Mr Speaker, this Bill that has come to Parliament for consideration and passage, is long overdue.
As the Hon Member for Tamale Central, Alhaji Fuseini, indicated, the Council of State is intended under the Constitution to perform some very important functions especially, in the consideration of Bills.
Mr Speaker, with your permission, I beg to quote article 90 of the Constitution which provides:
“A bill which has been published in the Gazette or passed by Parliament shall be considered by the Council of Sate if the President so requests''.
Mr Speaker, however, in article 91 (3), it says and with your permission I beg quote.
“The Council of State may, upon request or on its own initiative, consider and make recommendations on any matter being considered or dealt with by the President, a Minister or State, Parliament…''
What this means is that contemporaneously as Parliament considers any Bill, they should also
consider it because where even the Bill has been passed by Parliament and the President refuses to accent it but refers it to the Council of State for their views, they ought to listen to us to know the conclusions that we drew and the provisions. If they do not listen to us, they would be in darkness.
So, any referral to them or any observation and conclusion that they also come to, perhaps would not have any relevance. It is the reason I have had some serious discussion with the present chairman of the Council of State. Any of the Bills that come to Parliament, I remit same to him so that the Council of State could consider them but they do not come with responses to us, which is something that is lacked. For this reason, I believe what has happened now even though a bit belated, is still relevant to fulfilling the imperatives of the Constitution.
Mr Speaker, the Hon Minority Leader raided to some discussion that I had with him this morning on the composition of the Council of State. I do not know what we may want to do with it because the composition in article 89 (2), provides that the Council of State shall have the following persons comprising the Council of State and one is, one person who has previously held the office of Chief Justice, Chief of
Defence Staff, Inspector-General of Police and the President of the National House of Chiefs. In article 89 (1) (c), it states, one representative from each of the regions.
We used to have 10 regions, which is why the President then appoints 11 other members and those 11 members -- the 10 reflected the number of regions. So, one each from the regions and then one by the President himself, which is the 11th person. Today, there are 16 regions, so what do we do? Do we still cling to the number 11? We cannot. We would have to increase that number from 11 to 17. However, fortunately for us, the entire provision on the Council of State is not entrenched so, Parliament could initiate the processes to amend it to increase the number to 17 to reflect the number of regions that we have.
Mr Speaker, we could in earnest begin with this except that with the more entrenched position, it would first have to be gazetted and we would have to wait for three months. If we have to do it now and wait for three months, it would enter into the next Parliament and certainly, it cannot be pursued. So, maybe, we could initiate the process and wait until the next dispensation but that would also require them to begin afresh because what we would start now cannot be
carried on by the next Parliament and that is the difficulty. However, it is something that we have to dialogue with the President on and I believe he has his own ideas that the number should increase to 17.
Mr Speaker, we should activate the Council of State. For now, they only operate behind the scenes and what work that they do, which should be germane to expanding the frontiers of our democracy and governance, is not known to anybody. In particular, in the consideration of Bills, they should be reinvigorated and repositioned to perform the function that is entrusted to them by the Constitution.
Mr Speaker, with these few words, I also support the proposal to pass this Bill. We should do it as fast as we possibly can.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Question put and Motion agreed to.
The Council of State Bill, 2020 accordingly read a Second time.