Mr Speaker, first of all what we are doing is part of the framework of governance that we want to provide which would make our country investment friendly. In that regard, we should know also that Ghana is not an island. We are in competition with countries even in the sub region. So, at the end of every consideration, we should pivot whatever consideration on the fact that we are not an island and we are in competition with other countries.
Mr Speaker, now, a body submits an application for a licence and clause 7 provides that within ten working days of the receipt of the application, we must acknowledge in writing the receipt of the application. Then, within six months after the receipt, they are supposed to come with a decision after their own investigations.
But in a peculiar case within that period of ten days in addition to the six months they have not come to a decision yet because they require additional information or they want to conclude an investigation that they are conducting. So, within fourteen days, they are required to notify the person. If they require additional information,
submit the information to the person. If they want to conduct or conclude their investigation, they would want to do so within a certain defined time.
Mr Speaker, now, what is provided here in the Bill says, they still have a further three months. With three months, plus six months in addition to ten working days, we are talking about nine and half months in addition to the fourteen days which is almost ten months before one gets a licence. To me, we do not want to make our country investment friendly.
Mr Speaker, so, if they are conducting any investigation, there should be a limit to litigation and investigation because some investigation could be interminable. In that case, they come to the decision that, no, because I am not in a position to conclude this, for the time being, the person cannot have it. Let the person know that they cannot grant him or her the licence. They cannot let it go on interminably.
Mr Speaker, so, I think that the one month addition that has been given is sufficient except that we should tidy up because the proposal from the Committee was that we should delete ‘subsequently' and insert ‘shall within
three months'. Three months of what? We are now saying; ‘it shall be done within one month'. One month of what?
So, let us further qualify it by saying that;
‘Despite paragraph (b) of subsection (7), where the Bank of Ghana determines that further investigations or information is required to process the application, the Bank of Ghana shall, within fourteen days after the six month period specify under paragraph (b) of subsection (7), notify the applicant and shall, within 30 days after the expiry of the 14 day notification period, inform the applicant in writing.'
Mr Speaker, ‘inform the applicant in writing of the decision of the Bank of Ghana' what it means is that the 14 day notification period has elapsed and then we have, within one month to make a final decision.
However, if we leave it without further qualification, it is vague and that would also be suspended. So, let us further qualify that such that we are clear in our minds where the 30 days begins and that is what provision that we have added.