Mr Speaker, thank you for givingme the opportunity to contribute to theMotion, that this Honourable Houseapproves the sum of GH¢ 1,888,203,389.00as Supplementary Estimates for the 2016financial year. Mr Speaker, in so doing, I would wantto make a few comments. Mr Speaker, when the Hon Ministerread the Budget Statement in the House, Ihad only one expectation. That he wasgoing to seek approval from this Houseto allow him to spend the levies that hehad collected, so that we could begin todeal with the energy problem. Mr Speaker, you would recall that, inDecember, 2015, this House approved theEnergy Sector Levies Act but we did notgive the Minister any authorisation to
spend the money because theAppropriations Act had come into being.When we were told about the Supplemen-tary Budget, to me was an opportunityfor the Hon Minister to come and say heneeded the Supplementary Budget so hecould spend it on where he is supposedto do that. Unfortunately, it is not here. Now, ifwe consider our short-term problems inthe Energy Sector, unless the HonMinister plans to come back with a secondSupplementary Budget, he cannot spendthat money. In the meantime, there areproblems in the Energy Sector. If one reads the Budget carefully, theMinister suggested that, the Governmentwas negotiating with the banks and thatthey had paid GH¢250 million. I believe Idid not hear that he said that. I wouldrather pretend he said that they werenegotiating. This is because, he cannotspend something that he does not haveapproval for. So, I would want to advise the Ministryof Finance that, if they have to callParliament back to do the right thing, theyshould do so, otherwise, by ourConstitution, they cannot spend anymoney to deal with the Energy Sectorproblem. That opportunity has been lost. Mr Speaker, the second thing is that,he partially fulfilled part of thatconstitutional requirement. Surprisingly,the only part of the Energy Sector LeviesAct that he brought into the Budget forwhich we are debating is the Road Fund;l -- The additional GH¢780 million heasked us to give him approval to spend.That is proper, but that is not as seriousas the other one that is missed. I believe itis partial fulfilment. The next thing that he did, was toreview the Budget and give us a few forwhat has happened for the first six months.Mr Speaker, I have a lot to say, but I do
not intend to say a lot, given the time thatwe are debating such an importantBudget. Mr Speaker, the Hon Minister or theHon Deputy Minister has already gonepublic to make some corrections in thisbudget. I refer to page 68 of theSupplementary Budget. He has publiclywritten a statement in the National Dailies. Mr Speaker, that relates to the fact that,Government is drawing down on itsdeposits as opposed to borrowing fromthe Central Bank. Mr Speaker, you would recall that, I hada hot debate with the Hon Deputy Ministerthat, as far as this table was concerned,when he puts the figure GH¢1,445,292,426as a positive number, it means borrowing;not drawing down. In that sense, the tablehe has presented to us is virtuallyincorrect. If it is true they are drawing down, itshould be negative. Mr Speaker, once hechanges the negatives, that financingtable would have to be changed. That isthe problem that we are debating, whichthey have not as yet corrected. Maybe,there is a correction coming and I hope tosee that. Mr Speaker, in the same page, page 68of the Budget Estimate, under the heading“Domestic (net)”, technically speaking,when we put in the positive number, itmeans that we are borrowing. If we areactually drawing down, then it should benegative. But once you change that negativenumber, that whole table would need tobe reconstructed. Unless of course theyare going to change it, we would havedifficulty in terms of approving a wrongBudget table. This is because, they have
said that, they are drawing down. That isfine; I do not have a problem with that.My difficulty is that, what we would beapproving would be incorrect. Mr Speaker, I have made this known tothe people concerned. I do not know ifthey have taken the remedial measures. Itis not that I am springing upon them. Ihave told the Hon Minister and the twoHon Deputy Ministers that, I have adifficulty. Whiles we are at it, on that same page,the last column, the last number readsGH¢149,569,848,000. Mr Speaker, thatnumber is also incorrect. It should beGH¢162,527,848,302. I say this because, the revised Budgetfor non-oil GDP is GH¢162 million. Whenyou do the Supplementary Budget, itcannot revert back to the original Budget;it must be the same. So I do not knowwhat happened. That needs to becorrected. It is quite possible that, they have donethe correction because I told them so thatwe can move forward. Mr Speaker, if theyhave done it, I would not have anydifficulty.
Mr Speaker, let me add yet anothercomment. If somebody were to ask uswhat we are doing in this Budget, weshould know. We are only doing twothings in terms of expenditure: we arespending GH¢2 billion to try to retire the2017 bond of approximately GH¢500million. That is one major expenditure. The second thing we are doing is;because of the excess revenues from theRoad Fund, we are asked to give approvalto spend it. If that is GH¢2 billion and theRoad Fund estimates is GH¢784 million,why does the Minister ask for GH¢1.88billion?