the two political parties should do serious introspection, look at their constitutions, and have a purpose to re-design the constitutions.
Mr Speaker, very soon, that is if we are not able to stop this tight, soon Parliament would be dominated by people with fat wallets and not people who are endowed in Parliamentary practice and democracy.
We all do acknowledge that the quality of debate in the House is taking a nose dive. One of the reasons is what the Hon Chief Whip of the Minority alluded to.
In this House today, we have over 52 per cent of Hon Members of Parliament being first timers. Before they could have time to imbibe and learn the practice of the House to improve upon themselves and improve the institution of Parliament,
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:14 a.m.
Hon Members, this is a matter which the Hon Speaker thinks should be investigated further. Consequently, the Statement is therefore referred to the Constitution and Legal Committee to review, discuss, seek further opinions and make recommendations to the House for further action.
Yes, Hon Chief Whip?
Alhaji Muntaka 1:14 a.m.
Thank you Mr Speaker.
Mr Speaker, I would be grateful if your directive goes with time. This is because a lot of things are referred to committees, but we never get to hear of it again.
It would therefore be very useful, if we give them some duration to be able to report back to the House, so that at least, we would be able to follow the time given them.
Thank you very much.
Mr Frist Deputy Speaker 1:14 a.m.
How long do you think we should allow them as you are suggesting?
Mr Kyei-Mensah- Bonsu 1:24 p.m.
Mr Speaker, this is a matter of profound importance to all of us, and to the country as well. Unfortunately, because this Meeting is a Budget Meeting, I think it would be difficult to tell the committee to finish by the close of this Meeting.

I would prefer we give them up to the end of the First Meeting of the last Session of this House, and then entreat them to engage other stakeholders, including the political parties, some of the independent governance institutions, especially the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) and also some Non-Governmental Organisations which have conducted some work in this area such as the Ghana Centre for Democratic Development (CDD), Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), Institute for Democratic Governance (IDEG) - Mr Speaker, let them open their doors.

Sometimes because we are Hon Members of Parliament and this comes from us, if we are not careful in the construct, people may think that this may be a self-serving exercise. If those who come around perhaps come to the forefront and own what we are saying as a country, it would have greater effect.

So let them open their doors to these bodies, include them and perhaps if there should be any report, put them at the centre stage. It would help, not only Parliament, but the cause of Ghana and indeed the democratic experiment that we have embarked on.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:24 p.m.
Should we give them up to the end of next Meeting?
Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 1:24 p.m.
Next meeting, Mr Speaker.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:24 p.m.
The Committee is hereby directed to work and report to the House by the end of the next Meeting.
That brings us to the end of Statement time.
At the Commencement of Public Business -- Presentation of Papers.
PAPERS 1:24 p.m.

Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:24 p.m.
Item numbered 5(a)(ii) -- Majority Leader.
By the Majority Leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs --
(ii) Performance Audit Report of the Auditor- General on the Dismantling and Disposal of Electronic Waste.
Referred to the Public Accounts Committee and the Committee on Environment, Science and Technology.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:24 p.m.
Item numbered 5(a)(iii).
Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 1:24 p.m.
Mr Speaker, this is the Report of the Auditor-General. I know where you are coming from; that perhaps, the sector committee may also have to see whether what they have transmitted to them is about the same as the Auditor-General has reported on.
Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 1:24 p.m.

I would urge that if they would have to be involved, perhaps, just the leadership of the Committee on Environment, Science and Technology could be there because this purely is the Report to the Public Accounts Committee. Just as in 5(a)(i), the Bank of Ghana is supposed to transmit statements on their foreign exchange receipts to the Finance Committee bi-yearly and indeed, if we should extrapolate, then we would require maybe, the leadership of the Finance Committee to also be with them so that we would have that reconciliation, and they do not come to refute what statements the Auditor-General might have committed on.

Again, in the item numbered 5(a)(i), I would plead that in that case, we add the leadership of the Finance Committee to the Public Accounts Committee in the consideration of that Report.

I beg to lay the Paper captured as 5(a)(iii) now.

By the Majority Leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs --

(iii) Annual Report of the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) for the year 2017.

Referred to the Public Accounts Committee.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:24 p.m.
Hon Deputy Minority Whip, what is your view on the suggestion that I add the leadership of the Committees on Finance and Environment, Science and Technology rather than the entire committee?
Mr Ahmed Ibrahim 1:24 p.m.
Mr Speaker, both of you are right, but in order not to make it unworthy, I believe it would be appropriate to add only the leadership as the Hon Majority Leader suggested.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:24 p.m.
Very well, I hereby vary the order earlier made in respect of items numbered 5(a)(i) and (ii). In respect of item 5(a)(i), the leadership of the Finance Committee is directed to sit with the Public Accounts Committee in consideration of the Report, and in respect of the item number 5(a)(ii), I vary the order that the leadership of the Committee on Environment, Science and Technology only, and not the entire Committee, would sit with the Public Accounts Committee.
Item numbered 5(a)(iv)- Hon Majority Leader?
Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 1:24 p.m.
Mr Speaker, we have not laid the Paper
captured as item 5(a)(iii) on the Order Paper.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:24 p.m.
I have already done that; I referred that before I went to do the variation.
Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 1:24 p.m.
Mr Speaker, for the avoidance of doubt, if you could do it again.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:24 p.m.
Very well.
By the Majority Leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs --
(iii) Annual Report of the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) for the year 2017.
Referred to the Committee on Employment, Social Welfare and State Enterprises.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:24 p.m.
Item numbered 5(a)(iv) and (v).
By the Majority Leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs --
(iv) Annual Report and Accounts Accounts of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) for the year 2018.
(v) Annual Report of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) for the year
Referred to the Special Budgets Committee.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:24 p.m.
Item numbered 5(b) -- Minister for Finance.
Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 1:24 p.m.
Mr Speaker, the Hon Minister for Finance is not here with us because of some equally compelling duties. The Hon Deputy Minister, Hon Kwaku Kwarteng is here with us. He is one of our own and so if he could hold the fort for the Hon Minister and discharge imposed by the item numbered 5(b).
By the Deputy Minister for Finance (Mr Kwaku Agyeman Kwarteng) on behalf of the (Minister for Finance) --
Request for waiver of Import Duties, Import VAT, Import NHIL/GETFund Levy, AU Levy, ECOWAS Levy, EXIM Levy and Special Import Levy amounting to the Ghana Cedi equivalent of seven million, five hundred and sixty-three thousand, nine hundred and
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:34 p.m.
Item numbered 6 -- Motion.
Hon Chairman of the Committee on Defence and the Interior?
MOTIONS 1:34 p.m.

Mr Seth Kwame Acheampong (Chairman of the Committee) 1:34 p.m.
Mr Speaker, I beg to move, that this Honourable House adopts the Report of the Committee on Defence and Interior on the Conflicts between Fulani Herdsmen and Farming
Communities in the Country as Well as the effects of their cattle on Agricultural Productivity and Security of Citizens.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:34 p.m.
Yes, Hon Ranking Member?
Mr James Agalga (NDC - Builsa North) 1:34 p.m.
Mr Speaker, I rise to second the Motion.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:34 p.m.
Yes, Hon Chairman, you may now present the Committee's Report. You just moved the Motion without presenting the Report.
Mr Seth K. Acheampong 1:34 p.m.
Thank you, very much Mr Speaker.
I now present your Committee's Report:
Mr Speaker, on Thursday, 9th February, 2017, the Hon Member for Sekyere Afram Plains Constituency, Mr. Alex Adomako-Mensah and the Hon Member for Asante Akim North Constituency, Mr Andy Appiah Kubi, made Statements on the operations of nomadic Herdsmen in the country.
In view of the sentiments and concerns expressed by Hon Members during contributions to the Statement,
the Rt. Hon Speaker referred the Statements to the Committee on Defence and Interior to investigate and report to Plenary, pursuant to Article 103 of the 1992 Constitution and Order 158 of the Standing Orders of Parliament.
In recent years, there have been a number of confrontations between farmers and Fulani herdsmen in most parts of the country which have culminated into violent clashes resulting in loss of lives and properties. This phenomenon escalated in Agogo, in the Asante Akyem North District of the Ashanti Region. This phenomenon can be attributed to the combination of the growing human and cattle population, the effects of climate change on the availability of water and forage crops as well as lack of access to foraging grounds due to the expansion of towns and villages.
Farmers in the district alleged that Fulani herdsmen destroy their farms with their cattle, rape their women and also attack and often kill farmers in the area. The movement of the cattle by herdsmen across the country often results in conflict between farmers and herdsmen because of the destruction of property by the cattle.
The cause of the numerous confrontations is due to the unrestricted grazing of cattle. Cattle roam and graze freely destroying farms and farmlands as well as polluting sources of drinking water in many areas across the country.
According to nomadic Fulani Herdsmen, they move cattle across the country because of the lack of pastureland. Pastureland for cattle grazing is gradually becoming extinct due to the expanding population and developmental projects. Climate change can also be attributed to the unavailability of enough pastureland for cattle to graze. This situation has made it difficult to rear cattle all year round. The rainy season in the country is only for a specific period making it difficult for animals to get fodder. Consequently, herdsmen are compelled to look elsewhere for greener pastures for their cattle.
The influx and permanent settlement of the nomadic Fulani herdsmen in Ghana dates back to the colonial era. As far back as the 1920s, they began to settle permanently in the Northern territories and by the 1930s their population became significant as they established numerous households in the region.
Their ingenuity in raising cattle coupled with the services they offered as cattle drovers persuaded the
Mr Seth K. Acheampong 1:34 p.m.

colonial authorities who conceived the idea of establishing Native Administration farms in the north to encourage their settlement in the Gold Coast. Major factors that fortified their settlement included their awareness of the pastoral conditions in Ghana, the thriving expansion of the cattle trade, the establishment of the Native Administration farms and the drought of the Sahelian region.

Subsequently, the farmers became attracted to the fringes of the humid zone entering the southern portions of Ghana moving into the Afram Plains and the Kwahu ridges because of the availability of well-drained rivers and adequate pasture to support cattle herding. These developments resulted in the conflicts between the farmers and Fulani herdsmen as cattle destroyed farms in the area particularly, Agogo in the Asante Akyem North District of the Ashanti Region.


The Committee held meetings with the following institutions and had recourse to the following documents in its investigations:

The National Security

The Ministry' of the Interior

The Constitution;

The Standing Orders of Parliament;

The National Commission on Small Scale Arms and Light Weapons Act. 2007. (Act 736);

Arms and Ammunition Act,

1972, (NRCD 9).

Due to the exigencies and magnitude of the problem, the Committee had to make extensive consultations with neighbouring countries like Nigeria, Burkina Faso, and Senegal for best practices and benchmarking. Hence, the inability of the Committee to report to the House expeditiously.


The Committee wishes to express its profound appreciation to the Hon. Minister for the Interior, the Hon Minister for National Security, the Minister for Defence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Assembly of Nigeria, the National Assembly of Burkina Faso and the National Assembly of Senegal as well as the Ghana Missions in the aforementioned countries, for their immense support and cooperation during the duty tour.
Mr Seth K. Acheampong 1:34 p.m.
Besides, these foreign Fulani men have agents in Ghana who aid them with their entry and exit for a fee as well as assist them in securing lands for them to settle. Also, these foreign Fulani men are in possession of dangerous and unregistered arms which they deplore to protect themselves and their cattle against theft and harassment. These arms sometimes get into the possession of the locals, who use them for robberies.
According to the Minister, the Fulani menace can be classified in two groups. There are the Fulani men who are into highway robberies and those who use animals to harass native farmers. All the groups are armed and dangerous to encounter, unless with the support of other security agencies, although the Ghana Police Service is the lead agency, it is responsible for ensuring law and order.
Fulani herdsmen who are continuously harassing and sometimes terrorising native farmland owners,

serve as a security' threat to the entire nation.


The Committee observed that the Statement made by Hon. Members on the subject matter under investigation can be viewed in two categories:

i.Fulani's who are into highway robberies; and

ii. Fulani's who use the animals to harass native farmers.

The Committee observed that over the years, several approaches including the use of joint police and military taskforces e.g “operation cow-leg 1&2”, were deployed but the problem has grown into an issue that requires more than a security approach to resolve. The Fulani equates his cattle to his life and are therefore always prepared to die for their herds.

Additionally, the reality of global warming is drying up the sahel faster than expected and forest areas of the region for greener pasture to sustain their livelihood is becoming demanding; for example drying up of Lake Chad from 21,700 kilometre square to about 2000 kilometre square for the last twenty five years.

Furthermore, it seems an irreversible trend and is further enhanced by ECOWAS promotion of integration through mobility; free movement etc. So the use of lethal force by the security services has not brought a lasting solution to the challenges posed by Fulani herdsmen. Therefore, an integrated regional approach with ECOWAS, remains a viable option looking forward.

Burkina Faso

The purpose of the delegation to Burkina Faso was to ascertain how they dealt with transhumance activities and make recommendations for same. The visit was also to augment the deepening cooperation between the two countries and share experience on best practices.

The Ghanaian delegation was informed that in Burkina Faso, the government realised that there is always conflict between farmers and herdsmen. As a result, government over the years have enacted laws to regulate the activities of herdsmen. Four Ministries have been established to regulate the movement of animals. They are the Ministry' of Security, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Animal Husbandry. These Ministries regulate the passage, grazing and watering of animals in the country. Various

stakeholders are consulted to determine the grazing site or pastoral areas of the animals.

The first pastoral zone at Samorogu in the west east part of Burkina Faso was created in 1970. The area was solely meant for only herdsmen to reside as farmers were not allowed to settle in that area. The local authorities do not permit farming in the communities designated for pastoral activities and forestry officers are mandated by law to create forest reserve for exclusive grazing.


The delegation noted that in Burkina Faso land is owned by the state and land for pastoral activities are in the domain of the state or local authorities. Burkina Faso cooperates with neighbouring states for sustainable pastoral development at the regional level, particularly in the areas of animal health, transhumance, marketing, transhumance security, their property and the settlement of disputes.

The delegation also noted that Burkina Faso has 13 regions mandated by law to designate land purposely for grazing. Local authorities are obliged by law to create special development pastoral areas

within their territorial boundaries. In consultation with the state and local authorities, organisations are involved in the sustainable management of pastoral resources and safeguarding the environment.

In pastoral areas reserved for grazing, pastoralists freely access pastoral resources and sometimes exploit the natural resources, disregarding the laws and regulations including those relating to the environment as well as those relating to the guarantee of property. However, the grassroots communities in collaboration with the relevant livestock organisations can be authorised to effectively manage these resources with a view of sustainably managing the natural resources.

Pastoral areas of special management and Collective right

The pastoral areas of special management are the subject of master plans developed by the technical services responsible for livestock in consultation with partner technical services, farmers organisations, farmers, village structures and inter- farm management and the local authorities concerned. The draft development master plan is submitted to the provincial, regional and national planning commissions for their opinion. It is adopted in accordance
Mr Seth K. Acheampong 1:34 p.m.

with the provisions in force relating to regional planning instruments.

The pastoral areas of existing special management are incorporated in the area of the state, which makes a delimitation demarcation and the registration of these spaces in its name.

This state may transfer the property to local authorities with territorial jurisdiction, for which the latter must not change the destination of the space concerned. It can also by convention, entrust the management to these local authorities and/or pastoral organi- sations.

The conditions of occupation and exploitation of pastoral areas of special management are determined by general specifications in accordance with the law. The terms of access to the pastoral areas of special management are determined by specific specifications whose regulations are set according to the case by order of the Minister responsible for livestock or by the deliberation of the council of the local authority concerned.

The collective rights are recognised in pastoral areas of special manage- ment and are considered to be legal rights. They carry on pastoral
Mr Seth K. Acheampong 1:34 p.m.

regulated by the competent authority, in particular, regarding the terms of watering, the parking and the movement of animals or regarding the protection needs of quality water resources.

The access of animals to artificial water bodies, wells and public boreholes is subject to regulations issued by the Minister for Water in conjunction with the Ministers responsible for livestock, agriculture forestry and energy. It may be subject to the payment of royalties.

Access to wells, boreholes and private water bodies is subject to prior authorisation from the owner. It is exercised in accordance with the freely negotiated agreements between the parties concerned.

Animal Mobility -- Rights and Obligations

Under the conditions provided by an Act and the regulations in force, the right to move the herds for pastoral purposes is exerted on the entire national territory. It also includes the right to cross borders which are in accordance with the ECOWAS Protocol on free movement of persons and goods. Subject to reciprocity, foreign flocks are allowed to cross national borders in the context of transhumance.

Animal care is compulsory in all seasons. Failure to keep animals constitutes a fault and attracts civil liability of the owner of herds for any damage caused to third parties.

Herds in transhumance must be accompanied by major guards in sufficient numbers in consideration of the size of the herd. The implementing legislation of the Act specifies the standards applicable to the keeping of animals in transhumance by complying with the trans-regional agreements in force, in the field of transhumance.

International transhumance herds must respect the input and output stations provided by the regulations, the periods of input and output, and reception areas are necessary.

Local authorities concerned with transhumance and pastoral organisations periodically consult each other in order to prepare and organise herd movements, particularly with regard to the departure and return periods.

Fines and Prosecutions of Offenses

Infringements of the provisions of this law are recorded by judicial police officers, municipal police officers and by sworn agents of the State services.

Judicial police officers and sworn agents of the State are empowered to investigate and confiscate in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure. Offenses against the provisions of this law constitute contraventions or offenses and are punishable by the sanctions provided for in the law.

Infringements constituting violations of the laws and regulations in force remain punishable by the sanctions provided for in the code.

Settlement of Disputes -- Conciliation

In case of dispute, the damage to the fields and the injuries suffered by the animals are constant in the presence of the parties to the conflict or their representatives. The constant is sanctioned by a trial record.

Before any contentious procedure, the settlement of disputes related to pastoral activities is subject to a compulsory conciliation procedure. This procedure takes place before a local conciliation board, in which representatives of farmers and pastoralists participate.

The conciliation procedure must involve at all stages of its implementation, the parties to the conflict or their

representatives. The result of the conciliation procedure is recorded in a conciliation or non-conciliation report. The procedures fo recog- nising the damage caused to the fields and the abuses suffered by the animals, the procedure of conciliation, the methods of establishing and keeping the minutes are determined by a decree of the Council of Ministers.

In case of conciliation, the dispute is finally terminated. The minutes mention the relinquishment of the parties to apply to the courts for the same matter. The conciliation procedure relating to disputes related to pastoral activities is specified by joint order of the Ministers responsible for livestock, agriculture, water, forests, territorial administration and justice.

In the event of non-conciliation, disputes related to pastoral activities are brought before the ordinary courts, in accordance with the law in force.


The delegation to Nigeria, informed the hosts of its mission which they said was to understudy how the nomadic issue has been managed in Nigeria. It was explained that the activities of the nomadic herdsmen are affecting
Mr Seth K. Acheampong 1:34 p.m.

communities, farms etched resulting in incessant killings, unwarranted grazing in people's farms etc. The Ghanaian delegation stated that they were in Nigeria to understudy how Nigeria has managed this concern by policy and legislation and also to learn of future plans on the matter.

A member of the delegation reiterated the comments made by the earlier speaker and conceded that as a country, Ghana has not had a coherent policy towards the nomadic herdsmen problem. He said its approach has been mainly reactionary where in the dry seasons, the nomads move from place to place to search for pastures, and this usually leads to confrontations with the farmers. He explained that some of the herdsmen are Ghanaians. He stated therefore that the delegation would be interested to find out whether or not Nigeria has legislation on the movement of nomads and how effective the legislation has been.


Diversified Herdsmen

The Delegation was informed that the nomads in Nigeria now includes some light skinned persons who are involved in attacks on local farmers and communities where there are

sometimes no cattle at all. The residents in these communities wondered why most of the victims of the violence by nomads are women and children, since women and children do not traditionally own, shepherd or fight for cattle.

The Parliamentarians were firmly of the opinion that only clashes on farms could be attributed to herder-farmer conflict, not killings of women and children who are quietly sleeping in their homes. It was asserted that the killings are purely a matter of criminality since those engaged in the killings do not even own cattle.


The Chairman of the Nigerian House on Incessant Killings further briefed the delegation that ranching has been done by about two states in Nigeria. In his opinion, even though some two states have legislation on ranching, the ranches should have been established first before requiring people to use them.

The delegation noted that there was no coordinated approach in fighting the menace and lack of legislation made matters worse. Even though there were said to be some colonial laws and rules bothering on the matter, growth in the society had rendered it impossible to strictly follow those

rules. Attempts to follow those colonial rules had resulted in clashes between the Herders and the Farmers.

Government Providing Lands as Ranches for Herdsmen

The delegation was informed that when cattle matters started in the North of Nigeria, most of the herdsmen moved to other communities and started attacking farmers and families. It was stated that crop farmers are not given lands or farms by the government; hence it would be inequitable and unsustainable for government to provide lands and ranches for herders.

Changing Dynamics of the problem in Nigeria

The Chairman of the House Committee on Intelligence and National Security stated to the delegation that the Herdsmen and Farmers' situation was experienced in the past. However, what is happening now is not what used to happen, but rather a new dimension of criminality.

He revealed that some people arrested in the State of Jos were found to be members of the terrorist group ISIS. He said these terrorists are trying to infiltrate the whole ECOWAS Region.

This point was reiterated by the Chairman of the Army Committee who revealed that some of the herdsmen are actually ISIS fighters who have been driven out of Sudan, Mali and Libya.

Kenyan Example

The delegation was informed of a mechanism learnt from Kenya where forest guards help farmers and herdsmen to solve their problems by requiring an offending herdsman to pay for crops destroyed, otherwise the cows would be sold immediately on the market so as to settle the farmer(s).

Cameroon Strategy

The delegation learnt from the hosts that Cameroon implements a policy where fulani herdsmen seek permission from local government authorities before they enter into a land to graze. Their cattle would be examined and immunised before being admitted into the locality. The cattle would also be counted and the length of their stay would be approved.

Herdsmen Problem across Anglophone West Africa

The delegation observed from the interactions that herdsmen just move around with cattle in the ECOWAS sub-region.
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It was observed that sub-national governmental structures seemed to be collapsing in the English speaking West African countries. On the contrary, local governance is still strong in the Francophone countries. The issue of nomadic herdsmen appears not to be as serious in Cameroon, Benin and most other Francophone countries in the ECOWAS sub-region.

Advanced World Examples

The delegation was informed of the practices in some advanced countries with regard to cattle rearing. In the United Kingdom, there is a legislation known as “the Enclosure Act” which prohibits free movement of cattle. The United States of America also have similar laws. The Nigerian legislators therefore advised that there are laws in other jurisdictions which can be emulated and enforced.

Changing Narrative

The Chairman of the Nigerian House Committee on Incessant Killings stated that the transhumance description has changed from “killer Herdsmen” to a search for “the real picture of the new threat that is blowing in our face”. To him, what is happening today is terrorism, whereby infiltrating terrorists are exploiting the

illiteracy of the nomads and using them as masks to perpetrate terrorism. He buttressed his point by saying that killings in Nigeria are now happening even in places where there are no pastures.

The Chairman of the Incessant Killings Committee further revealed that the nomadic herdsmen (fulanis) do not normally possess sophisticated weapons, but are very unforgiving. They are therefore now recruiting terrorist elements who usually like to hide in the bush.


Though the National Parliament of Senegal was on recess, the delegation managed a visit to the Legislature, and had the opportunity to meet with Members of the Committee on Defence and Security. This meeting was particularly insightful because they had similar mandate like the Committee on Defence and Interior. The delegation subsequently visited the Ministry for Livestock, and were warmly received by the Head of Chancery' who led the delegation to interact with their Senegalese officials on matters of transhuman activities.


During discussions with the officials, the Committee realised that Senegal

was faced with similar challenges like what pertains in Ghana. The Committee however noted that Senegal had considerably curbed the problem. Measures taken by the Senegalese Authorities include the ensuing:

i. Setting up of a Ministry of Livestock to provide policy directions.

ii. Cooperation agreements on transhumance activities with border Countries like Mali, Mauritania and Niger. These agreements are to foster mutual understanding, promote cooperation, and to ensure strict adherence to the rules and regulations governing livestock rearing in all the respective Countries.

Setting up of Ministry of Livestock

The Committee recognised that Senegal had a Ministry purposely set up for livestock rearing and related issues. The Ministry provides policy directions on any and on all matters regarding Livestock. The Ministry functions better in view of its autonomy.

Signing of Agreements with Neighbouring Countries

Senegal has cooperation agree- ments with its neighbours. This was necessitated because during seasonal changes, herdsmen migrate from Mali, Mauritania and other countries to Senegal to graze their cattle.

Similarly, herdsmen in Senegal migrate to those countries in times of drought. Consequently, Senegal had to sign agreements with its neighbours to ensure collaboration and strict adherence to laws regarding livestock rearing in all the respective Countries.

The Agreement spells out the duration for the herdsmen, and their cattle. This is to mitigate the effects of trans-human activities in the various signatory countries.

Establishment of Veterinary Post at Borders

The delegation noted that in Senegal, they have established veterinary posts at all of its borders for the screening of livestock upon entry into the country. These measures are to prevent the transmittal of diseases to humans and to cattle on migration.

Pastoral Lands

The delegation was informed about the concept of pastoral lands. Lands are allotted to herdsmen in a manner
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that facilitates their movement from one part of the country to the other to graze their cattle even during droughts. Additionally, they are allowed to graze their cattle on the farms even after harvesting, and it has limited their movement from Senegal to other countries in search of pasture.
Setting up of a Committee to Deal with Issues of Livestock
The delegation recognised that in Senegal a Committee was mandated to deal with issues related to transhumance activities. The essence of the Committee that are destroyed in the course of cattle grazing. The Committee assesses damages and determines compensation payable to the affected farmers. During Islamic festivities, arrangements are put in place to allow for duty free clearance so herders can bring their cattle to Senegal for sale. The Committee also oversees the effective implementation of the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the herdsmen when they enter the country.
A major challenge with Land Acquisition
The Committee however acknowledged that Senegal was contending with a major problem in respect of land acquisition. This

challenge has deterred prospective investors from capitalising in the cattle rearing business. The problem associated with land acquisition was because lands are solely owned by the government.


In the light of the aforementioned findings, the Committee observed that the transhumance conflict goes beyond the destruction of farms. The root cause of the conflicts is due to the competition for land space, lack of clearly demarcated lands for grazing purposes and farming, lack of pens to house the livestock, lack of cattle troughs or dams or boreholes for providing drinking water for livestock, as well as the negative labelling of the Fulani population.

To resolve the conflict will require a systematic and comprehensive approach that is participatory and transparent thus involving stake- holders to ensure that the needs and priorities of both the farmers and herders are taken into consideration. In order to achieve an amicable solution to the problem and avoid the repercussions on national and regional security, the Committee recommends the following:

Sensitisation Exercise

The Committee recommends a national sensitisation exercise for the

protection of the livestock industry. This issue must be tackled holistically from the District, Regional, National and at the International levels simultaneously, with cooperation between our neighbouring countries.

Educational tours and information regarding the transhumance activities should be embarked on to promote peace in the affected communities. The herders especially, need to be educated on non-violent means of resolving their differences with the farmers. The use of arms, cutlasses or machetes whenever there are misunderstandings should be discouraged.

Non-violent means of resolving disputes such as mediation, negotiation, and dialogues should be encouraged. All stakeholders should also be included in this peace education exercise for a sustainable solution.

A national sensitisation exercise for the protection of the livestock industry should be embarked upon engaging opinion leaders and the local people to formulate legislations in regulating the migration of Fulani herdsmen.

Security Checks at Borders

The Committee also recommends that the Security agencies, specifically the Police and the Immigration Service assigned to the borders of the country should ensure thorough checks on the

movements and activities of the Fulani herdsmen and their animals. The Immigration Service should check and register herders that enter the borders. The officers are to check and ensure that the Fulani herdsmen and their animals are fully documented. Their particulars should be taken before the requisite permits issued.

The pastoralist in transhumance are also bound by the administrative provisions, particularly as regards the possession of a certificate in the ECOWAS agreements relating to transhumance.

The admission of flocks to Ghana must be subject to the presentation of the official sanitary and the administrative documents relating to transhumance provided for by the national legislation or policy, and the regional and international agreements relating to transhumance. Herds without the required documents must be quarantined or rejected.

Veterinary Posts at Borders

The Committee recommends that each veterinary post established at the borders of the country should be adequately equipped with the necessary tools to screen and assess cattle and other livestock before passage into the country to prevent
Mr Seth K. Acheampong 1:34 p.m.

disease infected livestock infesting other livestock in the country. This will also help avert the spread of livestock diseases from neighbouring countries.

The Committee further recommends an approach where veterinary officers would have distinct tags (exclusive colours and numbers) for the cattle, and their herdsmen for easy identification. This will help in the payment of compensations when farms are destroyed by the cattle and likewise prevent the deliberate shooting of cattle by farmers. The herders should use non-violent means of resolving their disputes with farmers. The Veterinary posts must have qualified medical personnel stationed at the border posts. Every transhumance pastoralist must be obliged to comply with the legislation on animal health, particularly with regard to general measures to prevent contagious animal diseases. Even though Fulani herdsmen mostly travel through the forests and bushes, this would help eliminate the spreading of livestock diseases.

Allotment of Pastoral Lands

The Committee further recommends to the Ministry of Agriculture in consultation with the MMDAs to identify and create potential grazing fields in specified

areas for the Fulani men and their flocks. This is to aid in regulating and controlling of the movement of Fulani herdsmen and their livestock.

In Ghana, conflicts relating to the rearing of livestock are largely shaped by three interests which include farmers, herders and chiefs. The interest of the chiefs are revenue oriented, this leads to the land and its resources being released to the highest bidder. In order to avoid some of these conflicts, it is imperative that government enact the appropriate legislation to empower the District Assemblies to allot pastoral land to herdsmen for a fee depending on the size of their flock. This would avoid conflict between the herdsmen and also generate revenue for the District. The herders should also be briefed on the rules and regulations of the assemblies in the areas they reside as well as the agreements made with the chiefs. The herders must comply with the rules and regulations and failure to respect these rules and agreements can lead to ejection. The cattle owners, especially those with large flock should acquire lands outside the farming areas and fence them to confine the flock and also create fodder banks for the flock.

The chiefs are the custodians of the lands and not the owners since it is a collective property of a family or all indigenes of the community.

Therefore, the lands should not be sold or leased out to cattle owners without the involvement of their people. The chiefs who normally deal with the herdsmen should ensure that the herdsmen are not given farming or community lands.

Community Watchdog Committees

The Committee also recommends that the Metropolitan/'Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) should establish a non-partisan Community Watchdog Committee in the affected communities to serve as dialogue mechanisms that will resolve issues of transhumance as well as oversee the payment of compensations.

The Community Watchdogs should ensure that criminal issues are taken to the police or courts for redress. They must help foster communication and manage all tensions of transhumance nature.

Membership of the committee should include representatives of all the key actors including herders, farmers, Assembly members, traditional and religious authorities, police, MMDAs etc. to ensure its credibility. The modalities of operations can differ from place to place depending on the nature of the conflict.
Mr Seth K. Acheampong 1:34 p.m.

opportunities amongst others. Modern ranching and modern animal husbandry are more productive than the free movement of cattle and nomads. So even on the basis of productivity, it is better to engage in ranching. Ranching entails isolating the herdsmen from farmers which in turn would require the acquisition of appropriate lands for herdsmen and their activities. Ranching can result in adding value to communities by creating social amenities such as schools, clinics, potable water amongst others to cater for families and communities who would have otherwise been nomads.

It also holds the prospect of limiting the spread of desertification through the movement and activities of the nomads. However, ranching requires heavy capital and land acquisition. In the long run, ranching should be considered and strategies developed to gradually or systematically move to that practice.

In the short term, a critical look should be taken at the land tenure system in Ghana so as to adapt the law to the existing context. Further to this, relevant neighbouring countries should be consulted to ensure there is an agreed protocol on the issue just as Burkina Faso and Senegal has in its regulations and laws.

In the interim, Government needs to establish safe pastoral zones or grazing lands, such as the initiative at Wawase in the Afram Plains South District and preferably other vacant lands on the Afram Plains and the Northern regions where there are no farming activities. Such designated safe-zones could then be adequately supplied with potable water for both the herdsmen and their animals through the construction of dams or boreholes. Fodder banks should also be established and utilised to provide high-quality feed during the dry season and must ensure that there is no movement of cattle outside these areas demarcated for them. This can be spearheaded by the Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with MMDAs and the Forestry Commission.

The balance of crops and livestock productions is very vital to agricultural sustainability. There should be serious investment in the cattle industry. However, it is becoming obviously incompatible to practice open grazing while maintaining crops production and other natural resources like water and the forest.


The Committee referred to these annexures during its deliberations. They are available at the Committee's Secretariat.

i. The Regulations of the Committee on National Security in Burkina Faso (Annexure 1);

ii.The Regulations of the Ministry of Animal Husbandry in Burkina Faso (Annexure 2);

iii. The ECOWAS Protocol on free movement of goods and persons (Annexure 3);

iv. Report of the Research on the Herder-Farmers conflict in West Africa: Challenges for regional security (Annexure


v. (Annexure 5), The High Court ruling on the application for judicial review in the nature of mandatory injunction by:

a. Opanin Kwadwo Oduro, Aberewapong, Agogo;
Mr Seth K. Acheampong 1:34 p.m.

Mr Seth K. Acheampong 1:34 p.m.

Mr Seth K. Acheampong 1:34 p.m.

Mr Seth K. Acheampong 1:34 p.m.

Mr Seth K. Acheampong 1:34 p.m.

Mr Frist Deputy Speaker 1:44 a.m.
Yes, Hon Ranking Member?
Mr James Agalga (NDC -- Builsa North) 1:54 p.m.
Mr Speaker, I beg to second the Motion ably moved by the Hon Chairman of the Committee.
The Committee as part of its probe to find lasting solutions to the conflict, toured quite a number of countries. I travelled with the Committee to Nigeria and Senegal and another team visited Burkina Faso. These visits actually exposed members of the Committee to best practices in those countries. I would like to give a very strong indication that the francophone countries, namely Senegal and Burkina Faso, have been very successful in dealing with the farmer- herder conflicts.

Mr Speaker, in Senegal, one of the ways they have dealt with the menace is through the adoption of the concept of pastoral lands. They have been successful in this regard because in Senegal and in Burkina Faso, land is owned by the State. So their land tenure system is completely different from ours, where lands are owned by families, stools and skins and even in some cases individuals. So, if we have

to adopt the strategy which has worked very well in the francophone countries, what it means is that we would have to resort to the compulsory acquisition of lands for purposes of establishing pastoral lands but that brings me to article 20 of our Constitution. If we have to do that then the State would have to actively intervene and pay adequate compensations within a timeous manner so that owners of lands do not litigate with the State.

Mr Speaker, the Hon Chairman has indicated and it is captured in the conclusion of the Report that, that is the long term solution to the problem.

In Burkina Faso, as far back as the year 1970, the first pastoral ranch was zoned effectively because land is owned by the State and we do not need to pay compensation when you annex land for that purpose.

Mr Speaker, that is one intervention we need to consider very seriously.

The Committee also came to the conclusion that if we have to succeed in the fight against the menace posed by Fulani herdsmen, we need to have bilateral agreements between us and our neighbouring countries. Even within the context of Economic Community of West African States
Mr First Deputy Speaker 1:54 p.m.
Hon Members, having regard to the state
of Business of the House, I direct that the House Sits outside the regular Sitting hours.
Please, continue.
Mr Agalga 1:54 p.m.
Mr Speaker, thank you.
In some other jurisdictions that we have toured, they have an elaborate dispute settlement regime in place. So committees have been set up to deal with conflicts between herders and farmers when crops are destroyed. So for instance, if your cattle grazes on a farmers crops, the type of compensation that is payable to the farmer is already established. So it is known and if you do not honour your obligation to the farmer, some of the cattle are taken and auctioned off as compensation.
So, the regime is well-known. It is one way of dealing with the disputes between herders and farmers that we could adopt in our case.
Mr Speaker, with these few words, I urge the House to adopt the Committee's Report.
Mr Collins O. Amankwah(NPP — Manhyia North) 1:54 p.m.
Mr Speaker, thank you for this unique opportunity.
I rise to support the Motion ably moved by the Hon Chairman of the Committee as seconded by the Hon Ranking Member that this Honourable House adopts the Report on Defence and Interior on the conflicts between Fulani herdsmen and farming communities in the country as well as the effects of their cattle on agricultural productivity and security of the citizens.
Mr Speaker, in doing so, let me put it on record that as part of our duty tour to Burkina Faso, and that in the capacity as the leader of the delegation, I had the opportunity to engage all the relevant stakeholders as far as this particular subject matter is concerned.
We had a very fruitful discussion with the Ministries of Security, Environment, Agriculture, and Animal Husbandry. What we saw was that as far as Burkina Faso is concerned, they have designated four Ministries to regulate the activities of the herdsmen as far as the pastoral activity is concerned. This tells us that they have attached much commitment and the needed attention to this very pressing issue.
I want to talk about the issue of land ownership as eloquently espoused by the Hon Ranking Member of the Committee. In both
Mr Collins O. Amankwah(NPP — Manhyia North) 2:04 p.m.
Burkina Faso and Senegal, land is owned by the State, unlike Ghana where per the Land Administration Act and the 1992 Constitution, even when it comes to acquisition of land; whether public or stool lands - Unlike Burkina Faso, where the land is owned by the State, it gives the State absolute power when it comes to the control and use of the land.
Mr Speaker, the issue of payment of fees in Burkina Faso is real such that any herdsman cannot access land that is designated for pastoral activity without payment of fees, unlike Ghana whereby you can see cattle roaming about without properly being taken care of.
So, this brings me to the issue of animal care. I think it is very important that as a country, we ensure that if indeed, you want to rear cattle, you must be in the position to take very good care of the cattle.

In other jurisdictions like the United Kingdom, they have adequate legislation known as the “Enclosure Act”, which prohibits the movement of animals; but in our case, we do not have a coherent policy or adequate legislation to that effect. Animal care is very important, and failure to keep

an eye on animals constitutes a violation that is punishable by severe sanctions as well as terms of imprisonment.

Mr Speaker, going forward, certain recommendations have been made as far as this Report is concerned. I would want to add my voice that, the judgment that was handed by the High Court in Kumasi in 2012 on the application of judicial review in the nature of mandatory injunction, which sought to discuss the issue of social, economic and environmental problems caused by Fulanis and their cattle on Agogo and sections of the Afram Plains Municipality, must be duly executed.

So, I would appeal to the Ghana Police Service, because they are the main law enforcement agency in the country, that as part of their core mandate to maintain law and order, detect and prevent crime, they must ensure that the judgment by the High Court would be executed.

Mr Speaker, I would want to commend the current Government for such ingenuity of establishing a ranching project at Wawase in the Afram Plains South District. The local people and the local farmers are very happy -- but like Oliver Twist, they are asking for more. Mr Speaker, I know that this is a capital intensive

project but if we are ready to combat the conflict that occasionally ensues between the local farmers and the Fulani herdsmen, then the Government has an obligation to establish projects of such nature.

Mr Speaker, respectfully, I would want to end my contribution by saying that certain findings during our duty tour were envisaged, therefore we would need to have a proper legislation as far as this subject matter is concerned.

Mr Speaker, I would end here and thank you very much for this opportunity.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:04 p.m.
Hon Member for Bawku Central?
Mr Mahama Ayariga (NDC -- Bawku Central) 2:04 p.m.
Mr Speaker, thank you very much for the opportunity to speak to the Motion on the Floor.
Mr Speaker, this has been a lingering matter in terms of our national security. Year after year, we have had reports of conflicts that have often consumed life and property, and the destruction of entire communities. It is therefore,heart warming that this House sets up a committee to look into the matter and after extensive
deliberations, they have brought a report for us to consider.
Mr Speaker, I have also been an Hon Member of the ECOWAS Parliament, and this has been a major sub-regional security issue. Indeed, a few months ago, we had a special Session in Liberia where we discussed the activities of trans- humans and the security threats it poses in the sub-region. We viewed the practices of the various countries and measures that are being taken to resolve these issues, and we made appropriate recommendations, which I believe would be transmitted to the various countries for consideration.
Mr Speaker, I have looked at the Report of your Committee and the extensive consultation. Unfortunately, I have not seen any allusion to any engagements with any Fulani herdsmen. I have seen travels to Nigeria, Senegal and Burkina Faso, but I have not seen engagements with the Fulani communities and herdsmen.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:04 p.m.
Hon Vice Chairman?
Mr Amankwah 2:04 p.m.
Mr Speaker, I think that it has been captured in the Report like that when we visited Burkina Faso. In my submission, I made mention of --
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:04 p.m.
Kindly refer to the exact page of the Report.
Mr Amankwah 2:04 p.m.
Mr Speaker, time would not permit me to get the exact page, but the fact of the matter is that we engaged some herdsmen and local farmers as part of our fact- finding mission. It is in the Report, so the Hon Member should take time and go through the entire Report.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:04 p.m.
You prepared the Report; if you have not been able to find it, then how do you expect somebody who got the Report today to find it? The Committee members could please help us to the page of the consultation with the Fulani herdsmen.
Mr Ayariga 2:04 p.m.
Mr Speaker, thank you very much. We would wait for the Committee members to peruse the Report and -- [Interruption.]
Mr James Agalga 2:04 p.m.
Mr Speaker, in all truth and sincerity, we did not have engagements with Fulani herdsmen. Mr Speaker, if you look at the acknowledgements in paragraph 4, we have stated that the Committee wishes to express its profound appreciation to the Hon Minister for the Interior, the Hon Minister for National Security, the Hon Minister for Defence -- Mr
Speaker, in all sincerity, these were some of the groups we met.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:04 p.m.
Hon Vice Chairman, are you ready to tell us the exact page in the Report?
Mr Amankwah 2:04 p.m.
Mr Speaker, as part of our arrangement, he was part of the delegation that went to Nigeria and Senegal. I led the delegation to Burkina Faso, and we interacted with the herdsmen. So I am surprised -
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:04 p.m.
Hon Vice Chairman, nobody is challenging you on that, but we are saying that the Report does not reflect it. So if you did, then you did not mention it in the Report. That is all we are saying.
Mr Ayariga 2:14 p.m.
Mr Speaker, this is not to undermine the credibility of the work of this Committee, but as an Hon Member who has Fulani herdsmen in my constituency, I just want to indicate that it is important to understand the problem and to engage the people who are purported to be the problem. If we have not engaged them, but engage security apparatus -- Mr Speaker, security agents would see it as a security problem, and not easily see it as a cultural, economic, agricultural or infrastructural issue. So, if we just see it as a security issue because we have engaged security personnel, then we
may end up giving this House recommendations that are only from a security perspective.
That was why I thought that given the extensive travel in the sub-region, this Committee, at least, should have engaged Fulani herdsmen to understand the problems from their perspective, so that they could have made more informed recommenda- tions to this House regarding how we should deal with the problem of herdsmen. Mr Speaker, it is not just the herdsmen, but cattle dealers. It might be more difficult to find herdsmen, but it is not impossible.

Mr Speaker, if we go to the Kumasi abattoir, we would find the cattle dealers; if we go to Ashaiman, we would find them; and if we roam around the country, we would find cattle dealers because they work closely with the herdsmen. For instance, we slaughter thousands of cattle in Ghana everyday. On Christmas and Easter, we may even do more daily. If we were to transport cattle from Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali, looking at the transportation cost involved, sometimes, we are told it makes more economic sense for the herdsmen to drive them into the country and get as

close as possible to the southern belt. They are then transported to the various markets after they have been fattened for a number of weeks. So they are driven at the instance of cattle dealers who would pay and then take them when they get to the various destinations. So the cattle dealers understand the issues.

There was therefore the need to have engaged them. Lastly, we should engage ranches in the country because they have made recommendations regarding ranching. What is the feasibility? How easy is it to ranch in Ghana and in West Africa? We are pointing to United Kingdom (UK) and European Union (EU) as well as American practices, but we also know that agriculture in these areas is heavily subsidised by the State. This is because extensive infrastructure is needed; land preparation for grazing, infrastructure for feeding stock development, processing and others. All these are costly. Do people in this part of the globe who want to rear animals have the capacity and resources to easily do that without the level of subsidy that we see given to similar farmers in Europe and in America?

These are issues that I thought about; for this House to have benefited from the extensive work,
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:14 p.m.
I would admit one contribution more from either side, and come to Leadership.
Hon Deputy Minister for Defence, I think you should speak for Leadership.
Yes, Hon Ahmed Arthur?
Mr Ahmed Arthur (NPP -- Okaikwei South) 2:14 p.m.
Thank you, Mr Speaker, for the opportunity to contribute to this Report by your Committee.
I was part of the delegation that visited Senegal. We interacted with the Senegalese parliamentary group in charge of agriculture. During the break, we had extensive discussion where they invited other cattle owners in the country to be part of our discussion. So we had an extensive discussion, which really informed us and contributed to this particular Report before us.
Mr Speaker, the Committee, in embarking on this trip had its agenda
as to learn from the Senegalese on what they have done differently to help them solve their problem with the nomadic herdsmen. I must say that all the discussions that we had really helped us to understand how these people operate. The foundation of whatever they have done, which has helped them, is the enactment of certain laws and their implementation to ensure that nomadic herdsmen who bring animals into their country are really scrutinised. They have a situation where at the various entry points, the livestock that are brought are assembled at a particular point where they are all scrutinised and examined by veterinary officers to ensure that the animals are healthy and are in very good condition.
Secondly, the local assembly also plays a role in that exercise to ensure that the number of livestock that are brought in are levied. This is paid to the local assembly at that point to raise money. Beyond these measures they have put in place, they have also created places where the animals could go and graze over a period, and they are charged for the time the animals are kept in their country. So they have tried to build a very formal and cordial relationship with these herdsmen.
Going forward, as a country, I think we should also look at how we could
Mr Ahmed Arthur (NPP -- Okaikwei South) 2:24 a.m.
build that kind of relationship with the nomadic herdsmen, and probably raise some money from it.

When these are legitimised and they know that they are coming through the right channel, they would come with confidence to do their business in the right way and leave.

If we could create and allocate banks for these nomadic herdsmen to feed their animals for a fee, I believe it would also take away the problem of livestock straying into people's farms, and destroying or creating all these hullabaloos and tensions that we have in the country.

Mr Speaker, the discussions that we had during our travel, I believe, have been captured very well in the Report. I would only plead that this Report is implemented, so that we could have our peace as a nation.

Beyond that, one thing that also came out in all the discussions was security. We are just looking at people transporting livestock, but there are situations where in transporting the livestock, they come along with ammunitions, and it creates problems for us. That is one route by which people infiltrate and bring ammuni- tions into the country.
Mr Samuel A. Jabanyite (NDC -- Chereponi) 2:24 a.m.
Thank you, Mr Speaker, for the opportunity to contribute to the Report ably made by the Hon Chairman of the Committee.
Mr Speaker, before I make further observations, let me commend the Committee for such elaborate findings and recommendations.
I would however, wish to draw the attention of the House to some works already carried out. In making my submission, I would want to be kindly
permitted to make reference to such authorities, as far as this issue is concerned.
Works by Michael Appiah of 2011, entitled “Land Dispute Resolutions in Ghana, Role of Customary Land Secretariats.” He makes particular reference to the Gbawe Land case.
Another work by Odame Larbi of 2008, entitled “Compulsory Land Acquisition and Compensation in Ghana, Searching for Alternative Policies and Strategies.” I like to bring out or make highlights for the purposes of recording, and also for us to know exactly what this whole business of land policy is about in Ghana.
In these two works, they have clearly stated that in Ghana, land is held from stool lands, skin lands, families or clans, which are the allodial owners. These are known as customary lands. According to Appiah (2011), these make up about 80 per cent of the total lands in Ghana.
We also have public lands, which form 20 per cent, which are made up of State and vested lands. They go on to explain what State or vested lands are. In their submission, they explain that, State lands mean that the State holds an area by acquisition
from traditional allodial owners. They explain further that, vested lands refer to those plots owned by the State and customary authorities in the form of partnership, which is split ownership. This is by Larbi, (2008).
Mr Speaker, they go further to explain the type of interest land holds in Ghana. It states that in Ghana, land is distributed and leased with various titles. So they identify the allodial title as the highest form in Ghana. For them, it is only traditional leaders, families and the Ghanaian Govern- ment that could hold such titles.
They also identified two types of free hold titles. These include the customary free hold and the common law free hold. They go further to identify free lease hold as a type of title.
Why do I make reference to all these? It is because from the Report that has been presented and what we know, it does appear that works that have been done in this area are in bits, pieces and disjointed. As a country, we do not have a law; a full land use policy that would clearly demarcate the various purposes of land use, in which the various agricultural or other industrial use of land could be put together collectively.

As a result of that, going forward, as one of the solutions, I would recommend that we see how we could study Ghana as a whole, to identify the various areas for which various programmes and projects could be identified, including the use of grazing lands for cattle and other animals.

Mr Speaker, in so doing, the problem of the Fulani herdsmen and all that are issues that could be resolved, looking at how lands could be demarcated, how the State could take control, and how Chiefs could be taken away in meddling in these affairs and always clashing with the heads of the local community, members and cattle owners.

I believe that policy is the way to go; where we would get a policy that would work. This could be multifaceted, whether from agriculture, lands, environment et cetera.

I believe that going this way is the best. So in considering this matter for this august House, I would like to urge that those observations made be taken on board.

Thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:24 a.m.
Frankly, I wanted to give the last word to the Hon Deputy Minister for Defence, but the Hon Leader keeps pushing me to give the former Hon Minister for Inner-City and Zongo Development the opportunity. I do not know what it is, but I would hear him.
Alhaji Abu-Bakar Saddique Boniface (NPP -- Madina) 2:34 p.m.
Thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr Speaker, I rise to support and call on Hon Members to commend this Report and approve it.
Mr Speaker, I would want to commend the Hon Members of the Committee for the extensive job done. I however, know that definitely for every job done, we would find some shortcomings.
Mr Speaker, when we talk about the Fulani herdsmen, we must go back to the genesis. This is because sometimes we fail to realise that Fulanis come in three forms. We have the nomadic Fulanis, who move from country to country, and the cattle seizers who are specialists in seizing people's cattle. The last has to do with the indigenous people, who have stayed in Ghana since the year 1900 and became more popular in the 1920s and 1930s.
However, coming to the substantive matter, the problem we face today has to do with the limited and static supply of land. Unfortunately, our population is growing, and the Government is carrying out other developmental projects. It therefore, becomes a problem.
In the past, if we would remember, there was nowhere that cattle herdsmen would bring their cattle into this country without passing through the north. The reason they were based in the north was the fact that it had been cleared of the problem of trypanosomiasis, which was a disease that could easily kill, and even end up infecting folks with what we call “sleeping sickness”.

So no cattle owner would allow his cattle to be transported to the south but after it had been cleared, they decided to move. That was how they flooded areas like the Afram Plains and other parts of the country.

Mr Speaker, apart from that, we should realise that when they were in the north in the early days, there was no confusion between farmers and cattle herdsmen but in recent times, there are. It has to do with education.

Due to their nature, when they move in, we do not study them.

I am happy that my Hon Colleague said that they have some studies carried out. We have not looked at the bad side of the cattle when they come to this country. Mr Speaker, when a cattle passes across a lane once, it is like putting a roller on the ground. It becomes so hard; even if one cultivates the land, he would get nothing. We have not looked at that part.

Secondly, security officials of this country must wake up. All our borders are very porous, so any cattle herdsman passing -- We could have one man owning about 10,000 or 20,000 cattle that passes through our borders.

Unfortunately, I have not seen any herd of cattle pass and the herdsman himself had been stopped, and the number of cattle that he brought with him to Ghana had been recorded.

Mr Speaker, first of all, we would know the number of Fulanis who have entered the country. Secondly, we could know the number of cows in this country, but as I speak, I do not think we have the record. If it is now that we would want to start, that would help us. We need to look at it very carefully.
Alhaji Abu-Bakar Saddique Boniface (NPP -- Madina) 2:34 p.m.

The relationship between the cattle herdsmen and farmers is always a problem. As soon as herdsmen come into a village or town, the first person they see is the chief because land is owned by the traditional authorities. The Government has little. In other countries that were mentioned, such as Nigeria, Senegal, Mali and Burkina Faso, substantial part of the land is owned by the Government. So, they are able to control the herdsmen and their cattle.

It is high time we establish land banks in Ghana. With the land banks, as I said, if the cattle is restricted to a particular place, they could be there for 10 years. After that, we could adopt shifting cultivation and, move them to another place when the land becomes infertile, but come back to the same place because of their feeding and faecal waste, which would enrich the soil. Bringing the farmers back to that side would help us very well. It is so important that we look at it, for it would help us.

Mr Speaker, another thing I realised was that, some Hon Members talked about farmlands. They have forgotten of the rivers. When the Gudali enters a river, it can swim. All the fishing nets are destroyed within seconds. When we go to places like Buipe, Yapei, Yeji, Makango,

Adovukpe and the rest, the people always cry because after grazing, the cattle passes through the river. Before the fishermen realise that the cattle are in the river, all their fishing nets are destroyed. We need to look at it carefully.

When one goes to parts of the Volta Region, such as Dzemeni and the rest, the fishermen always suffer. It is so important that we look at all those things as it would help us. Ghana has been so lenient, careful and religious. All these people come in because of draught and when they do, we allow them. They pass through without paying any fees because of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) policy. We should remember that even in their own countries, when they move from one region to another, they are well recorded to know the number of animals that have moved from one region to the other. At the end, they could then send them back.

Mr Speaker, we need to look at all those sides that I have talked about. We have lost a lot of fishes in the rivers and now, there are no fishes. We cannot get them in Ghana. We talked about fingerlings this morning. In those days, when one went to a place like Yeji and took a bucket and fetched water, he would fetch the Akosombo fish alongside and go and

eat. Today, where are they? We can hardly get the Akosombo fish at Yeji or Yapei, unless in the Asuogyaman area. It is so important that there should be proper collaboration between the traditional authorities and the Government, so that they could come to a consensus to work on this issue.

Recently, even our goods going to Nigeria -- We are in the same ECOWAS confines, but our people were denied entry. It is important that though ECOWAS allows free movement of goods and services, animals and human beings, we should not forget that before the animals come into our country they have to be certified that they are healthy.

Some of the human beings themselves come under the cover that they are West Africans, but some of them are terrorists. Some are members of Boko Haram or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). They have been trained, so we need to be careful.

We would sit down and think that these people are bringing us meat; but after that, we would pay dearly for it because they have already sworn to give up their lives. [Interruption.] Boko Haram is not Islam. They have their own policies, and we need to look at it carefully.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:34 p.m.
Hon Minister, wind up.
Alhaji Boniface 2:34 p.m.
On this note, Mr Speaker, thank you for giving me the opportunity to also speak my mind, hence I call on Hon Colleagues to support the Motion.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:34 p.m.
Hon Deputy Minister for Defence?
Deputy Minister for Defence (Maj. Derek Oduro (retd): Mr Speaker, I thank you for the
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:44 a.m.

opportunity to contribute to the Motion moved by the Hon Chairman of the Defence and Interior Committee.

Mr Speaker, the activities of Fulani herdsmen in the country have become a very serious issue. It is not only in Ghana, but in other West African countries. If we go to Ivory Coast, they have the same problem. If you go to Burkina Faso, the problem is worse. If we go to Togo and even to as far down as Cameroon -- All these countries experience the problem of Fulani herdsmen.

Mr Speaker, we are not talking about every Fulani herdsman, but the nomadic ones -- those who cross the border illegally and bring their cattle into the country. We have Ghanaian Fulanis who are here; we are not talking about them. We have our northern folks who have cattle in Ghana. They control them, so we do not have problem with them but those who do not pass through the borders.

The Report of the Committee indicates that there should be checks at the borders to find out the animals that have diseases to be controlled, and register them. Which point should they be registered?

They pass through these porous borders; they do not pass through those areas that we have the Immigration, Police, Customs and other border security agencies. Our borders are porous! They pass through these areas and enter the country.

Mr Speaker, apart from the animals grazing on our farmlands, the herdsmen bring in weapons, AK 47and other ammunition. Rape and proliferation of small arms partly are on the increase because of the activities of the Fulani herdsmen. They tie the weapons around the bellies of the cattle and are put in the centre of the herd and we have, as an Hon Colleague said, over ten thousand cattle within the group and we would not be able to discover the weapons. And those who are the security men at those entry points who check to find out those who are entering illegally or those who are bringing in arms and ammunition.

Mr Speaker, as I said, apart from the animals grazing on the farmlands, the Fulani herdsmen also embark on armed robbery activities on our roads, killing our people. They rape our women, as already been alluded to, and a lot of marriages are broken. Go to Agogo area, Nkoranza North and

South, Kintampo and Atebubu, these areas have suffered greatly from the activities of the Fulani herdsmen.

Hon Ayariga said that they did not consult the Fulani people when they embarked on those trips. He should as well say that the security agencies should consult armed robbers. Why should we consult those who are wilfully breaking our laws? ECOWAS Protocol of free movement of goods and people does not say that citizens of member states should enter member countries illegally. The Fulani herdsmen know that—
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:44 a.m.
Hon Deputy Minister, hold on.
Yes, Hon Ayariga?
Mr Ayariga 2:44 a.m.
On a point of Order.
Mr Speaker, our Hon Colleague just mentioned that the Fulani come in three different categories; we have the herdsmen, we have the settlers who have settled at one location and we have the cattle rustlers. Now, if we had engaged herdsmen, they would tell us - and I know that if they are moving with about seven hundred cattle from Burkina Faso to Ghana or from Niger down to somewhere around Lomé, they must put in place security arrangements both to protect their own lives as people driving cattle
and to protect the animals from rustlers.
If we engage them, we would appreciate their security needs so, if we see an AK 47 among what the Fulani herdsmen are carrying, we may understand that they need it because they are passing through the bush and our police force and armed forces are not in the bush with them where cattle rustlers would meet them and try to take the animals from them. So we would now figure that since their issue is about security during transits when they are not passing through a town where the security agencies would be available to protect them, how do they manage security for them in the forest? That is why engaging them is important.
And if we —
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:44 a.m.
Hon Member, your point is well made.
Yes, Hon Deputy Minister, you may conclude.
Maj Oduro [Rtd]: Mr Speaker, my Hon Colleague is still refusing to understand that these Fulani herdsmen are not law abiding.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:44 a.m.
Hon Deputy Minister, please, speak to the Report.
Mr A. Sayibu 2:44 a.m.
On a point of Order. Mr Speaker, thank you very much for the opportunity. I just wish to draw the Hon Deputy Minister's attention to what could easily be misconstrued to be ethnic profiling and stereotyping even as we discuss this very important subject.
The reference to -- and even the Report also does same; the cattle
rustlers, these nomadic Fulanis have created a lot of disaffection for very well meaning Fulanis in our communities across the country. Repeatedly, they have made presentations to the effect that when conversations of this nature are done, it is important that they are not stereotyped and put in the light that attracts attention that is undeserving to them.
So, Mr Speaker, I just want to draw the Hon Deputy Minister's attention to a possible stereotyping and ethnic profiling that is not appropriate.
Thank you.
Maj Oduro [Rtd]: Mr Speaker, I am not infringing on any ethnicity; areas where it would create tension and differences between and among clans, tribes and so on. That is not what I am saying. I am talking about the nomadic Fulanis who do not abide by the laws of this country.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:54 a.m.
Hon Deputy Minister, hold on; I just want us to clarify this; I am looking at Statements which were made two and a half years ago which were referred to this Committee. The Statements were made by the Hon Member for Sekyere Afram Plains, Hon Alex
Adomako-Mensah and Hon Andy Appiah-Kubi dated 9th February, 2017. They referred to nomadic herdsmen.
So let us stay within that so we do not compromise the discussion with any conflict of profiling or any such thing.
Thank you.

Maj Oduro (Rtd): Thank you very much. Mr Speaker, all that we are saying is that we also recommend that the Report of the Committee should be made available to all stakeholders. We are talking about the Ministry of Agriculture, Immigration, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, Farmers Association and all those who come face to face with this nomadic herdsmen's activities. This would enable us sit down and plan very well.

We are most grateful to the Government for instituting Operation Cowleg which deals with the activities of nomadic herdsmen. We would urge them to increase the tempo of Operation Cowleg because as soon as they move to an area, the herdsmen
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:54 a.m.
Hon Members, it has taken us two years to come this far. The findings as contained here are hereby to be forwarded to the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of the Interior, to guide them in their work in protecting life and property.
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:54 a.m.
Hon First Deputy Minority Whip, there is no indication. I said that after the three persons, I would give the Leaders the opportunity to contribute. The
Leaders gave out their positions, so I am done.
Mr A. Ibrahim 2:54 a.m.
Mr Speaker, I was just going to give mine to --
Mr First Deputy Speaker 2:54 a.m.
You were not even in the Chamber. [Laughter] That is the end of the discussion on this Report and I have given my directions as to where it should go. I am done. The Report should be referred to the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of the Interior. They would protect the farmers and the herdsmen from rustlers and so on.
That brings us to the end of proceedings for today and it is past 3 o'clock. Before we adjourn, there is this announcement.
I am pleased to remind you of Mr Speaker's Prayer Breakfast Meeting which would come off tomorrow, 30th October,2019 at 8:00 a.m. at Mr Speaker's Lounge on the 12th Floor of the Job 600 Building.
The Prayer Meeting is in collaboration with the National Coalition for Proper Human Sexual Rights and Family Values and is geared towards strengthening the African family system for sustainable development.
Hon Members, we have also done our human part in the furtherance of the development efforts of our country. We must however continue to seek the face of the Almighty God who alone can grant us real success in all that we do. I therefore implore all Hon Members to attend the meeting and on time.
[MAJ ODURO (RETD)] The House is adjourned till tomorrow, 30th October, 2019, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.

  • The House was adjourned at 3.01 p. m. till Wednesday, 30th October, 2019 at 10.00 a.m.