Mr Speaker, I think if Iunderstood the earlier argument, it wasagainst generally having the Hon Ministerempowered to make guidelines. But fromclause 21, it is clear that, for the properfunctioning of this legislation in certainareas, the Hon Minister has to be givenpower to issue guidelines. So, clause 105is a general statement of a principle thatwe have already enacted, which is that,there is a power to issue guidelines. So, if you accept that, as clause 21 cangive the Hon Minister the power to issueguidelines, how can you oppose clause105 which then says that, for the effectiveimplementation of the Act generally --[Interruption] -- Yes, it is because there are specificprovisions relating to regulations andthose specific provisions are in clause 107where the regulations -- [Interruption.]Also, in relation to regulations, you haveto get an omnibus provision that says that,in other areas where there is the need tohave Regulations, the Hon Ministershould bring it before this House. In the same way, when you makespecific provisions regarding theissuance of guidelines, it is notforeseeable that, all circumstances forwhich the guidelines should be issued,may be captured at this time when we areenacting the legislation. So, we also createroom for that. [Interruption.] If I knew the example, we would havecaptured it now. But we may findourselves in a situation where in future,the Hon Minister would realise that, thereare matters that are not properly for him
to come back to Parliament and they couldsimply be addressed by issuance ofguidelines. That is why clause 105 givesthe Hon Minister room to issue guidelinesin those circumstances. If we could be specific abouteverything, then these provisions thatyou are pointing at in clause 107 (b) wouldnot be necessary. If we could foresee allthe situations where Regulations shouldbe made, then we should not havesubclause (p). So, if we accept that, even in makingRegulations, we cannot foresee all thecircumstances, then we must also acceptthat, in the issuance of guidelines, evenunder clause 21, which you accept, wemay not be able to foresee all thecircumstances and therefore, we shouldhave a clause that enables the HonMinister when such issues arise, to issueguidelines.